Rant for the Day (keep it clean)

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Sentence on the Bottom Right...!!!
If they can genetically modify fruits, vegetables and animals why can't they make a modified type of grass that is nice and green, grows slower than Pedo Joe moves and only needs to be mowed a couple times every summer. I seeded with some grass seed that was supposed to grow really slow but that does not seem to stop me from having to mow all the damn time.
How could there be no way to contest tickets? That doesn’t seem right. So, they can ticket you for anything they said you did or did not do and you just have to accept that and pay the ticket.
It doesn't seem legal but they do it anyway. They also give judge's a bonus to their retirement pay for every conviction so they have more motivation to convict people in bench trials. I need to find the link again, but there was an article about "How Louisiana Perfected the Speed Trap". Story mentioned a woman who was driving a car that could not physically go above 50mph but they ticketed her for 70mph and she had no way of contesting it. Another thing I have witnessed them doing is forgetting that a matter was already adjudicated and the fine already paid for it. And they don't make sure people get notice of court appearances. They will adjudicate, assess fines, receive the $, and "forget" or "lose" the record of it (possibly via not recording it in the first place) and after receiving the $ for the fine they will adjudicate again-- often without informing the person of a court date-- or by claiming they never showed up for the first date and never paid the fine, and then charge them with failure to appear or failure to pay and charge them again. At least in the parish court they do not allow any electronics, cameras, or forms of recording and they do not appear to have a stenographer. Louisiana is known to have a profoundly corrupt "justice" system.

My gripe is how I can never find things when I need them. I'll literally be tripping over something until I actually need it and then I can't find it anywhere. I was looking for some leather blanks I misplaced for weeks. Couldn't find them and gave up. Started looking for something else that I now can't seem to find and I found the leather blanks, but not the item I misplaced. I guess I should start looking for something else to find the thing I need, but that usually only works when I no longer need the item.

unintentionally stayed up all night again and my vision has been extra blurry the past couple of days.
My gripe is how I can never find things when I need them. I'll literally be tripping over something until I actually need it and then I can't find it anywhere. I was looking for some leather blanks I misplaced for weeks. Couldn't find them and gave up. Started looking for something else that I now can't seem to find and I found the leather blanks, but not the item I misplaced. I guess I should start looking for something else to find the thing I need, but that usually only works when I no longer need the item.
My stuff shows up right after I order a replacement.
I can't handle sun or heat. My medicines make me burn more easily and get heat exhaustion faster.
So, I found the thing I was looking for finally. Yay! And I found other stuff that I put in a specific bin.
Was too tired to unload the truck today and need to take the trash out again already. Bleh. Brother was supposed to help me but his stomach wasn't feeling well and he works Thursday. For some reason my sister didn't look for a hotel herself before traveling out and asked me if I found one for her. I didn't realize she expected me to look for one. LOL. So I googled quickly and showed her some options. She picked one that didn't even show up on the lists I was finding and I checked-- it says its under renovation but has rooms available. We'll see if she can find a good place in Alexandria. There's only one hotel and one motel in my town and they both suck.
I ordered some stuff on Monday that was supposed to arrive by Thursday. 2 of the 3 items shipped but the 3rd one hasn't so there is no way it will make it by Thursday and I needed it by Friday. Might have to cancel the order and get something else instead. Only ordered those specific things bc they said they would ship fast. I really hope that nothing goes through the Humble TX facility. Might have to look at shops in Alexandria again for stuff.
Gonna suck tomorrow having to unload the truck and find places for everything. Got a bunch of plumbing supplies, electrical, painting supplies, and car parts.
Okay now **** is getting crazy. She just decided to move and that's fine. Then she decided to never leave, I will learn to live with it. Now today she bought and brought home a dresser. A dresser? What for? What is wrong with my cheap Walmart clothes basket? It holds my clothes just fine. She seems to think clothes baskets are just for transporting clothes back and force, which makes no sense at all. Next thing you know she will want a curtain on the shower and a rug on the concrete floor. I am being domesticated and I don't like it!
Okay now **** is getting crazy. She just decided to move and that's fine. Then she decided to never leave, I will learn to live with it. Now today she bought and brought home a dresser. A dresser? What for? What is wrong with my cheap Walmart clothes basket? It holds my clothes just fine. She seems to think clothes baskets are just for transporting clothes back and force, which makes no sense at all. Next thing you know she will want a curtain on the shower and a rug on the concrete floor. I am being domesticated and I don't like it!
You are in REALLY DEEP!!😉💗
Okay now **** is getting crazy. She just decided to move and that's fine. Then she decided to never leave, I will learn to live with it. Now today she bought and brought home a dresser. A dresser? What for? What is wrong with my cheap Walmart clothes basket? It holds my clothes just fine. She seems to think clothes baskets are just for transporting clothes back and force, which makes no sense at all. Next thing you know she will want a curtain on the shower and a rug on the concrete floor. I am being domesticated and I don't like it!
LMAO as 4 legged Kitties will do that to You also...!!!
Okay now **** is getting crazy. She just decided to move and that's fine. Then she decided to never leave, I will learn to live with it. Now today she bought and brought home a dresser. A dresser? What for? What is wrong with my cheap Walmart clothes basket? It holds my clothes just fine. She seems to think clothes baskets are just for transporting clothes back and force, which makes no sense at all. Next thing you know she will want a curtain on the shower and a rug on the concrete floor. I am being domesticated and I don't like it!

