Funny, I was just thinking of stocking up on rice... buy a few large bags and throw some in storage. I like that Thai Jasmine Rice in the yellow bag, once it's prepared I can eat that stuff with a little butter and salt & pepper, plain with no other toppings, though I usually add something, lol. But every now and then, I like a simple bowl of steamed rice by itself, it's pretty good. I don't suffer from any gut or stomach ailments, but I heard rice is good for settling down an uneasy stomach. Sometimes I'll add it to my burrito mix when I roll a fatty, lol.
Somehow that reminds me of partying back in the day, smoking "burritos" of rolled sinsemilla with Lebanese or Moroccan hash sprinkled on top, lol. We also did "snow cones" with chopped blow sprinkled atop bong hits of weed... those things were brutal, lol. Some classic hand I know swears to this day that we also smoked freeze-dried psilocybin (mushrooms) in my glass bong, but that might be a "stretcher"---I have no recollection of doing this, though I ate plenty of 'shrooms in those days. Probably dating myself here, but we also smoked hash & honey oil out of glass pipes, lol...
Did I ever mention that I was once a party animal? Lol... now, like the lyrics from 'Holiday In Cambodia' by DK (or The Dead Kennedys), I look forward to "a bowl of rice a day!" BWAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!! Dang, that's just wrong, but it fits the current globalist narrative... yawn. Today, I'm taking a break from all that bad news of shortages and whatnot, all manufactured grief which could easily be avoided if it weren't for those greedy globalist parasites. I mean seriously, how much money do these greedy swine need when they're already BILLIONAIRES? When is there NEVER ENOUGH? After $1M? $1B? Jeez...
Well, I'm back to my cold beer, it's hot out there but there's a chance of rain on the horizon: 10% chance tonight, 40% chance tomorrow afternoon and evening. Lord knows we need it out here in the Southwest, this ongoing drought really sucks. I picked up that second 100' garden hose today, along with a good nozzle, a Jalapeno bush and a Jubilee Watermelon starter plant, which I'll put in the ground tomorrow morning. I bought some soil for soil amendment purposes, and steer manure to sprinkle around everything I have growing so far, including those weed plants, lol.