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Beautiful music and so agree. . . that how I have been feeling about our country for awhile now! I hope it honestly doesn't happen, just having to deal with the cards played right now.
Kenprep1979, it wasn't that bad! C'mon, man...o_O

It definitely isn't my kind of music, but I do understand how music hits the soul. This song sounds like it's about a friend who committed suicide or something... Eh. I probably have what most would think as the weirdest taste in music, so I won't knock it. If it's your thing, rock on!

I see a chance to go OFF on smilies in the thread though.
Kenprep1979::WTHeck: :sucks:
Danil54grl::WTHeck: Aimed at kenprep1979 or :america: For championing the song....

Alabaster: :WTHeck: Does this song have to do with America? Or the :USA: for your right to like any music... Even this... and finally I get the :shtfFor being ridiculous with the smilies....
I just want America back and I feel like giving up and moving on. Hence " say something, I'm giving up on you".
that song sounds like how i feel about some people I've known personally over the years.and how i feel about the so called government now..

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