Quit smoking help please

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Awesome Friend
Apr 7, 2013
so ive been smoking for about 8 to 9 years, and i have a baby boy on the way thats gonna arrive in december! im super excited and nervous at the same time seeing how this is my first born. any who i quit smoking about 3 weeks ago and im still wanting to murder someone for a drag of a cigarrette!!! i eat mints and peanuts and many other snacks and that helps a little bit but its cheaper for me to buy smokes than it is to buy candys and new pants because these pants are getting alil bit tighter, what are some of the things that helped you stop smoking or curb your cravings. im willing to do anything!!!!! just so i can save money for my son and future preps
a little trick that works a bit better or is supposed to..lol...try fruity things such as lifesavers or a hard candy...yes it might be a bit on the calories for a while but the fruity taste or sense in your mouth is supposed to help. I wish you luck and remember you have the most important reason to stay strong and stay quit...it is your son on the way. Best of luck!! I have been smoke free for 4 yrs now after smoking for 40 yrs....it can be hard but you can do it!
I have smoked for 50 years and still do, I love ciggies. My wife has quit about 5 weeks ago she uses the gum and the vapor ciggies they seem to work for her. I no longer smoke in the house.
Just say to yourself..I am NOT going to have a cigarette today....good luck my friend.
might try getting a wooden dail thats same thickness and lenth as a cig..get a hold of it hold in hand and mouth like you would a cig untill temptaion goes away enough
might try getting a wooden dail thats same thickness and lenth as a cig..get a hold of it hold in hand and mouth like you would a cig untill temptaion goes away enough
i already eat straws like its a new drug lol. ill have to try that when i go to the wood shed next
it worked for me for 2 weeks.id twirl it in between fingers as well.then had a meet n greet dinner with some folks.then went to a bar later.and thats where i goofed and started smoking again..being around others smoking dont help..lol
Give E-cigarettes a try,when you take a drag,they atomize nicotine into vapor,no smoke to damage your lungs,but still kills the urge.You can get varying nicotine levels in refill liquid and taper yourself down to a 0 nicotine level.They even have refills in assorted flavors.I had/have the same problem,quit cold turkey,start buying bigger clothes.The e-cigs also help me after the 33 year habit by holding something that looks and feels like a real cig.The nicotine isn't what does the damage,it's the smoke itself along with all the other chemicals in it.

But word of warning,don't buy the cheapo's that you see at the gas stations,they are junk.A decent starter kit online will run you about $100 plus your refills.Sounds expensive,but what are you paying for a carton of smokes or 3 new bigger pairs of jeans?

I'm now on the lowest nicotine level now (2.5 mg i think) and in a few more weeks i'll try dropping to the 0 nicotine refill.My wife likes the flavored refills where i enjoy just the regular tobacco flavor.But after my body acclimates to no nicotine,then it will just be a matter of breaking the habit of holding one (i'm hoping).

I know exactly what you are going through and,for me,this has been the best and easiest way i've found without going nuts or putting on more weight,which I have enough extra padding already,lol.
If you are of a certain mindset ,you might try hypnosis.

I also agree with this.I know a couple folks this has worked wonders on.I tried it myself along with acupunture and personally,I couldn't wait for them to get done so I could go have a cig.I do believe it takes the right mindset to allow yourself to be hypnotized,so it did not work for me.
Give E-cigarettes a try,when you take a drag,they atomize nicotine into vapor,no smoke to damage your lungs,but still kills the urge.You can get varying nicotine levels in refill liquid and taper yourself down to a 0 nicotine level.They even have refills in assorted flavors.I had/have the same problem,quit cold turkey,start buying bigger clothes.The e-cigs also help me after the 33 year habit by holding something that looks and feels like a real cig.The nicotine isn't what does the damage,it's the smoke itself along with all the other chemicals in it.

But word of warning,don't buy the cheapo's that you see at the gas stations,they are junk.A decent starter kit online will run you about $100 plus your refills.Sounds expensive,but what are you paying for a carton of smokes or 3 new bigger pairs of jeans?

I'm now on the lowest nicotine level now (2.5 mg i think) and in a few more weeks i'll try dropping to the 0 nicotine refill.My wife likes the flavored refills where i enjoy just the regular tobacco flavor.But after my body acclimates to no nicotine,then it will just be a matter of breaking the habit of holding one (i'm hoping).

