Ping Jonnte ( Cold war 2 starting)

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have been following the news about this,brings back so the "good old times"..only thing that bothers me here is the fact they write fairly little about this.. international papers give more info than the domestic ones..
and it's been known for long time here that the russkies have been buying land here as "private persons"...yeah land very close to military bases and our politicians have done nothing to prevent this..later it's been discussed that they should expropriate this land back,when they discovered that the buyers have close contacts to mad-Vlad & co..
and to make matters even more interesting,the russkie economy is takeing a plunge and there are a major campaign for the people there telling how their great nation needs them in this dire time,it's gone to over-patriotic mode;the rethorics from cold-war era..enemies from within and abroad,e.i the west

then we have 60.000 ethnic russkies living here,some with seriously dangerous loyalty issues if something would happen...
this place is perfect for it ;) have the water treatment plant 1 k away and have been watching when the army guys train to keep it safe..
not convincing...not at all..

already have winter cammos ;)
Looking at History it seems the Russians use the same M.O when they want to expand into another Country . Rather from disapline or because it is proven to work . Start or build on a internal conflict then send in the Spetnaz to train and stirr the tension start a coup then take sides to " protect ethnic Russians " and suport the "Peopples movment " . I have several sets of the West German Winter Military surplus camo sets that are like Over whites with splotches of Pine neddles .
and they have the nerve to ask why we don't trust them???
i'd rather have a pit-viper in my breast pocket,before I trust a russkie...

I'm makeing my own winter cammo only need a sewingmachine plus two white some spraypaint
it feels like being back in the 80's...Sweeds are hunting for a u-boat..again..with their mighty army..
The Sweeds are good at developing weapons tike the AT-4 , Carl Gostaf rocket launchers . I think they use the German Leapord tanks one of the best in the World . Russian Subs seem go where ever they want . They have spy ships off the coast of the U.S in international waters all the time losely descised as fishing boats . They have even tried to pick up our rocket boosters that fall from our space exploration vehicles .
wonder why they went from a conscript army to what they have now??

darn good with developing arms,good ones..that's the russkie way ;)
I think that Cold War 2 started with BRICS, and escalated with Syria and the Ukraine.
Putin seems determined to put Russia back on its game, and he's pretty much the guy to do it.

My money is on them testing a Gepard sub (basically their answer to our Seawolf). Could be just a retro-fitted Akula, but who knows?

If it is a Gepard, then test failed, as it is supposed to be a stealth sub, so if detected....well...
how bloody lovely..mad-Vlad testing his stuff outside my front door ;)
..Kaliningrad isn't that far from here either...and we have actually started to here more and more that the ethnic russkies that live here "feel uneasy and threatened" how russia is portraited in the media here...
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Don't call it a comeback....he's been here for years....(music reference)

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