Rant for the Day (keep it clean)

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Wow. We called human society in the bigger town, and they will service cats and dogs in certain zip codes...got lucky on our house zip code. I think they normally charge 80 bucks, but since we are seniors, they charge a 10 buck donation per animal. We brought in 5 females and paid them 20 each. We had to show proof of social security income.
We never bought a cat. Cats appear here. Have another 8 or so kittens to give away, will try at the next farmer's mkt. When they are gone, our five girls are spayed, and we'll be taking in the two males in a couple of weeks when they do the neuter clinic. So we'll just keep the seven till they pass or disappear.
...The owners if the place we are in now left their cats behind when they moved. One of them had cancer. She was such a sweet kitty though. We took care of her until the end....
My dog is like my child, and yes dependent on me. I can’t be away from home for more than 10 hours without feeling that I’m neglecting her. And I had to work up to the 10 hours, thankfully she’s been ok with that. Guess that’s my rant of the day.
I Feel the same way about Me BushieBooBoo Girl, She IS/WAS Me Child... Nothing but :heart:
I liked the people we bought our new house from, till I found out they abandoned their cat. On the bright side, the neighbors took care of him, and he lives with us now,

Buy a house, get a free cat :D
We bought our property and got a cat with it. It lives in the workshop. It was part of the deal we care for the cat when we bought the house. We had no problem with that.
My former farm came with an oldish dog. They didn't abandon him though. He was included up front in the purchase agreement. One of the best dogs we ever had. He just couldn't go to the nursing home with them.
We like to say we bought a very expensive cat and got the house and acreage for free. 🤣
Decided that in the mean time, we're gonna let the 2 strays be loose at our place and feed them. If they stay, fine. If they go, fine. Better than a kill shelter and much farther from any main roads. If a neighbor picks them up and keeps them, also fine. I'm going to keep feelers out for homes. Decided to call them Bo and Daisy. If they stick around I'll get shots for them and the male neutered. As long as they don't bother my chickens or the cattle.
Decided that in the mean time, we're gonna let the 2 strays be loose at our place and feed them. If they stay, fine. If they go, fine. Better than a kill shelter and much farther from any main roads. If a neighbor picks them up and keeps them, also fine. I'm going to keep feelers out for homes. Decided to call them Bo and Daisy. If they stick around I'll get shots for them and the male neutered. As long as they don't bother my chickens or the cattle.
I have a sneaking suspicion that they will stay!!!😊
Decided that in the mean time, we're gonna let the 2 strays be loose at our place and feed them. If they stay, fine. If they go, fine. Better than a kill shelter and much farther from any main roads. If a neighbor picks them up and keeps them, also fine. I'm going to keep feelers out for homes. Decided to call them Bo and Daisy. If they stick around I'll get shots for them and the male neutered. As long as they don't bother my chickens or the cattle.
3 hots and a cot, congrats on your new cats :)
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Decided that in the mean time, we're gonna let the 2 strays be loose at our place and feed them. If they stay, fine. If they go, fine. Better than a kill shelter and much farther from any main roads. If a neighbor picks them up and keeps them, also fine. I'm going to keep feelers out for homes. Decided to call them Bo and Daisy. If they stick around I'll get shots for them and the male neutered. As long as they don't bother my chickens or the cattle.

I'd say thanks but....they're dogs... and I already have 5 not including them 🤣 I'm officially turning into a crazy dog/chicken/farm animal lady
I thought cats, too. I wondered how much a couple of cats can bother the cattle. 🤪
So we go out to eat today and the electronic pad thing they bring out has suggested tips of 20%, 25% and 30%. In order to give less using a debit card you have to click 'other' and type in an amount while the waitress stands there starring at you. First, this tipping **** is out of control. Pay your people a fair wage and let tips be a reward for excellent service or no reward for crappy service. It's not my job to pay for the food AND then pay your employees salary. Second, this is why I try and use cash whenever possible. Just throw it down and walk out the door. Let them sort that **** out while you're climbing in your car.
I've been the crazy cat lady for decades already. LOL.
There aren't any no-kill shelters in my area. There's a dog pound and it doesn't take cats, but again, kill shelter. And the guy who runs it is a scumbag liar. He told me it was a no-kill shelter before some friends gave them a dog to rehome. Then they started saying they were going to have the dog put down. One of their people contacted my friend's ex and threatened to send someone over, break into their yard, steal their dogs and have them put down or force them to pay to get them back. I'm now blocked by the shelter page on FB for my back and forth with said employee over that.

