Rice Shortages Next?

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Awesome Friend
Dec 13, 2017
We have a store in my town, "Pacific Ocean Mart", that has tons of different varieties of rice in large 50lb sacks. I had no idea that there were so many different varieties of rice. I don't eat that much rice, but my daughter used to buy two of three of those bags at a time (before she moved to Hawaii). She ground a lot of it and made flour with it. We just bought some "Red Rice" there the other day. It was quite tasty.
looks like rice could be the next world shortage, india is cutting it off and they export 40% of worlds rice. i didnt know they did that much, thats gonna cause smaller nations scramble.. walmart still has their 20lb bag for around $9.

Gosh that is cheap. 25 lb bag here, is currently running $37.00.
Funny, I was just thinking of stocking up on rice... buy a few large bags and throw some in storage. I like that Thai Jasmine Rice in the yellow bag, once it's prepared I can eat that stuff with a little butter and salt & pepper, plain with no other toppings, though I usually add something, lol. But every now and then, I like a simple bowl of steamed rice by itself, it's pretty good. I don't suffer from any gut or stomach ailments, but I heard rice is good for settling down an uneasy stomach. Sometimes I'll add it to my burrito mix when I roll a fatty, lol. ;)

Somehow that reminds me of partying back in the day, smoking "burritos" of rolled sinsemilla with Lebanese or Moroccan hash sprinkled on top, lol. We also did "snow cones" with chopped blow sprinkled atop bong hits of weed... those things were brutal, lol. Some classic hand I know swears to this day that we also smoked freeze-dried psilocybin (mushrooms) in my glass bong, but that might be a "stretcher"---I have no recollection of doing this, though I ate plenty of 'shrooms in those days. Probably dating myself here, but we also smoked hash & honey oil out of glass pipes, lol... :rolleyes:

Did I ever mention that I was once a party animal? Lol... now, like the lyrics from 'Holiday In Cambodia' by DK (or The Dead Kennedys), I look forward to "a bowl of rice a day!" BWAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!! Dang, that's just wrong, but it fits the current globalist narrative... yawn. Today, I'm taking a break from all that bad news of shortages and whatnot, all manufactured grief which could easily be avoided if it weren't for those greedy globalist parasites. I mean seriously, how much money do these greedy swine need when they're already BILLIONAIRES? When is there NEVER ENOUGH? After $1M? $1B? Jeez... :oops:

Well, I'm back to my cold beer, it's hot out there but there's a chance of rain on the horizon: 10% chance tonight, 40% chance tomorrow afternoon and evening. Lord knows we need it out here in the Southwest, this ongoing drought really sucks. I picked up that second 100' garden hose today, along with a good nozzle, a Jalapeno bush and a Jubilee Watermelon starter plant, which I'll put in the ground tomorrow morning. I bought some soil for soil amendment purposes, and steer manure to sprinkle around everything I have growing so far, including those weed plants, lol. :cool:

World-wide, possible, yes.
For us naw, we'll be fine! :thumbs:
USDA said:
On the Gulf Coast, Louisiana's rice growers indicated 2022/23 plantings at 440,000 acres, an increase of almost 5 percent from a year earlier. Plantings of both long-grain and medium-grain were specified higher. Long-grain typically accounts for almost 90 percent of Louisiana's rice acreage.
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the way things are going around the worldx with so many nations having crop problems and no more exporting, articles like this are sort of a small heads up to me. its never going to be any cheaper. think ill get sugar too. shortages on that i heard are coming. i dont use it myself but i go thru a 25lb bag of sugar every year for the hummingbirds, they are little pigs!
the way things are going around the worldx with so many nations having crop problems and no more exporting, articles like this are sort of a small heads up to me. its never going to be any cheaper. think ill get sugar too. shortages on that i heard are coming. i dont use it myself but i go thru a 25lb bag of sugar every year for the hummingbirds, they are little pigs!
Did I mention that we grow tons of sugar-cane down here and have 3 sugar-mills located within 30 miles of me?:)
USDA said:
“Louisiana cane sugar production for 2021-22 is increased by 49,170 short tons, raw value, to 1,905,741 tons on industry reporting,” the USDA said. “The sugar cane harvest ran longer through January than normal, and the crop had strong sucrose content.”
I love a good panic thread about "We Ain't Gonna Have No Food and All Starve! gaah" as much as the next person, but I ain't buyin' it:mad:.
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I doubt I've bought more than 20 lbs of rice in my entire life, so I won't panic. I eat more of it when we go out to the Chinese restaurant, but I don't cook that much of it at home. Sugar? A 5 lb bag is a 10 year supply for us. We just don't use it for much. Maybe the occasional pie if we are out of the typical 1/2 and 1/2 Splenda mix we normally use for baking. Processed foods would die without their sugar, but we rarely eat processed foods any more. Except for ice cream! And that's gotta have a ton of sugar in it.
I doubt I've bought more than 20 lbs of rice in my entire life, so I won't panic. I eat more of it when we go out to the Chinese restaurant, but I don't cook that much of it at home. Sugar? A 5 lb bag is a 10 year supply for us. We just don't use it for much. Maybe the occasional pie if we are out of the typical 1/2 and 1/2 Splenda mix we normally use for baking. Processed foods would die without their sugar, but we rarely eat processed foods any more. Except for ice cream! And that's gotta have a ton of sugar in it.
Yes, for us in the states, we will be ok (on rice and sugar), because we have money.
Now if you live in Africa or India, your life may be sucky.
Us stockpiling rice and sugar, like we did with TP, will only make their lives worse :confused:.
Rice (and sugar) is easily stored long-term. There is no harm in picking up an extra here and there, and could be a great benefit.

I've been picking up certain items every few shopping trips, and rice and sugar are two of those. So I don't have to stock up on more right now, although I will continue my buying pattern. Just the same, @jazzy I really appreciate the article and heads-up - I view it the same way you do. And a little extra information never hurt anyone.

Not all that long ago I got a great deal on 5lb bags of rice - because Uncle Ben's picture was on the package, so they were getting cleared out. :rolleyes:
Discounts and clearance sale items are good to go in my book, especially with dry goods that keep for awhile. I'm a bit more careful buying edgy meats, but I usually cook 'em right away... packages that smell funky are avoided, not worth the risk. When faced with buying $50 steaks or a large marked-down pack of yardbird on the "sell by" date, the yardbird usually wins out, as I'm a cheap b@stard. Aged steaks & roasts, those can be quite good, but again, I'll cook 'em right away, on the grill or in the oven. I'll buy the large value packs and cook everything, that way the leftovers will keep for a few days in the fridge. This is how bachelors do it, lol... ;)

Edit: BTW, that's an awesome avatar, lol. :)
Here's that rice thread... yesterday I went shopping and there was plenty of rice on the shelves, EXCEPT for the Thai Jasmine rice I like in the yellow bags, some hoarder swept the shelves clean of that product, lol. :confused:

Saw plenty of "quick rice" or "minute rice" as well, I guess that 'Ben's Original' brand is what used to be Uncle Ben's rice? Pfffffft, stupid cancel culture... I liked it better as Uncle Ben's, ya know? Ben's Original... meh, no picture either. :rolleyes:

I don't follow pro sports anymore, since the athletes have become globalist tools and dragged politics into the games... do the Redskins & Indians still exist? Or have they been canceled too? :oops:

Back on topic, this WallyWorld didn't exhibit too many examples of shortage, there were holes on the shelves but that might be due to supply chain issues. Bottled water was mysteriously MIA... I grabbed the last two gallons of it. ;)

Everything seemed pricier than I remember, but that's only to be expected with this fraudulent regime in office... prices always go up when these dirty swine are in power. Largest increase I've noted lately was in the price of fuel. :(
i like plain old fashioned long grain white rice. when i can get a 10 or 25lb bag get one. in local walmartt, they dont have the large rice bags of any brand, but they have 1lb and 5 lb here and there. but i cang et the 25lb online stsill. im not a fan of instant rice, just me. in the long riun i guess we got to grab what we can when we can.

