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user 6493

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Oct 25, 2016
I guess I am bitching here a bit,,,these people who call out of the blue looking for money for their cause,really get under my skin,,I have had several tonight and I get about a dozen a week, I have gotten to the point where I just lay the phone down and wait for the operator to come on the line

I wonder if any of them have a clue how much people hate having some stranger call and beg for money:mad::mad::mad::mad::mad:
If you think that's bad, a friend played a nasty joke by putting me on the calling list for the Gay Unification Political Front or something.

My mother came over for lunch, and answered the phone while I was changing clothes.

"Is there anything you want to tell me?"
she asked.

"Why?" I answered.

"There's a fairy nice guy on the phone asking for you...."

This is a true story.
Ya, it exploded with me for the past three weeks, even a call at 6:30 in the morning my time from Florida regarding a resort I stayed at last month and one from Texas about my credit card but in general I'm getting like 15 calls a week from Northern Washington about pain issues I have.... All robocalls wanting me to purchase something.
If you think that's bad, a friend played a nasty joke by putting me on the calling list for the Gay Unification Political Front or something.

My mother came over for lunch, and answered the phone while I was changing clothes.

"Is there anything you want to tell me?"
she asked.

"Why?" I answered.

"There's a fairy nice guy on the phone asking for you...."

This is a true story.
I think I might have dead or at least a severely injured friend over that one,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
I got 10 robot calls in one day! I’m tempted to just not answer if I don’t recognize the number, but since we are in business I guess I should. 95% of the time I just hang up immediately and don’t let it bother me, but 10! The buggars are even sneaky now and your caller ID shows a local number. I will say one thing, anyone using this kind of annoying tactic would be the last person on the planet I would do business with or donate to.....
I'm with Brent. My personal phone, I don't answer numbers I don't recognize that are out of my area code. If it's important, they can leave a message. And for every call I get that is a junk call, I go in & add it to my 'block call' list, I've noticed they do call repeatedly from the same fake number.

Most junk calls I get are 'get a business loan' lately. Wife gets lots of 'car extended warranty'. The other day I got a call from a headhunter wanting to offer me a job... I laughed, I told her I was actually trying to HIRE someone, I don't want another job and they wouldn't meet my salary demand if they offered it! Of course today I called a couple of people asking if any of them wanted some part-time work... at least they know me, but was I giving them solicitation calls!?!

A few months back my wife got a call from a very irritating unsolicited (car warranty?) guy, she couldn't get rid of him & is too polite to just hang up. I took the phone from her and screamed into the phone for the guy to not call back, my wife actually jumped back I was so loud/violent sounding. Needless to say, they took us off their robot call list.
I got one a few weeks back from Rachel on my cell. I knew it was a spam call, but since IT WAS FROM MY FRIGGIN CELL NUMBER, I just had to answer it.

If you’re getting these calls on a smartphone, look into an app called Truecaller. There is a free and a paid version. I don’t know if the paid version is any good, but the free one is.
I got one a few weeks back from Rachel on my cell. I knew it was a spam call, but since IT WAS FROM MY FRIGGIN CELL NUMBER, I just had to answer it.

If you’re getting these calls on a smartphone, look into an app called Truecaller. There is a free and a paid version. I don’t know if the paid version is any good, but the free one is.
I’m not very tech savvy but will seriously look into this! You really only got one call from racheal? Lucky bastard....
I feel like I’ve been intimate with her for way too long now!
I’m not very tech savvy but will seriously look into this! You really only got one call from racheal? Lucky bastard....
I feel like I’ve been intimate with her for way too long now!

Oh hell no. She’s been all over the US. That’s why I found the app, at least that and business loans. I’ve had them all, but rarely answer ones I don’t know.
Oh hell no. She’s been all over the US. That’s why I found the app, at least that and business loans. I’ve had them all, but rarely answer ones I don’t know.
So even with the app are you still getting the calls?
So even with the app are you still getting the calls?

I get the calls if they’ve not been added by the people using the app, so if they start using a new number, then no.

