Prepping Strategies

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Awesome Friend
Aug 26, 2019
There are several different prepping strategies some more popular than others.
I would like to break them down here and perhaps propose some more and also get some other ideas for other types of strategies if anyone has some not listed.

Rural homestead retreat---- Most popular obviously is a rural homestead with plans to hunker down and defend the retreat and grow food. Whether bugging out to this retreat or currently living in it is essentially the same strategy. Though if bugging out to this place you would obviously have a few different plans in place to actually get there and you would want to have your stuff there already not at your "city" house.
Hopefully if this is your plan you have hundreds of buckets of LSF and lots of ammo and other supplies and a solid group as we all know that we can't do it on our own. I would argue that for this strategy to work best you would want to be as far away from population as possible. Dark sky areas would be ideal. Having all possible supplies would be necessary.

Lone Wolf Bug out---- Bug out to the forest. Rambo survival skills. Don't trust no one, survive until dawn.
This is going to be a hard one for anyone willing to be honest with themselves. But there are a lot who will do it. Hopefully if you fall under this category you have the RIGHT gear and skills and also some caches. But when it comes down to it those who take on this strategy will most likely end up becoming looters.

Looters---- While this is not an acceptable strategy to loot and steal from others it will be or at least become a major strategy of many post shtf. If this is you repent and prepare. Though I would say that in a WROL complete collapse even the best of us as preppers will need to venture out 6-12 months from a complete collapse to scavenge for fuel and supplies and such. As an example what if you broke your garden hoe or really wanted some dental floss ect. I am not promoting looting as such but we will all have to do some scavenging. If that upsets you I will tell you that I am prepped to the max and it is not my intention but I do realize that it is what it is and the rules of this new post shtf world are going to be way different from what we are now. Not saying in any way that we are to put morals and convictions aside. There is a difference between scavenging and looting.

Joining a farm--- A good idea if you have nowhere else to go is to immediately after an shtf collapse type trigger would be to join / bug out to a rural farm. This is very similar to the rural homestead retreat except in this case you scoped out this farm as an ideal place that you would love to own as a prepper farm but you don't have the cash to even think of buying such a place. But you do have stored near buy at a storage facility a lot of necessary long term collapse supplies such as seed, ammo, gear, medical, weapons and food. It would be best if you had a EMP proof vehicle with the ability to load up your stored goods at a storage facility near by and drive them to the farm of choice. Hopefully this farm will take you in and you will be an asset to their survival and they to you. In many cases this is a better idea than hunkering down in many preppers current locations so give this one some thought.

Urban Survival--- Honestly I don't know much about this as a strategy as I personally think it wouldn't be much of a strategy at all. You will most likely need to join a large gang and kill lots of innocent people in the above situations. Get out of the cities is my recommendation.

Surviving in a small rural town--- Not to many towns will do well in a collapse, but some are very strategically located. I personally have plans to move to an area with a very low population that has a small town that I think will do very well in a collapse. I also know of other towns that will do fine and survive. This is not a bad idea as long as you pick the RIGHT town. And there are very few that I personally would say would be the right place to be. You will need to apply many gray man strategies in the first 6 months until they begin to restructure. I would recommend that part of your preps for this if this is your route would be to have a lot of useful items to add to the town to give you an edge within the governmental structure that is rebuilding. You will want to hold these items secret until any martial law is over and any tyrant type personalities are dealt with. You may even want to help the town rid the nuisance of an evil war lord by learning some sniper skills. Some items you will want if this is your plan is a whole bunch of SEEDs, grain seeds, potato seeds, ghuillie suit, spotter scope, sniper rifle, lots of ammo and hidden caches, your own LTS food and of coarse everything else that consists of prepping, maybe a way to mass filter water. If you can start a business as a general store or gas station or feed store as this will give you an edge but you better be prepared to immediately educate local authorities and even perhaps relocate your goods until after things start to upturn.

War Lord---- My wife has had me take two completely different personality tests recently trying to understand me better. Turns out both types on the two tests are very rare. And the two together are somewhat of an enigma to some of the people who are obsessed with these things. All in all I guess I have the personality of a war lord or bat man LOL. So while I personally have no intentions of becoming an "evil" war lord post shtf I have been thinking about the towns or areas surrounding me and also the place that I plan to move in a couple years, several states south. While making any kind of order where I am would be very difficult as there just isn't enough supplies to do so I do feel that if we get to the mountainous area I hope to move to there is a chance to create some sort of county wide (non-martial law) unity of the people. They do have food, cattle, sheep, water, tons of deer, hay, grain, ect. But people would have to work together. And roads would have to be blocked. Many of the local farmers are in their 60/70s and I'm sure their children would make it that way so at the road blocks they would need a list of potential names of people to let through for the first 30 days or something. If I do get to this place I will have a lot do to plan an strategize for the salvation of the people around me. That is my goal. More than just survive, but to help a lot of others do so. Of coarse I am not going to go door to door pre-shtf and say hey I'm a prepper and you should be too. Opsec will be used. Perhaps I get into the town council and become a voice now and assert some sort of power roll later. I use term power lightly as I am not the type to lord it over others. In fact I would not allow a tyrant to rule post shtf anywhere withing 50 miles of my location!
Some other areas that this might work- Northern Maine, Ozarks, remote mountain farm towns in Oregon, some of the "redoubt" locations though I don't promote their ideals due to forest fires. Very rural texas towns, Northern Michigan aka daUP. (I grew up in MI LOL) In other words- all areas that would be very rural farm areas that you would want to be in a collapse anyways.

