New Project Veritas Video Confirms Without a Doubt Facebook Has been Targeting Conservatives and Interfering with Elections on a Global Scale
The great James O’Keefe and Project Veritas released undercover video today that proves Facebook is targeting conservatives and putting MAGA supporters in the same grouping as terrorists.
The video goes on to explain how Facebook is working to promote the left and leftist causes on a global scale.
This is more proof of how Big Tech is eliminating Freedom of Speech in the United States.”
LOTS of issues in this clip. Things that will curdle your stomach. The statements about “white men” is beyond sickening.
James O'Keefe (@JamesOKeefeIII) Tweeted:
BREAKING: ANOTHER INSIDER COMES FORWARD: “I was seeing them interfering on a global level in elections.” - @realryanhartwig
Senior HR Business Partner at Facebook Proclaims Skin Color Determines Legal Standing in Complaint Scenarios
The great James O’Keefe and Project Veritas released undercover video today that proves Facebook is targeting conservatives and putting MAGA supporters in the same grouping as terrorists.
The video goes on to explain how Facebook is working to promote the left and leftist causes on a global scale.
This is more proof of how Big Tech is eliminating Freedom of Speech in the United States.”
LOTS of issues in this clip. Things that will curdle your stomach. The statements about “white men” is beyond sickening.
James O'Keefe (@JamesOKeefeIII) Tweeted:
BREAKING: ANOTHER INSIDER COMES FORWARD: “I was seeing them interfering on a global level in elections.” - @realryanhartwig
Senior HR Business Partner at Facebook Proclaims Skin Color Determines Legal Standing in Complaint Scenarios