but if a nation that usually provides 40 % of the worlds rice crop decides to no longer sell that means a whole lot of people on this planet who count on cheap rice as part of their daily life are gonna get real hurt.
If there were a rice shortage causing starvation in other nations where rice is a food mainstay, I would gladly cut my rice consumption to zero to make it available for those other countries. I eat rice sometimes, but I would not call it a required food for me. Same thing for foods like mangoes, avocados, etc. I like them and eat them often, but would do without if that would keep others more dependent on them from starving. I am hopeful that others would be willing to do the same if the world is faced with food shortages that are causing large scale starvation. Stick with the mainstays of your location/culture and leave your "exotic treats" for the others who live where they are mainstays. Taro is really good in things, but quite honestly, I never even heard of it until I was over 55 years old. It is not a dietary requirement at my location. It's a "treat". Plantains are great sliced and fried up with salt. But they are really a different cultures food that I simply enjoy, but do not require.
My fear is that food shortages aren't even near yet. I keep thinking we are living off last years crops, wheat is just now being harvested this year, corn is going to be really short this year in the US due to fertilizer costs or it will double/triple (or more) in price due to fertilizer costs, fuel costs, etc. So with that what happens through the winter before next years crops come in, how big will a 'gap' be? Is nationalism going to starve poorer countries out? How hard will we be hit because this administration wants to feed everyone but it's own citizens? Will the US be able to export or are we going to 'feed our own' first? A lot of unknowns and the biggest factor making it worse is that the current eggheads in DC don't even realize anything is wrong or they do and are trying to get through mid terms first? I also understand South America's harvest season is opposite ours, can they fill the gap? I doubt it, they are affected by the same factors we face, they are huge producers of corn in South America, fertilizer and fuel will affect them like it will us in the good ole USA!
I respectfully disagree, @Haertig. While rice isn't quite the thing in North America the way it is in Asian countries, I don't consider eating rice to be cultural misappropriation. Should we focus on eating only what is grown or raised in our own geographic areas? Perhaps. That would be the most efficient in terms of distribution. But I don't think denying myself a bag of rice is going to make one iota of difference in keeping someone else on the other side of the world from starving - but it will prevent me from being able to prepare dishes that have been mainstays in my family for decades.

...this administration wants to feed everyone but it's own citizens?
So very true.
Yes, for us in the states, we will be ok (on rice and sugar), because we have money.
Now if you live in Africa or India, your life may be sucky.
Us stockpiling rice and sugar, like we did with TP, will only make their lives worse :confused:.
Oh, I dunno. we ran out of baby formula and Biden sent what we had to illegal aliens.
he could care less about American lives if that isn't already obvious!
Charity begins at home, when ALL of ours are fed and healthy, THEN we can help others,
but not illegal immagrants, let them starve, they won't come. give then 1 gallon of water and a swift kick in the a$$ back into the desert. when piles of bones start cropping up, they will get the idea!
I don't consider eating rice to be cultural misappropriation.
Quite true. I never said it was. I do not believe the term "cultural misappropriation" has any meaning. It's a made-up concept from the perpetually offended crowd.
But I don't think denying myself a bag of rice is going to make one iota of difference in keeping someone else on the other side of the world from starving
No, but if two rice importing countries agreed that one of them needs the rice more than the other and agreed to adjust their respective imports accordingly, then that would help.
Just do a search on "Water cut off to rice growers in California.", lots of info, California has in the past been a large producer in USA rice as well as Texas and Arkansas,
drought and water shortages could curtail a lot of production and I've already heard that a great deal of the water supply has been stopped to California rice growers. The trouble with water being cut off to farmers is that it's not just the rice, it's also wheat, oats, barley and other grasses as well as corn, prices per bushel have really jumped and prices for feed have followed suite, chicken feed around here has really gone up. If one has prepped for shortages and has abundant water supplies for growing most of your family and animal needs for food, you likely will be okay, but what of the new people just starting out as preppers? Finding property with abundant water supplies is getting harder to find and even those of us that had a lot of water in the past are now coming up short. Normally, up to the start of summer our lower field has almost always had way too much water coming up underneath to run a tractor to plow or rototill, this year it's dry as a cobb, grass has grown like crazy but that's because we've been getting rains that are just enough for watering the roots, but not enough for suppling water for growing gardens or having enough for home use, we may be in trouble for keeping the fire away this year. I would normally like to keep a lot of evergreen trees around as it helps keep the air around us cooler, however I'm considering cutting down most of the close trees as it may well keep us from having fires come too close to our home. People may not be too concerned about rice availability or high prices, the thing is that other things you may normally use are going to get in short supply and have really high prices.
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