Lone Ranger--- Lone ranger is kind of like lone wolf yet with a purpose. He is the opposite of the looter. His mission is to find looters and take them out. He may have a small gang of noblemen. These are probably veterans that would rather kill bad guys as that is what they are good at and would rather not farm. They will have as their reward supplies from the looters as generally the looters will not leave survivors to return the supplies to. Also later they will become known to local towns that are rebuilding as an offensive strike against those who are enemies and thus they will have some help from local towns as trust is built and towns begin to flourish. They may even be able to move between towns and unite them and provide information/communication.

Currently my status would be bug in at my rural retreat. Though I have problems like soil quality and crappy coastal water the place I have is stocked and is better than the other options above. But I do plan to move a few states south to a very rural mountainous area and start another rural retreat and perhaps figure out some way to organize the locals within the entire county and town hub. Not a war lord, well at least not what we think of as a war lord but that is my personality type!!! HAHAHa

Let me know what you all think.
What is your strategy?
Do you have another type of strategy that I did not list?
edge of a small rural town, low population now even lower population post SHTF, very remote, "middle of nowhere" to your average sheeple most who have never heard of this place.
Do you have a link to the personality test. I never saw one with the war lord option.

I rank my options in SHTF in this order
1. bug out at my home and grow my own food (I basically bug out at home and grow my own food anyway so that won't be much of a change). I may let others join me here but that carries risks.
2. should my home become unsafe (unlikely as it is very remote) - bug out in the wilderness and gradually set up a more stable camp/home there while making occasional trips to abandoned locations to scavenge additional supplies.
3. scout out stable rural communities that may have popped up when the initial **** storm has calmed down. They may become useful for finding people with skills i need such as medical treatment. Like you say some towns/villages will be stable but it would be had to know which ones beforehand so I would like to wait for the dust to settle first before making the move.
Rural homestead retreat is most likely, as my parents' farm would be a perfect location for this. But I kind of like the War Lord idea, I feel it's the most common from prepper books that I read, though I admit they're not necessarily the most realistic.
The two personality tests are-
16 personalities
myers brig

The two together are what give me that result.

Finland...Sounds awesome! I've liked Finland & Switzerland. Wish I could relocate and own all of my rifles there.
For the sake of this post---
Warlord is not necessarily evil war lord.

Warlord can be evil war lord or
a war lord personality that seeks to preserve the people around. Think army general or something.

For evil war lord yes sick the snipers on him. For a "war lord" that seeks to organize and produce good within his realm as a general seeking to help organize defenses obviously he'd be friend and not foe. I am the latter. Don't get them mixed up.
For the sake of this post---
Warlord is not necessarily evil war lord.

Warlord can be evil war lord or
a war lord personality that seeks to preserve the people around. Think army general or something.

For evil war lord yes sick the snipers on him. For a "war lord" that seeks to organize and produce good within his realm as a general seeking to help organize defenses obviously he'd be friend and not foe. I am the latter. Don't get them mixed up.
The description of War Lord personality you gave didn't seem to necessarily include evil anyway. I have often used the term War Lord to refer to a primitive formation of government in uncivilized society. That seems to be how the term is used here as well - after SHTF, someone's going to step in and start organizing and then controlling people. It's how humans have always been throughout history; while it's often the evil ones who do so that is not always true and doesn't have to be true if someone else is willing and able to step up.
I never did like people who told me what to do.
War Lord, or Lord of War? First, compliment to the writer. I think we all have such thoughts for a while now, just never brought it to paper, uuuHHH I mean display...
Reading the text, I see myself reflected in the mixture of Bugging in, Lone Ranger and Lone Wolf. Bugging-in since my wife, kids and g-kids cannot keep up with me. Lone Ranger since as ex-mil. I would not tolerate anyone anywhere starting the BS all over again which led to the SHTF day. And as Lone Wolf, since I must also get out some day and scavenge for used and need to be replenished items, leaving the family back for a while...Good reading, good writing, good thoughts and good way of shaking us all up a bit to remember why we are here. thanx, GP
Thanks all!!!

In the past few days the boys have watched 3 movies that had a huge emphisis on time travel. So I asked my wife what she would be or do if she could travel time. I patiently waited her description of exploring old cultures throughout time. Then she asked me what I would do. I told her I would go to different points and take out baddies before they rose to power! Those such as head of monsanto, whoever the hell let lyme disease loose in ticks, the 'linton foundation, Soros, back further to Hitler, ect.
I'd essentially become a historian present day and a lone ranger of sorts taking out the most evil of men before their rise to power. My wife looked at me with her jaw dropped wondering why I wouldn't rather explore culture and people groups. I'm sure I would to some degree. Gotta be grey man.

