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Awesome Friend
Nov 25, 2017
No the sky isn't falling but there just might be something falling from the sky that we should know about. Early this morning the skies were blue without a cloud to be seen. That soon changed.
I am talking about chem trails and no they aren't jet vapor trails because those don't even exist from the present jet engine turbines. Something I also noticed was the planes leaving the trails/spraying were flying so high they couldn't even be heard and could barely be seen if at all. Sometimes all I could see was the trail being formed. I live within 70 miles of any three airports around/near Houston and I can darn straight hear the passenger planes as they pass over my area. Oh and also the planes I can hear for some reason aren't creating any trails so that again busts that the trails are from vapor condensation.
I really would like it if some of the members here would occasionally look up and see if they notice any chem trails. Yep some are going to say this is total bologna but you just might change your thinking about it after you start looking up at the shy more often. Sorry but jet passenger planes don't fly a tic tac toe flight pattern either which is what often the chem trails form in the sky. Notice in the pics the fine line trail between the wider expanded trails. That fine line cloud trail is what then mushrooms out to form the wide plum trails. Sorry but vapor trails, which are bologna, don't expand to 50 times wider and stay in the sky for hours.

Yeah. Those damn B-17s, P-51s, P-47s, Bf-109s, Hurricanes, and Spitfires sure were annoying with those contrails they left with their jet engines. Damn weather control bastards.

Oh wait.
Well I am fairly sure there weren't any plane dog fights going on in my area. I am darn sure this pic isn't an example of a flight pattern to or from any airport near me. Strange how an X showing in one of the above pics is now a really big expanded cloud line. Believe what they want you to believe and I will believe according to what I see.
flightpattern 001.JPG

Also these trails are not several streaming from a plane but only one thin line trail which expands an unreal amount. I guess only one of the turbines on some planes could be the cause a single trail.
You do realize that wind speeds at 30,000 feet can be quite high, yes? It’s called the “jet stream” for a reason.
Discussions are great. I am always open to discussion.
My next question then is why are there suddenly so many planes flying so high and seemingly in one vast area? Creating an unreal amount of contrails cris crossing that happened starting early morning and is still going on six hours later? That is NOT any usual flight pattern but I bet it is a planned pattern.
I appreciate this discussion.

There are hundreds, sometimes thousands of commercial and military aircraft flying over the United States at any given time. Depending on the weather conditions and wind speeds aloft, contrails can vanish in minutes or last quite some time.
Interesting web site. Here is a quote from it that dispels long lasting trails."Aerodynamic contrails don't last long. As soon as the aerodynamically cooled air comes back up to ambient temperature, the contrails dissipate. That's why aerodynamic contrails are so short lived" Another from same site. "Aircraft can produce both types of contrails at the same time. When an aircraft is cruising at a high flight level where the air is thin, its high angle of attack can produce an aerodynamic contrail if the humidity's high. If the temperature's extremely cold, which usually is the case in the high flight levels, it can create exhaust contrails, too. You'll see the aerodynamic contrail disappear quickly, but the exhaust contrail will last considerably longer". How much longer? It didn't say. I seriously doubt they will last 6 hours.

Here is a site to check out. There is a very big reason we are not hearing anything about geo weather engineering except that it is conspiracy bologna from people that have tin foil cowboy hats. LMAO.

Interesting thing is that a couple days before my area and Houston got flooded the skies in my area had contrails all over. Coincidence?
Here's another..
We’ll just have to agree to disagree. ✅
If I happen to be awake between 0335 and 0339 I sometimes see streaks like those near the ceiling in my bedroom. Always in summertime, and high humidity. I have blamed 'those GDF flies', though I can't hear them (don't wear my hearing aids to bed).
So as some one who has an uncle who just retired after 20+ years of Air Force and civilian transportation flying plus a brother in law who works for Air Bus as a contractor and was part of the Perlan project and I have two degrees in science (Environmental Science), I feel very secure that the contrails you are observing are harmless to you.
I respect agreeing to disagree.
Here is a video supported by Oathkeepers.
In the video you can find out whether your area is getting the once called bombs away scenario. What you can't see can't hurt you is possibly the biggest lie ever told. If you can't see it, touch it, hear it or taste it then you are easily led to believe what they want you to believe. Is agenda 21 a total crock of conspiracy lunacy?
No the sky isn't falling but there just might be something falling from the sky that we should know about. Early this morning the skies were blue without a cloud to be seen. That soon changed.
I am talking about chem trails and no they aren't jet vapor trails because those don't even exist from the present jet engine turbines. Something I also noticed was the planes leaving the trails/spraying were flying so high they couldn't even be heard and could barely be seen if at all. Sometimes all I could see was the trail being formed. I live within 70 miles of any three airports around/near Houston and I can darn straight hear the passenger planes as they pass over my area. Oh and also the planes I can hear for some reason aren't creating any trails so that again busts that the trails are from vapor condensation.
I really would like it if some of the members here would occasionally look up and see if they notice any chem trails. Yep some are going to say this is total bologna but you just might change your thinking about it after you start looking up at the shy more often. Sorry but jet passenger planes don't fly a tic tac toe flight pattern either which is what often the chem trails form in the sky. Notice in the pics the fine line trail between the wider expanded trails. That fine line cloud trail is what then mushrooms out to form the wide plum trails. Sorry but vapor trails, which are bologna, don't expand to 50 times wider and stay in the sky for hours.
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Are you serious ?.....................:lol:

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