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We do. We have dogs, cats, birds, a snake, chinchilla, horses, goats, pigs, chickens, rabbits, ducks and who knows what hanging out around here. Certainly some of the animals are livestock but have to stock for them as well. I can up meat scraps for the dogs to be fed with rice or some other grain to feed them. Hay for the horses, goats, rabbits, and pigs. Garden trim for the rabbits, chickens, and ducks. Roadkill for the chickens and ducks (they eat anything not nailed down). The cats eat the same as the dogs. The birds and chinchilla, well, I've got feed for them and when that runs out the birds will be set loose and the chinchilla... will fill a stomach somewhere. The snake will be turned loose, it's a milk snake so it's indigenous.
I thought I had a lot of animals lol. I was freezing alot of scraps and the little bit we didn't eat off deer and hogs.But we hit a few hard times this year and if became lunch for the dogs. I did discover by accident that a few of my dogs love canned carrots lol
I have rabbits,chickens and turkeys for meat. I just worry about a few of my dogs. Some can find food on their own since there is plenty of woods around here that hold tons of rabbits and squirrels. The few I worry about our small enough to pack up and go if needed.
I have some that are that small as well, they don't eat much and I'll share whatever I'm eating with them. The rest are bigger and do fine with canned scraps and what have you all mixed up for them. They love their veggies as well. Do you can? I've even picked up deer that were hit recently and put that meat up for the dogs for when we run out of dog food and in the winter when I give them extra for keeping warm.
I just lost a family pet tonight and it just made me think.
Our pets are our family.
Does anyone prep for your pets too? If so what kind of stuff to you have?
The only "pets" here are the kids, and a couple of fish.
I know other members have discussed using some of their pets as part of their prepping plan.
I have some that are that small as well, they don't eat much and I'll share whatever I'm eating with them. The rest are bigger and do fine with canned scraps and what have you all mixed up for them. They love their veggies as well. Do you can? I've even picked up deer that were hit recently and put that meat up for the dogs for when we run out of dog food and in the winter when I give them extra for keeping warm.

I have canned some vegetables. Mostly hot sauce and pickles. That stuff doesn't last long in this house! :). I'm going to try canning a few other things this spring and summer. I have more free time in the summer to learn things. Right now I am learning how to dehydrate certain foods. I can't wait to get the garden in the grown and start growing some vegetables. This year I'm going to add more to the garden so I can practice canning. I'm not comfortable enough yet to do meat.
Hi aimol , When i lived in (the city ) we would have to bug out for hurricanes. 3 german shepherds 3 little dogs became a huge hassle while stuck in traffic etc. always had to extra prep for that. remember all of those poor animals after Katrina and the folks that had to leave them behind. Keep your leashes at the ready.
I just lost a family pet tonight and it just made me think.
Our pets are our family.
Does anyone prep for your pets too? If so what kind of stuff to you have?
Oh I would never leave my babies behind! I know it's extra prepping but they bring joy. Especially when you have had one dog for 11 years and the other for 10. They are old but they are small so still have a lot of life left. I'll just buy a baby sling and throw them in there lol.
Actually I don't think we will have to bug out because we are in the perfect location already.
Sorry for your loss... My wife and I have 2 dogs, Roxie and Mischa(Who's in my avatar). They are our family, for sure.

SHOTS! Even people who don't like to get them for themselves, if you hit the woods, there are a lot of things out there that will drop a pet quick.

I feed my dogs squirrels and almost anything else we eat. They're not picky, but we have clothes for them if we get stuck in snow or ice, etc and evertything else is a sharing situation. Shelter, food, warmth, water.... The whole bit. We will share everything with our dogs.
My dogs will eat anything too (one has proven that by hanging out under the rabbit hutch...guess she thinks she is the cleanup crew lol)
I think I'm going to practice my canning skills and start canning them some food.
Sorry for your loss... My wife and I have 2 dogs, Roxie and Mischa(Who's in my avatar). They are our family, for sure.

SHOTS! Even people who don't like to get them for themselves, if you hit the woods, there are a lot of things out there that will drop a pet quick.

