Talk to me about rain water collection systems. I've been doing some research, but would love some actual "I've done it" wisdom.
Initially, we were considering just a simple barrel beneath a gutter. But, now that I've started exploring, I see that there are some incredible systems out there. We'd love to set something up that would allow for some water storage for mainly watering our gardens (and saving some money), but also to keep the family watered in the case of an emergency. We are on city water, but in an area with plenty of rainfall. So, we would love to become a little more self-sufficient water-wise. While there are no laws against rain water collection in our area, there are CC&R's that require everything "look aesthetically pleasing." Yup... we're suburban peppers... for now.
Share with me any and everything you know!
Initially, we were considering just a simple barrel beneath a gutter. But, now that I've started exploring, I see that there are some incredible systems out there. We'd love to set something up that would allow for some water storage for mainly watering our gardens (and saving some money), but also to keep the family watered in the case of an emergency. We are on city water, but in an area with plenty of rainfall. So, we would love to become a little more self-sufficient water-wise. While there are no laws against rain water collection in our area, there are CC&R's that require everything "look aesthetically pleasing." Yup... we're suburban peppers... for now.
Share with me any and everything you know!