I know exactly what you are going through and,for me,this has been the best and easiest way i've found without going nuts or putting on more weight,which I have enough extra padding already,lol.
ive looked into doing this just my lady says your still smoking blah blah blah. so i kinda buried that idea.
A neighbor down the road gave the E-cigarettes a try a few months back and he is lowering himself on the nicotine intake like Sharkbait. That was back in January and he still hasn't had a "real" cigarette. It apparently does help, so you may want to rethink giving them a try. Even with the start up investments, in the long run it will be cheaper than cigarettes. If you are a pack a day smoker at $6 bucks a pack, you would spend $100 dollars in just 16 days. Most people who try to quit cold turkey normally do go back to eventually. I knew one that had gone 3 months and still started back.
so ive been smoking for about 8 to 9 years, and i have a baby boy on the way thats gonna arrive in december! im super excited and nervous at the same time seeing how this is my first born. any who i quit smoking about 3 weeks ago and im still wanting to murder someone for a drag of a cigarrette!!! i eat mints and peanuts and many other snacks and that helps a little bit but its cheaper for me to buy smokes than it is to buy candys and new pants because these pants are getting alil bit tighter, what are some of the things that helped you stop smoking or curb your cravings. im willing to do anything!!!!! just so i can save money for my son and future preps

E-CIGS are quite the controversy these days ................... might try to man-up ,lay it down , put the family first, start exercising your body and mind for the ensuing chaos of what is sure to happen......from one who did.......Feburary 1989 ......cold turkey.................. PS, make new friends and stay away from that smoking , non-prepping crowd.
I dunno about e-cigs or any of the other nicotine replacements...my mother had to quit (medical reasons - almost death!) and they put her on Chantix...seemed to work for her although she went thru the physical part of the withdrawal period in a coma! She still doesn't smoke. She LOVED smoking and figured she'd die doing it...thankfully she didn't.

I quit cold turkey almost 26 years ago. (I quit because I wanted to get pregnant and I'd always told myself I wouldn't smoke while pregnant or while I had kids.) For me, it was just setting my mind to it. I convinced myself that I wasn't going to be a smoker anymore. I found things to do that I didn't associate with smoking. Those were easy times...times like after dinner when I was used to enjoying a smoke were tough times. So, like sharkbait said, maybe try the ecigs...while you are working your way to zero nicotine, try to establish habits that you don't associate with smoking..then you'll have something to do when the going gets tough...

Accept your decision to quit and embrace it. I know that sounds odd but you HAVE to accept it or it'll just be a temporary thing.
E-CIGS are quite the controversy these days ................... might try to man-up ,lay it down , put the family first, start exercising your body and mind for the ensuing chaos of what is sure to happen......from one who did.......Feburary 1989 ......cold turkey.................. PS, make new friends and stay away from that smoking , non-prepping crowd.
I was once in an eating place where someone was smoking one of those e-cigs...I complained to management but they assured me that there were no rules against e-cigs in that place of business!!!! Really??? Oh well...

I have you beat...I turned non-smoker in 1987...it was the best decision of my life! Beyond the first 3 days of physical withdrawal I've never wanted to go back...I had a nightmare once that I'd started again...that was the WORST nightmare EVER!!!!
im trying to accept it just of course a week after i quit i lost my job, had to move, and even more "rain" has begun to affect me....
im trying to accept it just of course a week after i quit i lost my job, had to move, and even more "rain" has begun to affect me....
Don't let that change your decision...you are doing a GREAT thing by giving up smoking now...just imagine if shtf tomorrow...you'd be past the physical part of it!

My hubby quit smoking about the same time I did (we didn't know each other at the time.) He didn't have a job either then...he worked out his frustrations by working out...he still doesn't smoke either. You CAN do this!
It's been about three months since you quit right? Still hang in there, the cravings will eventually go away. You seem to be a strong minded man and that is a great accomplishment!
Every time you get the urge drop and do 10 pushups. Start working out. Do anything that will PROMOTE your health. I had a friend that did that and in a few months he lost a bunch of weight. The healthier he got the easier it was to get over the urges. Don't turn a bad habit into a bad eating habit. The extra weight you gain can become as much as a health factor as smoking in some cases.

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