Prepping - Lifestyle OR Profit

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Hunter Valley Preppers

Awesome Friend
Jun 28, 2013
Howdy everyone,

I want to ask a question about the lifestyle we all live, day in, day out.

I see a lot of web sites, forums, Facebook pages looking to profit from our lifestyle choices. How do YOU feel about this?

There are pages that offer specific products that we could not do with out, but people joining our ranks just to make a quick buck?

Whilst adding to my preps, working on a project (Solar to be exact) i had an opportunity to purchase more panels and bits, sell them at a profit and make some quick $$$. I stopped and thought about it, i decided not to. I just feel that as a prepper, i would be taking advantage of other preppers.

Being in my early 30's, a young family, full time job, bills etc etc. Spare, quick cash would be ideal, especially to put back into my preppeing and preps. My wife has mentioned a few times now that i should try to make some money out of doing what i love. But i just cant bring myself to do it?

What do you think?

I live the life I love. I am a farmer's wife I guess (Hubby retired last year from a local Police Department recently. which enabled me to work one day a week). We have dabbled in farming for a few years now and then started buying livestock. I used to be like you, working 50 plus hours a week. I had a small garden then and no livestock. Do what you love to do, but if these panels can benefit y0ur family, then don't. You can use them yourself. Just my two cents. . .
Mate, if you have the goods to share/sell, then go for it. A few extra $$ earned means a few more things you can buy for you & the family. I'm against blatant rip offs, but, if you have something to sell, and someone is willing to pay a fair price, go for it. It's not taking advantage of anyone as I see it. Most people are here to help each other out where we can - and if you have something to sell/trade, and it benefits both parties, then go for it.
There is nothing wrong with making a small profit for something no longer needed. It's called Free market. However there is also a thing called being honorable, and humble. To me being humble is more important than making a huge profit. It is clear you to are an honorable/humble person. My hats off to you brother! With that said, how about trading for something else your needing?

Stand free, or fall trying, but at no time should we give in to tyrannical Government crying.
There is nothing wrong with making a small profit for something no longer needed. It's called Free market. However there is also a thing called being honorable, and humble. To me being humble is more important than making a huge profit. It is clear you to are an honorable/humble person. My hats off to you brother! With that said, how about trading for something else your needing?

Stand free, or fall trying, but at no time should we give in to tyrannical Government crying.

Thanks Davy,
I guess i look at it like, were all Preppers, we need to help each other. Selling no longer needed/used/unwanted preps to make way for new preps etc i can handle. But this is not the case.

I would have to outlay money in advance, obviously. Its not the money, to me its the principle. I do not want to feel im taking advantage of this lifestyle to make a few quick bucks. I will say, we do to some extent need these stores.

I have a Facebook page, as i mentioned in my intro. This is run by me, me only, in the spare time i can find between family and work, just for Preppers. I find, share, link any and all information i can find for the good of our lifestyle. Nothing else.

I joined here on Friday just gone, and today i became a donating member, because that's how i feel about the prepping lifestyle. If that's what it takes to keep this site running, then count me in.

Hmmm, hard to fully explain how i feel about this one, I really hope this post makes some kind of
no problem here's kinda like comeing across someone who needs to sell something for the money.and not takeing advantage of the situation simply because you can.which means them selling at a ok price to them and you buying it at a ok price for you.same thing applys to what (you) no longer need for your have things in which you can sell for a set price..and that means takeing time to figure it's vaule,then selling it at a price that might be eqaul or lower then it's vaule..maybe even just give it to someone who has a use/need for it..there's always someone who has more need for something then you or me's a matter of going with whats right
If your running a legit business and not ripping anyone off that is fine. I get worked up when we get people coming here to ask questions and "do market research" to try and make and sell us their "products". I feel they are just here to turn a quick buck and rip people off. They are easy to spot. I will call them on it if needed and have done it in the past.

I run 2 businesses on the side plus my regular job. It funds my some of my prepping, hunting and outdoor fun. I don't solicit members here. If someone contacts me on the side and wants something and I can help I will gladly do so. I am not here to profit on my friends. With that being said, if you can make a side business and do so ethically I say go for it.
Thanks peoples for taking the time to respond.

I guess, like most businesses you start with a love for what you do, then, after time fall into not enjoying it so much.

I dont think i could do it. Apart from feeling like i would be taking money away from fellow preppers, id hate for it to take off and get so busy i would place prepping second to making $$

Thanks everyone.
I make soap and other things that I sell locally. I've had it suggested to me to sell it on here for the price I get for it locally. I can't. I just can't. I know what it costs me to make it and I can't ask the people I consider 'family' of sorts to pay the price that I charge the bunny huggers who buy it here locally. I'd rather just give it as a gift.

Yep, I'll go far in the business world.:rolleyes:
But, if it's good quality ( which I am sure it is ) and people are willing to pay for it, then whats the problem???
Depends on how you look at it. We've taken our lifestyles, research and experience and made it into a business. We stock the products that we feel are the best and people can either chose to buy them or not. I won't blow wind up anyone, it all comes down to personal choice.
I'm not downing anyone who does make a business of things... as long as they aren't looking to fleece people. I've had a few run ins with that type of business and it just pisses me off to no end.

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