I feed my dogs squirrels and almost anything else we eat. They're not picky, but we have clothes for them if we get stuck in snow or ice, etc and evertything else is a sharing situation. Shelter, food, warmth, water.... The whole bit. We will share everything with our dogs.
three dog night !
WHO ME?! :mad: Well, maybe... I'm lucky my old lady isn't a dawg, but I can assure you some think I am.... Prolly her too!
I have canned some vegetables. Mostly hot sauce and pickles. That stuff doesn't last long in this house! :). I'm going to try canning a few other things this spring and summer. I have more free time in the summer to learn things. Right now I am learning how to dehydrate certain foods. I can't wait to get the garden in the grown and start growing some vegetables. This year I'm going to add more to the garden so I can practice canning. I'm not comfortable enough yet to do meat.

Buy the latest Ball Canning and Preserving book. There are also Forums online how to can safely. Or take classes at your Ag dept. I'm sure you're aware how deadly improperly canned food can bee. Check out . They have a whole forum on canning/harvesting. I believe the canning is under Harvesting now.
In prepping I for sure do a lot of what I do for my three dogs as well as my husband and I. They eat raw, so we grow rabbits for them as well as us, but mostly them. I have an entire freezer full of frozen raw at all times, and I in the process of canning some cooked dog food for them as well as for my kitty. I think it's really important.
In prepping I for sure do a lot of what I do for my three dogs as well as my husband and I. They eat raw, so we grow rabbits for them as well as us, but mostly them. I have an entire freezer full of frozen raw at all times,....

If the SHTF your freezer will no longer work, unless it's the type that can run on propane. But eventually you will run out of propane. You can't depend on having electricity if that "day" ever comes.

....and I in the process of canning some cooked dog food for them as well as for my kitty. I think it's really important.

Make sure you add the proper supplements in the correct amounts since balancing a diet for cats and dogs at home isn't easy.
I just lost a family pet tonight and it just made me think.
Our pets are our family.
Does anyone prep for your pets too? If so what kind of stuff to you have?

Very sorry to hear of your loss. I know how our pets can be like family. Actually they were better than my family.
As to prepping for them. I have two old dogs. A small mutt and a basset hound. Both are over 12 years old.
A crate for the small one is essential, gives them security. Another is Revolution to control fleas. Yet another is Ivermectin. It comes in handy and controls mange. Flea control is very important, because they can transmit plague, and the ivermectin controls mange which can be transmitted to humans. I'm always aware of zoonotic diseases.
I've had 7 dogs at one time. These two are the only ones left. All were dogs that found my house.
We used to give our dogs a diluted form of ivomec to control worms etc. I'm not scared to give a dog a shot when needed.What is Ivermectin?
Yours sounds like another name brand for the same thing.
Ivermectin is a parasite-control drug that was originally developed for cattle. they have it for dogs, cattle, horses, and also humans. It kills both internal and external parasites by causing neurological damage that results in paralysis and death.
It also has proven to be successful in treating fleas, ticks, lice, intestinal worms and heart worms in dogs. Although check with your Vet before using.
Yep we used it mainly for heartworms....didn't help for fleas and ticks here. How did you administer yours? Did you dilute it?
It's paste wormer for horses. We use it on our dogs as well because we always have paste leftover. When I checked with our vet about using it, he said it was fine unless the dog was collie or part collie. Apparently they don't do well with it.
We give our dogs a pea sized amount for the bigger ones and a half of that for the little ones.
Yep we used it mainly for heartworms....didn't help for fleas and ticks here. How did you administer yours? Did you dilute it?

I let the Vet do it. I don't keep it on hand.
I use the Revolution for flea control. Very pricy.
Yep we used it mainly for heartworms....didn't help for fleas and ticks here. How did you administer yours? Did you dilute it?

Because these must be outdoor cats or dogs. You would have to kill the fleas in the environment to get rid of them. I found (when we had the dogs) a insect GHR spray worked for fleas by keeping them harmless nymphs until they died. We sprayed their large fenced in area as well as the house. It's not toxic to humans or pets at all.
Yes they are outdoors. Some of them anyways. But I have 30 acres and can't spray all the woods. That would cost a fortune! Lol. Frontline seems to work but its pricey.
It's used to treat mange.

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