Zero energy today and need to get stuff done.
Friday I got a text from the Aussie tax office. They had a question about one of my quarterly GST reports. They gave a reference number. Today...Monday...I called. 32 minutes on hold. They tell me they want new info on T4, T8 and T9 on the form. I said my accountant has that info. Okay. Bye...call us back when you have it. Next, my accountant says he cannot access that info from the ATO because the particular form is being reviewed by the ATO. The ATO...after another 28 minutes on hold...told me to have the accountant call them. No way! $200 an hour to stay on hold??? Called the accountant back...the ATO owes ME...so don't worry about it. They don't chase after people that THEY owe money to...we'll sort it out at year end...which is 30th June. Geez...
Friday I got a text from the Aussie tax office. They had a question about one of my quarterly GST reports. They gave a reference number. Today...Monday...I called. 32 minutes on hold. They tell me they want new info on T4, T8 and T9 on the form. I said my accountant has that info. Okay. Bye...call us back when you have it. Next, my accountant says he cannot access that info from the ATO because the particular form is being reviewed by the ATO. The ATO...after another 28 minutes on hold...told me to have the accountant call them. No way! $200 an hour to stay on hold??? Called the accountant back...the ATO owes ME...so don't worry about it. They don't chase after people that THEY owe money to...we'll sort it out at year end...which is 30th June. Geez...
GOVT is GOVT, you are screwed no matter where you live.
I rang our doctors surgery and asked for a letter confirming my sons diagnosis so I could have on file - occasionally he has to produce something so he can get extra time in an exam etc.
Husband collected it today for us.
The page has one line.
They didn't even put in into an envelope - bearing in mind my son is over 21, so technically it should be private.
They charged us €25. I'm more than a little annoyed. Not even an bloody envelope! And I'd say it won't suffice.
its been hot here and had to go to 3 different towns today...by afternoon i was wiped out...did i say its hot here...then being on that hot ass asphalt parking lots...good lawd how do folks do it in town all the time.

irritable ol cuss i am !
We'll have one of those big town days all afternoon tomorrow, Elkhound, and it's in the 90's, and I really hate it, too. The asphalt makes it worse. I like it at home...trees and dirt roads and it's a few degrees cooler.
So my favorite cousin, her granddaughter, and her brother will be here for dinner on Friday, so I thought I better get some deep cleaning started, so started on the kitchen today after husband's doc appt. But that's not my rant. I went to clean the window in the kitchen above the sink, and the glass fell outside and busted! Shocked the heck out of me, and what a mess! Couldn't tell you how old that window is, the house was built in 1908. So it has plastic and duct tape there now. Another action item for the handyman when he has time to get out to our place.
One of our friends & a coworker of my brother's was riding to work with his stepdaughter (who also works with him) driving in for a work meeting. Another vehicle merged into their lane without signal and without enough room. Slammed into them hard and made the car roll. Totalled it. Stepfather was mildly injured (as far as he could feel right afterward) and stepdaughter needed stitches on her head bc the ceiling caved in enough to bonk her when they rolled. They are now without a working vehicle and my brother can't have his usual day off (Thursday) when our sister is coming in because he has to cover shifts. Really sucks for this dude to lose his car like that and I hope he doesn't end up with hidden injuries.

Meanwhile, it was raining when I was driving home so hard to see already and Mom started fiddling with the center console and kept knocking her purse down into my leg space while I was driving. She won't put it on the floor near her feet or hold it on her lap. It kept repeatedly falling and getting in the way of my foot so I kept having to pick it back up and it was really aggravating. I finally tossed it in the back seat and a few minutes later while going with the flow of traffic, I slowed down when I saw the speed reduced to 50mph. I always make sure to be at or below the posted speed limit before passing the sign. Other vehicles were going faster than me and a cop pulled up behind me with lights. Nowhere to pull over and I didn't realize he was trying to pull me over (although, sometimes the cops here will fish for whoever pulls over). So I finally got to an area where I could pull over and made sure to pull on to the grass enough that the cop would be fully off the road when he approached. I said "Hi" and asked what was wrong and he claimed I was going 64 in a 50. I said that I just slowed down for the 50mph sign that came up. He asked for my license. I handed it over. He said he didn't need insurance or registration because the system now lets them pull that info up. Mom wasn't listening so she went through the glove box and reorganized things-- which means I'm going to have a hard time finding stuff later. She always messes it up.

Cop got back and thanked me for leaving him plenty of room to be off the road, commented that I did have my seatbelt on but that the ticket for going 14mph over was over $200 and would reflect as a ding on insurance. He said no seatbelt wouldn't do that and would be under $100. He showed me the address and url on the ticket and had me sign. I asked him where the 50mph zone started bc I hadn't seen it. He explained it was back near some store. Mom was convinced he was lying bc we have had cops lie to us about street signs, but I think it's possible I missed it bc she kept distracting me with her stupid purse. I didn't say that to her though. Just kept my trap shut. Cop had no bodycam I noticed. And this is a town where you can't contest tickets. They have no courthouse and there is no way to actually contest the tickets written there. Same town wrote my brother a ticket for rolling through a stop sign when there was no stop sign there. Not even a red light. Just a flashing yellow caution light. But he couldn't contest it as there was nowhere to contest it. All you can do is pay whatever fine they have. Most of the state it's $50 for no seatbelt. But in this town it's $184.

