Revolution Calling!!!

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You know, my kid prints a lot of the articles out that you post links to and takes them to school to be discussed in her Current Events/Civics class. She's not real popular with her teacher. I love my kid!
You know, my kid prints a lot of the articles out that you post links to and takes them to school to be discussed in her Current Events/Civics class. She's not real popular with her teacher. I love my kid!
Your kid rocks !
Public schools are juvenile detention centers
Brain dead , Kool-aid drinking morons dumbing down
Our kids

Turning our children into jibbering helpless
Government worshipping jelly fish
How long do you think these punks with a badge
Will last when things go completely sideways?

You see I am neither an optimist
Or a pessimist
I don't see the glass half empty or half full
I just want to know who spit in my drink?

The walking dead was mentioned earlier today
I view this show with the degree of skepticism
So a cop appoints himself as leader of the group
This is all about badge worship
My group of thugs, fellow Survivalists
All have active duty time in one of the military forces
There are no and will be no
LEOs Ever allowed in our group
If they were a soldier longer than a being
A cop. We would consider it

I do realize that not all law-enforcement behave this way

But I prefer not to associate with them at any time
My brother in law is a sherriff in Fairview and hasn't fired his gun in all the years hes been on the force. His Claim to fame is Mr Magruff ,don't know if any of you have heard of this its to do with drug awareness
We have MacGruff the Crime Dog or at least we did, not sure if we still do.

Come and Take It, the little village, town, splot, whatever you want to call it that I live outside of doesn't even have a LEO. We had an officer for years until someone took a shot through his cruiser window and he quit the next day. I will say this about him, he didn't bother anyone and went out of his way to check on people just to see if anyone needed a hand with anything. He still lives around here and we see him every so often, still the same nice, older gentleman who still offers help to those who need it.

The one guy the town hired to replace him was a dick, no two ways about it. He went out of his way to harass people, threatening to arrest their kids, issuing tickets for anything he could think of. He followed us home one day over 6 miles of winding gravel road only to sit at the entrance of our drive after we turned in. Asked him what he was doing and was told he was just seeing who went with what house. The guy ended up getting fired and refusing to turn the cruiser back over for close to a year.

Both girls were raised to question everything, especially authority and to open their mouths if they felt they needed to. Teachers have come to learn to dread having a Terry girl in their class. Neither are rude or disrespectful, but they will call the teacher on stupidity, brainwashing, and general asshattery.
Times have certainly changed
From when officer Friendly was
A public servant compared to
The Militarized Police Force that
Exists today

Ass hattery does exist in most
LEO agencies and the individual

I had my warehouse power vault
Burglarized for copper. Cops
Were called and I was treated like
The perp. I violated the peeps rights
By detaining him until the punks err
Cops arrived and these dick heads were
Going to charge me with illegal detention
And kidnapping

Yeah that stuck !
I stop a felony in progress
And I am ****** with ?!?!?

This is the America we live in !
We've had quite a bit of cattle and horse rustling going on around here in the past year so we keep an eye on our animals and have moved them up closer to the house. About 6-7 months ago a truck pulling a livestock trailer pulled into the pasture entrance and 3 men got out, 2 of them began opening up the trailer and putting down a ramp while the other one took a bucket of grain to the gate and started calling the horses up.

I grabbed the phone, rifle, and a couple of dogs and went out to see what the hell they thought they were doing. They gave me a song and dance that Hubs had called them and told them to pick up all the horses that he'd sold them. They kept on telling me that they had my husband's permission to pick them up and that everything was alright. I told them to get the hell off the property and things started to get ugly. I'm really glad my dogs are big, scary and intolerant of strangers and that the fools finally realized I wasn't kidding around when the first round went through their truck door. They took off in a hurry when I started dialing the cops, wouldn't have done me any good though, they can't find our place since they aren't familiar with the area and they're coming from the other side of the county.

Long story short, horses are still here and I think they have a healthy respect for crazy women with rifles now.
Feathers are one thing, horses are a different matter. Horse stealing is still a hanging offense in Missouri. Do you tie flies? I can send you all the feathers you want in different colors. Hubs is raising Cochins as well as my meat and egg birds, so we have a good selection for fly tying. I know some people like the neck/crest feathers from roosters more than the ones from hens.

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