Post SHTF scenario VIDEO

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Awesome Friend
Jun 10, 2013
Wilmington N.C
I watched this on History channel a few weeks ago. This is probably the closes thing we could expect after SHTF. It really gave me perspective of what to expect. It helped ease my mind on what to expect as well.

I missed the beginning of this when it was on tv so I was unaware of the cause. I do not believe a virus will be the cause for an end of time situation. It is just not possible for it to spread so quickly from 1 person or even 10 people just from a cough. History proves that. Stephan King's "The Stand" is similar to this scenario. The only way it is possible is if a biological weapon (dirty bomb) was used to spread quickly throughout a city. Which reminds me of radioactive material was stolen from a truck a few weeks ago outside Mexico City. The truck was found. The box carrying the material was found empty. The material itself was not found.
History isn't a great indicator anymore. Today's society can have a virus spread from one end of the globe to another with just one airline flight. Think of the limited mobility during the Spanish Flu, and yet a large number of folks died. Combine that with a virus with a fairly long incubation period, and the results could be catastrophic.
i believe that history is a great indicator of what can still happen.when it comes to another plague,another dust bowl.maybe another ice age,or a volcanic eruption from a mega volcano..maybe not within our life time.but likely all the same..and look at what the different countries are doing when it comes to germ warfare.and as for Fukushima goes.1000's of gallons of contaminated waste has ended up in the ocean(s) me Fukushima nuclear power plant is not only contaminating the oceans.but killing off ocean life as well..and how bad is it going to be 5-10 years from now?
Yeah I do not see this Fukushima being a culprit to a wide spread epidemic. I am more concerned with the radioactive material (Cobalt-60) that has not been found yet.
I am more concerned with an economical collapse in the US and around the world. . .

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