Prepper patch

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Jun 22, 2014
The other day I was looking around on eBay for a new BOB. I found one that I really liked and bought it and before submitting my order, some how I stumbled across a preppers badge (its more so a patch) that you can sew on your bag. I went on and bought that too so I could put it on my bag. The main reason for this patch is so other preppers could identify the patch and could potentially pair up during a SHTF. has anyone hear of this patch? Is it a good idea? Or a waste of money?<br/>
i beleive its a great idea to let other preppers know that your a prepper as it with a badge or patch.or by some other means..but not in a way that non preppers know that your a prepper..
That kinda what I was thinking. That patch is a way to identify others and in the same way non preppers do not know what the patch is or its meaning
the only problemI see now is that it's sold on ebay and the way people collect diff badges to day tha looks of it could be widely known to non-preppers aswell
exactly..thats why i wont have any thing to do with receiving such things that identifies me as a prepper..buying foods/drinks/ and other needed items that do or might label me as one,is one thing.but not something like that patch.wearing some thing like that says come and take what i have..
The sort of place I wear my tiny prepper patch is at RVs and preppers meets or outdoor and survival exhibitions, or if I have arranged to meet someone at a public venue so we can tag each other.
just wish I could find someone reliable prepping friend here where I live, my neighbours it's a no-no,my brother, well he thinks nothing will happen and if somthing happens he just drives to his summer work,well those few of my co-workers that would have the right mentality in my team,are,to be polite,out of shape quite badly,so right now it's a one man operation
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at times like when im gonna meet someone for the 1st time.i'll tell them that i'll be wearing a certain shirt ants het or what ever.or that i'll be driving a certain vehicle.i simply wont wear a patch that clearly identifies me as a prepper in public places
Zombie Apocalypse shirts seem to do the trick pretty well. It's almost like prepper code these days. We can freely talk about it under the guise of zombie prep. Who would have guessed.
never thought abt those shirts, I have a small zombie hunter badge ;)
I've got a Zombie Squad patch in monochrome on my EDC bag, I note quite a few of my peers wear stuff like WALKING DEAD T shirts and Falling Skies gear, home made 2nd Mass patches are a good tell as well :)
The International radiological hazard icon is often used by preppers and survivalists to tag each other at gun shows, RVs, Conventions etc. Seriously though I have noted in recent years my American friends are getting much more " Grey Man" or low profile with regard to the obsession with Bumper / Fender Stickers. Where once NRA and Don't tread on me sticker proliferated now I note quite a few only display small numerical details in smack dark numerals which apparently are the hailing frequencies for their local prepper radio nets. or tiny IPN stickers.
Yeah, because preppers keep getting nabbed on trumped up charges or outright targeted for doing what the DHS TELLS US TO DO!!!
That's actually pretty subtle. Other than being a militaristic type patch.
Like others said though, probably a better thing BEFORE the SHTF, to identify those you can feel sane talking to about such things. Personally though, the zombie prep thing is so mainstream and humorous, it just seems to be a good way of identifying people of like mindset. Here in FL, a great lead-in is simply hurricane by and large, most people in my state are at least familiar with prepping, and view storm prep in a positive light. This is simply taking it a step further.

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