Hey Y'all,
I have been raising rabbits, tilapia, and quails for a few years now. In my opinion, of those three, quails are the best option. I originally bought my quail eggs from a farm in West Covina, California off of ebay. Within a couple of months, I was able to grow my quails exponentially. It only takes them 6 weeks from hatch to start laying. Once they start laying, they'll lay each and every day for the rest of their lives. I was told that consuming a quail egg has enough calories to sustain you in a survival scenario. In addition, these birds will eat just about everything! I had orginally intended to raise chickens, but those darn birds eat too much. Please let me know if you have any suggestions on raising other animals.
I have been raising rabbits, tilapia, and quails for a few years now. In my opinion, of those three, quails are the best option. I originally bought my quail eggs from a farm in West Covina, California off of ebay. Within a couple of months, I was able to grow my quails exponentially. It only takes them 6 weeks from hatch to start laying. Once they start laying, they'll lay each and every day for the rest of their lives. I was told that consuming a quail egg has enough calories to sustain you in a survival scenario. In addition, these birds will eat just about everything! I had orginally intended to raise chickens, but those darn birds eat too much. Please let me know if you have any suggestions on raising other animals.