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Prepping Goddess
Dec 13, 2012
I have always used a desktop up until now. I have a new laptop with Windows 8 and I'm serious, I think the blessed thing is possessed. I'll be typing something and all of the sudden my font starts changing sizes, pages close, pages open, the cursor goes all over the place. I don't know what I'm doing wrong. Could someone please explain this to me, or should I just throw holy water on it?
Ummm, I usually tend to run them over....with a bulldozer if they start that with me. But I don't think geek squad would have the same answer so I would ask them. If you just bought the thing take it to where you got it and throw it at them and have them fix it. Geek squad in Best Buy will do something for it as long as the warrenty is still active...
I have always used a desktop up until now. I have a new laptop with Windows 8 and I'm serious, I think the blessed thing is possessed. I'll be typing something and all of the sudden my font starts changing sizes, pages close, pages open, the cursor goes all over the place. I don't know what I'm doing wrong. Could someone please explain this to me, or should I just throw holy water on it?
It might be because your thumb is moving the mouse while you're typing. Try disengaging the built in mouse pad.
Bravery, that means I would need to get an additional mouse, correct?
Actually you can use the desk PC mouse if it has the same connection. If not, you can buy a wireless mouse for around $20.00.
Yeah, give it a try. I know I was typing away on my laptop and then all of a sudden things would happen... then I disconnected the built in mousepad and started using my old mouse and the problem disappeared. I hope this is all the problem there is. If you don't have a mouse... check garage sales, craigslist, ebay, and thrift stores. You will want one with a USB connector (that is what is most commonly used now days).
There's also an option to change the sensitivity of your touchpad which, as Bravery said, is usually the culprit. I'm not familiar with windows 8 yet (I got to ge it to brush up on my tech desk skills).

One thing, I don't know if you have this; On my laptop, I have a metal strip running around the outer perimeter on my machine. It's part of the antenna for my wireless. If I rest my hand on it and type, sometimes the cursor jumps all over the place, I think from static electricity.
Ummm... Phoenix, Amy, what proof was that fruitcake y'all have been munching on?

Amy, I don't know what runs around my laptop, the whole damn thing is foreign to me. I did get a little mouse for the thing and I'm figuring it out. Isn't it funny? I can make soap, butcher a hog, sew a quilt, but electronics are so far over my head it's not even funny. I think the worst thing that has happened to my cell phone was either being run over by the truck or chewed on and then stepped on by one of the horses.

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