The calls do ring, one time, and I called ID says it’s a spam call. It cuts out the question of answering or not.
Every couple of weeks I get a call from a machine thanking me for staying at one of their resorts. Normally I wouldn't answer a call from a number I don't recognize but these machine calls are from numbers with my area code and cell phone prefix number! Which at most only number a few hundred phones in this area. How do they do this?? I hate sales calls period!
Every couple of weeks I get a call from a machine thanking me for staying at one of their resorts. Normally I wouldn't answer a call from a number I don't recognize but these machine calls are from numbers with my area code and cell phone prefix number! Which at most only number a few hundred phones in this area. How do they do this?? I hate sales calls period!
Huh. I use the cheapest tracfone. Have for years. I almost never get robocalls. Maybe 3 a month? I do get a regular call for Travis, but they are slowing down.
I have a simple way of avoiding this, admittedly I do not use a phone for business, so I can't say it would work for everyone. I give a made up phone number to anyone or any online shop that asks for it. I also have the do not show number ticked in my phone's settings. The only people who have my number are those that I give it to.
When out or online and I am asked for my phone number, I always give my old land line number. I haven’t had a landline in over 15 years. I only give it to a business that I actually expect a call from. It’s easy for me to remember my old number.
I never gave my cell number out to anyone but the sneaky buggars got it anyways. I’ve read that they use computer programs to just dial numbers, once someone answers it keeps it in the system and keeps calling it. No idea if it’s true though. Like I said before though, these annoying companies would never make a sale with me even if I actually wanted their products!
I actually believe that the cell phone companies sell the numbers. I am very careful about who I give my cell phone number to. I have even had the number changed because someone gave it out to the wrong person, and I would not give the new number to the person who gave it out.

Yet somehow, Rachel got my number.
When out or online and I am asked for my phone number, I always give my old land line number. I haven’t had a landline in over 15 years. I only give it to a business that I actually expect a call from. It’s easy for me to remember my old number.

Now that I really like.
what we seem to be getting at the moment, is someone ringing the landline and trying to sell us a new gas supply, we keep telling them "there is NO mains gas in this area"but do they take any notice? the next day their ringing again.
I think everyone needs to spend just a few dollars more on their preps.

Buy some hearing protection and one of those air-horns-in-a-can. When they call again, put on your protection and blast the horn into the phone for a second. BUT, that's not all! Take off the hearing protection, and ask through the phone "what was that?" After they recover (if they didn't hang up), do it again.

I want the people working at the call center to be so unhappy that they quit. Problem solved.
The way these things work is there is a company that makes the robocalls using Rachel's recording. Then if you push the button to "talk to Rachel" the call gets routed to a scammer who works for a different company or may even be independent. The company making the robocalls is paid by the scammer based on both how many calls they make, and how many calls get routed. If you hang up, the company doesn't get paid as much. If you push the button, and get routed to a scammer, the company does get paid for that connection. This use of a middleman is why it is so hard to track these scammers down. They constantly change phone numbers, probably using burner phones. If you really want to point the finger, point it at the credit card companies, who could really burn these scammers if they wanted to. More on that below.

While most all robocalls are annoying, some are legitimate, and some number spoofing is legitimate. For example, I worked for a company that called clients using robocalls to announce new programs and such. The clients could opt out. They also used robocalls for collecting past dues (they could not opt out of that, LOL). When the client pushed the button to talk to someone, the call was transferred to a collector at our location. The call looked like it came from our incoming 800 number, even though we didn't actually make the call.

The company making the calls for us had a web site where we just uploaded the list of numbers and set the parameters of the call - the recording we wanted to go out, when to call, how many times to retry, timing between calls so that our line didn't get overwhelmed, what number to transfer the call to if they pushed the right button, etc. Part of my department's responsibility (I was IT Director) was pulling the calls lists from the databases and making them available to the people who set up the robocalls.

We also had a voice-over-ip phone system and we could make outgoing calls look like they were coming from any phone number we wanted to. We had twenty something lines, all with different numbers, but we wanted the call to look like it came from our incoming 800 number - a legitimate use of spoofing.

Back to the credit card companies...

Have you ever asked yourself WHY if these pre-approval letters are how identity thieves are able to easily open credit cards in other people's names, do the credit card companies still send them out? They could shut that whole thing down in a second if they wanted to.

Must be because they DON'T want to???
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I'm pretty blatant. The number I give is always 555-555-5555.

But still get calls.

Especially love the IRS scammer ones, where they say you'll go to jail, etc. I have such fun with these guys and try and string them along if I have time and they get excited. I'll then ramp up the silliness factor, until they finally catch on that I'm just yanking their chain...

I'll relate all kinds of things...from sacrificing a goat to make them go away, to calling my alien overlord for an authorization code, etc. Just run of the mill stuff.

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