Russia replacing the SS-18 Satan ICBMs

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they do seem to gear up,like a giant try to become a major super power again,the get back all lost territories,with force if neccessary.
on a FB page some said they have 34 targets here in my neck of woods,well who knows,might be true or then not,but it was on the same page
they talked about prepping for war,together with russkies and "patriots" from here,we'll see what the future brings.
...the current coward of the White House...

You got that right. In my lifetime I can't ever remember seeing a world leader, much less a U.S. President, kiss as many a$$es around the world as this POS. Crap, he even had to deliberate & languish over the decision to let our guy's go in and 86 Bin Laden. That should have been one of the easiest decisions in the history of this country! The only people he doesn't bow down to are the people of the country he is supposedly sworn to protect & defend. HA! As if.

Unless Killery gets elected.

God help us.
The brits obuttlick did not kiss but the brutal dictators of the world he went farther then kiss butt but got starry eyed like he admired them. God help us...and im still staying by what I said. I dont guarantee he leaves the white house.
The scary part about all this is the instability this election has created...And the even scarier part is that one of them will be elected!