She’s either testing you and/or playing games to see if you really care.

I had a game player once, and pretty good looking…. I ditched her, after she finally let me go. I can’t/won’t be with a woman playing head games. That’s a rant of mine.
Okay now **** is getting crazy. She just decided to move and that's fine. Then she decided to never leave, I will learn to live with it. Now today she bought and brought home a dresser. A dresser? What for? What is wrong with my cheap Walmart clothes basket? It holds my clothes just fine. She seems to think clothes baskets are just for transporting clothes back and force, which makes no sense at all. Next thing you know she will want a curtain on the shower and a rug on the concrete floor. I am being domesticated and I don't like it!
It seems to me you need to make some sort of decision and I think the sooner the better.
Let me tell you story. This guy fell head over heals in love, married her, had a baby, life got a little tough and she walked way and never came back. Somewhere along the way he met another lady, who seemed really great, she hung around about a year and a half. He proposed, she freaked out and also took off never to come back. So he just worked his ass off all alone to try to provide for his kid and occasionally brought home a lady for a day or so. That man is in his 70's and he still finds ladies to come to his place for a day or so. That's my pops. So I have a built in aversion to marriage and long term commitment. I have had many ladies stop over but they all just left the next day. Which worked just fine for me. Only this Brazilian lady stayed and she does not intend to leave. Ever. And she is so stubborn I am confident that she means it. Plus in the state I live in, common law likely already applies. If I called the sheriff they would take one look at her, listen to her for a few minutes and throw me out of the house.
Let me tell you story. This guy fell head over heals in love, married her, had a baby, life got a little tough and she walked way and never came back. Somewhere along the way he met another lady, who seemed really great, she hung around about a year and a half. He proposed, she freaked out and also took off never to come back. So he just worked his ass off all alone to try to provide for his kid and occasionally brought home a lady for a day or so. That man is in his 70's and he still finds ladies to come to his place for a day or so. That's my pops. So I have a built in aversion to marriage and long term commitment. I have had many ladies stop over but they all just left the next day. Which worked just fine for me. Only this Brazilian lady stayed and she does not intend to leave. Ever. And she is so stubborn I am confident that she means it. Plus in the state I live in, common law likely already applies. If I called the sheriff they would take one look at her, listen to her for a few minutes and throw me out of the house.
Sounds like a pretty good situation to me!!😉
I did manage to unload stuff from the truck, but the trunk is now packed. I didn't get to laundry yesterday and probably won't have time or energy for it today. Woke up just before 6am and am still exhausted but my brain won't let me rest. I'm also sore from doing cleaning and yardwork yesterday. Weeds were growing up over the sidewalk. Battery on my trimmer went out about halfway through. Had to charge it and worked on cleaning up in the kitchen and hallway while it charged. Kept stumbling, hitting myself in the head with the broom handle, nearly fell over several times-- balance issues I guess-- and after my sister got there and we went to go see what hotel she picked, the gps on my truck didn't get it even remotely correct. Had to use my phone's GPS.