Point being if I didn't have children I'd be a ranger post shtf. Probably not a lone ranger. I personally prefer a band of brothers. Though I'm quite the loner in this life.
This thread is even dafter than the ones about religion

Well, that's all on perspective. As GaRp said above War Lord or Lord of War...
In post shtf after initial collapse there will be some sort of rebuild from the survivors. At that time there will be war lords that rise and strategically seek to push out to other areas for the pillaging of all of their supplies. It will take those of us that see this coming a year or so into a collapse that have the tenacity to take such a position, to take a stand and unite the survivors in the region and hold back the "evil" war lord. That would be a Lord of War. William Wallace from Braveheart comes to mind. Or Robin Hood.
The lord of war will hopefully easily unit the ranger types as they are of the same mind set for punishing evil yet usually of a smaller scale. His difficulty will be with those who are hunkered down trying to survive with their gardens. The homesteader will be needed to fight off a War Lords army of 1,000 or so but he will have to choose between his new way of surviving with the day to day struggle of minor self defense and growing food and that which is staring him down and threatens everything in its path. Yes the homesteader/lone wolf type will have to join the Lord of War to fight off an army of sorts at some point. That in turn will create unity in the land IF they win the battle. At that time if good triumphs the Lord of War will need to seek out some of the previous areas exploited by the evil war lord to further unite others out side of his region. In order for this type to be successful he/she would have to not have a seething love of power and be a noble king at heart. Power over other can be used for the good of all or the evil of all.
Daniel8: start writing a novel on a survivalist, bugged in, with a garden, give him a name and tell his story. You already have the idea. Build it up and sell it to Hollywood. GP
My strategy is currently changing due to age. In the past, I would have been more active in the initial stages and based upon the challenge, I may stay put or "head for the mountains". I have a couple places myself and lots of family that live in the mountains of VA and W.Va. Initially, before things got real bad, I would "bug out" to the location that made the most sense. NOW, as I get older, I have come to realize that maybe that type of moving would not work as well. Plus, I have a couple daughters and grand daughter close to my current locations (well almost, I am in the process of relocating there now). The place I am moving to (or moving BACK to) is near a couple major cities but the location is "off the beaten path". I am betting on it being "out if site". It has lots of resources and I have grown some very successful gardens there in the past.

So, for me, it will be "bug in". I am building up the location at this time and hopefully in a few months, I will have it like I want it. At that time, I will retire and live there permanently. I consider this strategy my be my only choice due to my and wife's age.
Good morning JackDW, After all I have put into the pantry and cellar in Hungary, in a small village with 3000 pop. and my wife weak from cancer but getting better now, I think I will have to follow your example and bug-in there. If there is time, am hoping the kids and g-kids will be able to go or get there also. The well and garden is my advantage over Germany. Just gotta cover 600 miles to get there. Gotta leave early at the first signs of unsettlements. GP
Good morning JackDW, After all I have put into the pantry and cellar in Hungary, in a small village with 3000 pop. and my wife weak from cancer but getting better now, I think I will have to follow your example and bug-in there. If there is time, am hoping the kids and g-kids will be able to go or get there also. The well and garden is my advantage over Germany. Just gotta cover 600 miles to get there. Gotta leave early at the first signs of unsettlements. GP
My parents have a farm with plenty of space for gardening and raising animals, a pond, and creek fed by a spring. And it's a great location, but I currently live over 500 miles away.
Bugging out more than a couple hundred miles is going to be very hard. And that is said considering that someone planning to bug out a couple hundred miles is on the edge of low population and heading for the hills.
I myself have 1-2 times a week that I have to go to Mass or NH for work. If I had to walk 2-300 miles it would really stink, but I'd also try to find some other means of transportation to make it back within a week. At least my neighbor would hold down the road till I made it back. So I could be in a situation that I have to bug it home. I generally have a two wheel dolly that I could strap my bug out bag to so that I don't have to carry the thing while I walk. I should probably rig up a harness or yoke for it so that I am hands free in case I need to shoot to defend myself it i'm 5 days from home and we get a swift crash.
My main concern is an EMP or collapse of US dollar.
A collapsible fold up bicycle in your trunk/boot would be a good thing to have, along with a get home bag.
In Vietnam, Charlie used bicycles to transport everything through the jungles on footpaths. Up to 500 lbs. of rice, ammo or mortars on a bike, with a piece of bamboo tied to the steering bar as an extension to steer better since they could not walk directly next to the bike. One would balance and steer and others would pull on a rope uphill. Sleds in winter. I have a red kite in my BOB for flying as a signal, 150 high. It is also used to pull a sled over snow, a boat over water or a wheeled vehicle on roads. Looks like a small parachute/paraglider. Your dog can also carry a small sattle for his own food or your ammo...GP
Puncture proofs are a good idea...BTW, Hey SE, do you possibly own any shares of the Green Tyre Co. seeing as you are doing some advertisment for them?? GP
Nup its just a local company I know about, I got some puncture proof tyres for a disabled lad so he can go crosccountry in his wheelchair
Let me know what you all think.
What is your strategy?
Do you have another type of strategy that I did not list?[/QUOTE]

Thank you Daniel8. This was a really well thought out post.