Helpful Info. Rit Dye

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Awesome Friend
Apr 4, 2017
Near Cadillac, MI
A good way to get subdued clothing and tactical gear like pouches and vests is to use Rit Dye. The ACU camo pattern sucks in my opinion but you can get the uniforms and MOLLE gear at a reasonable price and to make it blend into the woodland environment is to dye it another color like OD Green. That is what I did. You don't even necessarily need military issued clothing. You can take a simple T-shirt or other clothing and dye that a subdued color. In my library I have these Rit Dye color charts in the Guerrilla Warfare section. Why because you don't always have the ability to get military grade clothing or equipment. If you can dye equipment to blend in then it will work.

Here are a couple color charts on how to blend colors to make colors.

Post some pics of stuff you have dyed.


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OK, check out the above attached Rit Dye PDF Recipe files. I am using the OD Green recipe.

When I was in my later years of military service and as a Quartermaster or in simpler terms a Supply Sergeant we switched to the ACU uniform and was in the beginning stages of issuing ACU field gear.

I left the service in 2006 and before and after I have very strong feelings that the ACU uniform sucks. So a little more than a decade the Army started listening to its soldiers and is in the process of replacing the ACU uniform. In my experience and opinion the ACU is a Grey ghost colored camouflage pattern. I feel that in a woodland environment the ACU will stand out and make you a target.

Alright here is the Prepping portion of overcoming and adapting. On different avenues and websites you can find military surplus. ACU uniforms and equipment is a large portion of of that. Now if you dye this clothing and equipment to your environment it would make it more useful.

If you use ACU clothing and equipment as is someone may cry Stolen Valor. Personally I would just tell them to piss of. If you are not portraying yourself as a soldier and you do not have the US Army patch on the uniform they can ********. Dying the equipment voids the problem.

OK, back to the program. I dyed my uniforms and equipment OD Green. When I dyed the stuff it does not just come out solid OD Green but there are shades. Really it all comes down to you current dye bath and how often you stir the pot.

When I made the first pot I had a brain fart. I used 1 for 1 portions of Dark Green and Dark Brown when in fact the green was ½ cup and the brown was ¼ cup. So there was way to much brown. I added one more green to try and even it out. I figured I would experiment because it was a F up. I did two drop leg pouches, a flash bang pouch which make a really good GMRS/FRS radio pouch and I put in a hazmat suit just to see if it would take the dye.

Make sure you read the directions very well and all other guidelines and tips. For example it said do not dye fabric with a rubber backing. The drop leg pouch had a rubber like backing and as you will see the dye did not take that well.

I dumped out the bath and put in new water and dye as the recipe called. My first material was two sets of ACU's. It willed the pot and it was hard to stir. The instructions called for 30 minutes up to an hour and my average on all the following baths was 30 minutes.

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I dyed all of the TA-50 equipment at one time except for the two optical cases. Once the equipment was done I then did the optical cases without changing the bath (trying to get my moneys worth :) As you can see the optical cases did not darken as much and instead of being OD Green they are more brownish. In person they look OK so I left it alone. All I want was to get rid of the grayish tone.

In the after pictures you will see one untouched ACU uniform top folded up. Just a reference. As you can see some came out darker than others. Just to many variables to keep it exact. Amount of water, amount of dye, amount of time, amount of wight of material.

I think for the most part they turned out good. You can still see some shading but overall the color of Olive Drab Green.

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For those that were to lazy to open the pics here is one before and two after the dye batch.

In the last picture you can probably see the dye difference of the drop leg pouch. It is the one with the rubber backing. So what are your guys opinions?

Oh' Something else to consider is Guerrilla Warfare. You can use Rit Dye to subdue clothing to work better in a woodland environment or to try and resemble some type of uniformity.

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Another quick note as you can see the dye did not take to the Hazmat suit hardly at all. Its a good thing I believe it is a show that it will protect you. No spray paint is another matter.
As a paramedic who has worked in some f----ed up situations, I think that fashion means little and/or nothing in a shtf situation.

There are actual clothing paints that anyone can get from Wal-mart. I use these paints to touch up trim on my mostly improvised web gear.

For my LBE web gear, I mix old cordura zipper camera bags (that have belt loops) with Mil-spec mag pouches, and so on.

These old camera bags sometimes have red or blue trim, so I paint over the trim with fabric paint.

The result looks dorky and stupid, but it works very well. These camera pouches can be had for two dollars at thrift stores.

Sometimes you have to fix a seam with a large needle and carpet thread, but so what?

Post shtf, I will probably look like a cross between a scarecrow and a little kid playing soldier...but I don't care.

It works.
Just so you know, ACU is not a camo pattern but a type of uniform. UCP is the camo pattern you are talking about and has been replaced. The current camo pattern for the ACU is OCP and is a vast improvement over UCP (gray ghost). It's still the ACU uniform.

Yep, as a soldier it is more slang. As long as they have the same cut and look basically look like the uniform in the pictures it will be ACU.

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