Then Mom wanted McDonalds drink last night. I ordered on the app, sat at curbside for 10min before going inside bc the app indicated I'd already received my order. Took 25min to get my stuff bc they only had 4 employees in there and were swamped.

Had to do stuff when I got home before I could finally sit down and enjoy my shake and fries. and then before I could go to bed, feeling absolutely exhausted, Mom wanted me to reheat leftovers for her. I was about ready to drop. Nearly fell over again but grabbed on to the fridge to catch myself. Past 3 days I've been losing my balance and fell a few times, but either landed on stuff or was able to grab on to something.

And I realized last night that the milk has expired.

Also, something I ordered that I needed in time for the wedding on Saturday now says it won't arrive until Saturday, which makes it useless but its too late to cancel the order. I'm going to leave negative feedback on the seller for not sending it on time. It was supposed to be 2 day shipping and I ordered it Monday but they didn't even send it out until Thursday.

Sister and Mom want to go to the mall today so I'll be having to deal with Mom's wheelchair. I'm already tired just thinking about it. LOL.

Did I mention that the battery in my weed trimmer ran down in less than 20min and it couldn't cut some of the weeds bc they were too thick? #firstworldproblems
I hate it when people do stupid things. I REALLY hate it when I do stupid things.

So I decide to put my clothes in this ******* dresser, which required that I relocate my bedroom television from on top of the 6 cinder blocks that I was using as a TV stand. Yes, I am fancy and use cinder blocks for furniture. Anyway I set the television on the ground, leaned it up against the bed, carried out the blocks, got my new TV wall mount and somehow knocked over the TV. I put a dozen curse words out in the universe then lifted it up. Of course screen got smashed on one side and now its as dead as Clinton witness. It was a cheap ass chinesium special 55 inch, but still. That's $225 I am going to spend today that I didn't need to.
Time to Charge Rent on that Squatter...!!! :waiting::waiting::waiting:
You GAVE Her a Key, Right...?!? :facepalm:
You GAVE Her a Key, Right...?!? :facepalm:

I don't have a typical house nor do I have a typical lock. My door uses an electronic keypad with a camera. She has her own code, but codes can be changed or turned off easily. Of course she would then just driver her vehicle through the garage door or ram down a wall. She is what I would describe as extremely affectionate and twice as hot tempered. She will probably kill me someday, but I will probably die with a smile on my face.
So just to keep you updated, she came home and saw the dresser in the bedroom full of clothes and was more excited than Joe when he makes it up a staircase without falling. I got a bunch of kisses and then she said "see, slowly but surely but I will win you over". Now she is looking online at furniture stores. What have I done.

What. Have. I. Done.
A visiting family member snuck into an REI store to buy some bug spray on the way to a camping trip. I haven't shopped at REI for years - not since they went all anti-gun woke and stupid. I got an email from them asking me to fill out their customer satisfaction survey. So I thought, "Why not? The turds." I hate REI now.

Here's what I wrote:
I have abandoned REI ever since your virtue-signaling move attacking Vista Outdoor and a large chunk of your previous supporting members. The only reason you saw the recent small purchase that triggered this survey request was an urgent need by a family member briefly passing through town where an REI store was right next door to another merchant they stopped at. I can't say I know anyone who shops in your stores anymore. Although we all used to - before you chose the bong and dildo crowd as the customer base you wanted to cater to and spit in everyone else's faces.
Ok now im ready to continue my rant. to refresh 2022 2023. My stepdad died November 2022. In February 2023 my brother was murdered.
3 months after my stepdad died. Now the person who killed him got one year and a 1500 dollar fine. Im outraged!! I will go into detail if you ask
Ok now im ready to continue my rant. to refresh 2022 2023. My stepdad died November 2022. In February 2023 my brother was murdered.
3 months after my stepdad died. Now the person who killed him got one year and a 1500 dollar fine. Im outraged!! I will go into detail if you ask
WHAT!!! HOW HORRIBLE!! My deepest condolences for you and your family!! THIS SHOULD NEVER HAPPEN!!