I have an interesting story to add that is relevant ro this thread.
When I was an EMT 30 years ago, we responded to a shooting.
There was a drunk man playing with his gun in the kitchen, and his wife lost her temper and they were arguing...because he was messing with the gun while drunk.
He threw his gun across the room while in a rage, and the dog (a beautiful golden retriever) went to fetch the gun.
The dog was holding the gun between his two front paws and was chewing on it (like a bone) when the gun went off, and the bullet caught the guy in his thigh.
The police arrived, and the first thing out of the woman's mouth was:
"We were arguing, and the dog shot my husband!"
They found bits of the dog's tooth enamel in the wood grips, and the dog's muzzle tested positive for residue.
The man and dog both made complete recoveries, but the woman got hell from the cops before the situation was cleared up by forensics.
It is my understanding that they later divoraced.