Punishment of US Troops in Koran Burning

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Feb 5, 2012
Communist State Of Kalifornia
Predictably, the United Nations sided with Afghan President Hamid Karzai over punishing the U.S. troops who inadvertently burned copies of the Koran at a NATO air base.

Obama apologized to Karzai (which is a story in itself). Moreover, two American soldiers, along with 30 others, were killed by an Afghan solider who joined a string of violent protests.

But still
“After the first step of a profound apology, there must be a second step … of disciplinary action,” Jan Kubis, special representative for the U.N. secretary-general in Afghanistan, told a news conference.​
“Only after this, after such a disciplinary action, can the international forces say ‘yes, we’re sincere in our apology’,” added Kubis, without elaborating on what action should be taken.​

Again, two American soliders were killed in the Afghan protests, and Karzai and the UN expect prosecution for inadvertent Koran burning.

Seriously! Punishing OUR troops! Since when does the UN decide how are troops are dealt with on any level?!?

I also find it amazing, though not surprising, that the UN has not asked for punishment of those who murdered 2 US troops in Afghanistan Thursday March 1, 2012.

Furthermore, There is no law under the US Constitution that bans the burning of any religious material. In fact I believe this is protected under the 1st Amendment.
Nothing surprises me with the present executive administration. I firstly believe the UN should have no say so in our military or any punishment of our military men and women. With that said our president should be strong enough to be the commander in chief of the armed forces of the United States of America and do some teaching of the handling of the Koran in the future and say the matter has been resolved. It has been ok for our soldiers to be killed and even beheaded in public without the fanfare this issue has caused.Does all is fair in war apply to the burning of the Koran? That is an inanimate thing not a human being. Our flags are burned among other actions of lack of respect, but little is done about those actions. Truly lopsided attention is being given to this burning. Someone is keeping this in the limelight to deeply punish these soldiers for a mistake.
Nothing surprises me with the present executive administration. I firstly believe the UN should have no say so in our military or any punishment of our military men and women. With that said our president should be strong enough to be the commander in chief of the armed forces of the United States of America and do some teaching of the handling of the Koran in the future and say the matter has been resolved. It has been ok for our soldiers to be killed and even beheaded in public without the fanfare this issue has caused.Does all is fair in war apply to the burning of the Koran? That is an inanimate thing not a human being. Our flags are burned among other actions of lack of respect, but little is done about those actions. Truly lopsided attention is being given to this burning. Someone is keeping this in the limelight to deeply punish these soldiers for a mistake.
I feel that our current president feels that the US military are nothing more than sacrificial lambs.
It is also my opinion the the liberal side of the isle view the military as an irritation and a road block to spending money on their social handouts for the lazy.
It is impossible for the current administration in the oval office to understand military since there is no experience in that area at all. There is no admiration or pride in our armed forces either. Your statements are mine also about sacrifices.The commander in chief, I refuse to call him president, is feeding the people who will vote him in office in 2012, so he must keep the FREEBIES flowing to secure those votes.
It is impossible for the current administration in the oval office to understand military since there is no experience in that area at all. There is no admiration or pride in our armed forces either. Your statements are mine also about sacrifices.The commander in chief, I refuse to call him president, is feeding the people who will vote him in office in 2012, so he must keep the FREEBIES flowing to secure those votes.
very true! give away stuff and people will come! If a republican did half of what this guy has done the republicans would be tared and feathered and run out of town on a rail
The corruption is so deep in all the branches of the government it is getting to be difficult to know if the Democrats or Republicans are the worst. Pretty much a complete house cleaning would serve the American people well. I don't like to vote like that, but pretty much have decided to do a lot of research to determine who will stay and who will go when I have my votes. In my state we have an opportunity to now get rid of dead wood in the Secretary of State Department after 20 years of inactivity.
The corruption is so deep in all the branches of the government it is getting to be difficult to know if the Democrats or Republicans are the worst. Pretty much a complete house cleaning would serve the American people well. I don't like to vote like that, but pretty much have decided to do a lot of research to determine who will stay and who will go when I have my votes. In my state we have an opportunity to now get rid of dead wood in the Secretary of State Department after 20 years of inactivity.
Down here in calif we recalled one governor (Gray "pencil neck" Davis). Though we replaced him with schwarzenegger who is nothing more than a rino (Republican In Name Only). He takes his ques from the kennedys
No, I'm not surprised, either. Obama has apologized to the French, and known terrorists "On behalf of the American people". I don't remember apologizing to them. I don't remember anyone I know apologizing to them. Ridiculous.

As far as Dem vs Rep, I can't say I trust either side much at all. I look at the current crop of GOP presidential candidates, and I'm saddened to say the least. Romney? Not for me. Gingrich? A pot calling the kettle black, I'm afraid. I think Cain would've gotten my vote, but after his shenanigans, Paul and Perry, etc. What we're left with is a scary prospect. Paul doesn't stand a chance, I'm afraid, and Santorum seems to fighting the inevitable. Just imagine: Obama vs. Romney in 2012. Daaaaaaaaaaaaamn. I'm voting for our fearless leader! Clydesdale for Pres!
No, I'm not surprised, either. Obama has apologized to the French, and known terrorists "On behalf of the American people". I don't remember apologizing to them. I don't remember anyone I know apologizing to them. Ridiculous.

As far as Dem vs Rep, I can't say I trust either side much at all. I look at the current crop of GOP presidential candidates, and I'm saddened to say the least. Romney? Not for me. Gingrich? A pot calling the kettle black, I'm afraid. I think Cain would've gotten my vote, but after his shenanigans, Paul and Perry, etc. What we're left with is a scary prospect. Paul doesn't stand a chance, I'm afraid, and Santorum seems to fighting the inevitable. Just imagine: Obama vs. Romney in 2012. Daaaaaaaaaaaaamn. I'm voting for our fearless leader! Clydesdale for Pres!
Alabaster, I accept your nomination!
i second that, a prepper prez? that'll get ppl goen on it lmfao and to Al, i think we as americans should have the right to vote who we do or do not want to apologize to, after all, its us as a people that have to go fight the battles when its not given/accepted, i think we should have the right to decide if america stands up or not! that be'en said you'd think we'd have a right to vote on whether or not we go to war or not and with whom but its up to us as a people to get it through the poloticians heads, it states in the decloration of independence something to the tune of this: “if you as a patriot of these united states find your government to be a corrupt government than it is your patriotic duty to overthrow said government" problem is who stands up first?
i second that, a prepper prez? that'll get ppl goen on it lmfao and to Al, i think we as americans should have the right to vote who we do or do not want to apologize to, after all, its us as a people that have to go fight the battles when its not given/accepted, i think we should have the right to decide if america stands up or not! that be'en said you'd think we'd have a right to vote on whether or not we go to war or not and with whom but its up to us as a people to get it through the poloticians heads, it states in the decloration of independence something to the tune of this: “if you as a patriot of these united states find your government to be a corrupt government than it is your patriotic duty to overthrow said government" problem is who stands up first?
What several Presidents have failed to remember is that only congress can declare war per Article 1 Section 8 of the US Constitution.
rotten thing is, is that the same organizations that throw millions of dollors toward presidency campains, can also swing a war vote in their favor by the same means, atm i would think big oil companys (george w.) and such, but others do it too, for nothing more than financal gain. the death of ourselfs, family, and friends mean nothing compared to dollars in the already rich peoples pockets.

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