I saw a bunch of people being pulled over so it must be ticket quota time. I don't know if they do this in other places, but here the cops have ticket quotas and get in trouble if they don't write x number of tickets by x date. So there is always a rush toward the end of the period where they straight up make stuff up.

I will say that the cop was polite and chill and didn't act accusatory or condescending. When we got into our own town I was making sure to watch the signs very carefully and saw blue lights behind me again. I made a right turn to pull out of the main road but they were going after someone else. I was about to be really angry if they were going to pull me over for nothing. LOL.

Could have been worse. Nobody was hurt and the fine won't kill me. Mom's purse will stay in the back from now on.

Aaaand, I stayed up all night again without meaning to. LOL.
:lightbulb: Make a Note of the day as in 3rd Monday or the Date, Near the 15th of the Month and 🐝 More Careful Next Month...?!?
Meanwhile, it was raining when I was driving home so hard to see already and Mom started fiddling with the center console and kept knocking her purse down into my leg space while I was driving. She won't put it on the floor near her feet or hold it on her lap. It kept repeatedly falling and getting in the way of my foot so I kept having to pick it back up and it was really aggravating. I finally tossed it in the back seat and a few minutes later while going with the flow of traffic, I slowed down when I saw the speed reduced to 50mph. I always make sure to be at or below the posted speed limit before passing the sign. Other vehicles were going faster than me and a cop pulled up behind me with lights. Nowhere to pull over and I didn't realize he was trying to pull me over (although, sometimes the cops here will fish for whoever pulls over). So I finally got to an area where I could pull over and made sure to pull on to the grass enough that the cop would be fully off the road when he approached. I said "Hi" and asked what was wrong and he claimed I was going 64 in a 50. I said that I just slowed down for the 50mph sign that came up. He asked for my license. I handed it over. He said he didn't need insurance or registration because the system now lets them pull that info up. Mom wasn't listening so she went through the glove box and reorganized things-- which means I'm going to have a hard time finding stuff later. She always messes it up.

Cop got back and thanked me for leaving him plenty of room to be off the road, commented that I did have my seatbelt on but that the ticket for going 14mph over was over $200 and would reflect as a ding on insurance. He said no seatbelt wouldn't do that and would be under $100. He showed me the address and url on the ticket and had me sign. I asked him where the 50mph zone started bc I hadn't seen it. He explained it was back near some store. Mom was convinced he was lying bc we have had cops lie to us about street signs, but I think it's possible I missed it bc she kept distracting me with her stupid purse. I didn't say that to her though. Just kept my trap shut. Cop had no bodycam I noticed. And this is a town where you can't contest tickets. They have no courthouse and there is no way to actually contest the tickets written there. Same town wrote my brother a ticket for rolling through a stop sign when there was no stop sign there. Not even a red light. Just a flashing yellow caution light. But he couldn't contest it as there was nowhere to contest it. All you can do is pay whatever fine they have. Most of the state it's $50 for no seatbelt. But in this town it's $184.

I saw a bunch of people being pulled over so it must be ticket quota time. I don't know if they do this in other places, but here the cops have ticket quotas and get in trouble if they don't write x number of tickets by x date. So there is always a rush toward the end of the period where they straight up make stuff up.

I will say that the cop was polite and chill and didn't act accusatory or condescending. When we got into our own town I was making sure to watch the signs very carefully and saw blue lights behind me again. I made a right turn to pull out of the main road but they were going after someone else. I was about to be really angry if they were going to pull me over for nothing. LOL.

Could have been worse. Nobody was hurt and the fine won't kill me. Mom's purse will stay in the back from now on.

Aaaand, I stayed up all night again without meaning to. LOL.
How could there be no way to contest tickets? That doesn’t seem right. So, they can ticket you for anything they said you did or did not do and you just have to accept that and pay the ticket.
I don't usually Rant but Now is the Time...

I have Loved Velvetta Cheese for as Long as I can Remember, the 3 Cheese and the Jalapeno...!!! When I got up here 2 years ago I asked a certain store about carrying the Jalapeno Flavor as I have not seen it in there, well, Today it was there and as I looked at the Label, I put it back on the Shelf, needless to say, I am MAD...!!

how in the world do you pressure can french fries???
Maybe just pressure can the potato slices to fry up in the future?
View attachment 155378

the sourdough bread, only problem is we are eating too much bread ....lol, froze one of them
That looks delicious. I used to bake bread, too, but I was really putting on the pounds and quit baking except for special occasions.
I don't usually Rant but Now is the Time...

I have Loved Velvetta Cheese for as Long as I can Remember, the 3 Cheese and the Jalapeno...!!! When I got up here 2 years ago I asked a certain store about carrying the Jalapeno Flavor as I have not seen it in there, well, Today it was there and as I looked at the Label, I put it back on the Shelf, needless to say, I am MAD...!!

View attachment 155387
I don’t see what made you angry.

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