Prepping investment

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Brent S

Awesome Friend
Oct 10, 2013
South East US
Somthing occurred to me today. Preppers like to gather and stockpile supplies, gear and such. One thing that would be really wise to collect is goodwill. If you help others out, when you're down and out, you stand a much better chance of having someone help you out. Just thinkin.
There is truth in what you are saying, but through a bit of personal exp. i've learned that most poeple are not the good will returning types, and picking them is a hit and mis, to me personally i would rather not expect something in return, when it comes back to you then its a added bonus. I'm al for helping others to help themselfes, but just dishing out stuff to them is a no, no.
It's one of the reasons my plans have involved getting to know (and help) my neighbors. We had a bad storm about a year ago, and I was able to help out some with my tractor. Of course, I don't plan on announcing I'm a prepper or anything...after all, most out here do it to some extent, just out of necessity....but a little goodwill can go a long way.

To be honest, post SHTF, I won't even mind helping them out (as long as we don't suffer for it), especially if it strengthens us all as a community, and fosters greater group protection, notification, etc.
Except for my kids nobody knows about my prepping plans, and with my career it has been very difficult making friends. If things go down the crapper it will just be me, my wife and kids and grand kids. Currently the kids live about 8 hours away from our BOL. We have more than enough land and resources to get through anything that may happen. I have no problem helping someone out as long as its on my terms. If someone managed to wander upon our place, and I didn't know them, they would be turned away. I'm not doing this to become a charity. Everyone has access to the same information about world affairs' as we do, so its their problem if they chose to ignore the signs and do nothing.
If someone managed to wander upon our place, and I didn't know them, they would be turned away. I'm not doing this to become a charity. Everyone has access to the same information about world affairs' as we do, so its their problem if they chose to ignore the signs and do nothing.

For me, this all depends. I like to think I'm fairly decent at sizing up people. Thing is, assuming all of my friends and family who would come (vs. staying in their own place), could come, that'd still put us at about 10 people. Post SHTF, you'll need people, to both defend what you have, and to provide enough for all, as well as to have skill diversification. At least half of us 10 aren't the youngest or most fit (though I assume we'd be more fit after such an event), so new blood could be a good thing.

Having more people to patrol, loot, grow food, etc. is a good thing. As long as the group can provide for them, and they are willing to do their part. I can imagine, that for a lone traveler who stumbles upon us, this would probably be a godsend. I know if I was foraging through the woods, then was able to eat a hot meal, take a shower, and sleep on a bed, I'd certainly do all I could to become part of such a group.

That all said, you have to consider the possibility that they are NOT alone, and just scouting out for a you take precautions. I have some pretty decent plans for this, though I'm always refining, and of course, no situation is the same.

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