refugees,,,where does your state stand

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My damn state is free for all, oh by the way we are number 9 and not surprised, they love everyone unless your republican, conservative, fossil fuel users, lover of O'l Glory, christian and gun owners and especially hillbilly's
Texas is number 1...and I am not surprised. It is hard to find an actual Texan in Texas anymore. They are all from California, Illinois, New York, and Nevada. In Texas, those are all different countries.
I live in Florida, and there are more people here from all over than anyplace else, except maybe New York and California.

I had to learn Spanish to work down here as a paramedic (especially in Miami) but it turned out to be a blessing in disguise.

I actually had better job offers, higher pay, and better job security because I'm bilingual.

I may resent the idea that I was--by circumstances--forced to learn a second language, but I pocketed the extra money quick enough.
Yep, my Spanish has improved since moving to a more agricultural area, hehe. It's still bad though. And that's after two years in Spanish during High School. I attempted Russian in college (for a job that later went poof, so my motivation did as well).

I'm working with some software to eventually become fully bi-lingual in Spanish. It's nearly a necessity these days. (and fun as hell when some folks are talking about ya, and think you can't understand 'em, and show them you do). :)
My father (fully American, as I am) is fluent in Arabic (worked as a defense contractor for many years in the Middle East, mostly Yemen and Saudi), and he's fluent in Filipino. (not sure if that's the official name of it). He's about the same as me in regards to Spanish.

I only learned some basic Arabic (enough to buy and sell when there) and how to swear in it. :D
Being hearing impaired (nice way to say almost stone cold deaf) learning another language is a no-go.
Sign language is a language.

Since the electronic Spanish translator did not work with my son's gardener, I seriously doubt that sign language would work either. I do tend to read lips (in English), so don't swear at me, I will be watching. :D During the President Trump"s first State of the Union, Nancy Pelosi (Spelling?) did forget to cover her mouth and let slip a few not so nice words.
Arkansas here and we are definitely not a sanctuary state! ICE does work round the clock though and rounds up plenty, but most of the ones they get seems to be in the Northwest, probably due to the building boom and bleeding hearts up there. My fear is the growing population of idiots in Northwest Arkansas becoming large enough to change the balance of power. We are still like 95% Red though so they have a a long way to go. Then again, I used to say that about Arizona...