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Awesome Friend
Aug 24, 2013
Hi folks, each of us has been involved in discussions about wars, plagues, the end of the world etc but I wonder what are the differences between the our answers. For example, because I honestly don't know if something BIG will happen (and with "big" I mean nuclear WW3) then I don't tell to much, instead, I try to assure people that no country is that crazy nowadays, and the crazy ones are too weak and underdeveloped. I do this because I don't want to stress the people around me, even if I don't agree with all of what I'm saying. And there are also other variables like faith and what, for Christians, prophets and Jesus said. Tell me about you: what's your reaction when it comes to say what you think to people who couldn't stand it.
Hi folks, each of us has been involved in discussions about wars, plagues, the end of the world etc but I wonder what are the differences between the our answers. For example, because I honestly don't know if something BIG will happen (and with "big" I mean nuclear WW3) then I don't tell to much, instead, I try to assure people that no country is that crazy nowadays, and the crazy ones are too weak and underdeveloped. I do this because I don't want to stress the people around me, even if I don't agree with all of what I'm saying. And there are also other variables like faith and what, for Christians, prophets and Jesus said. Tell me about you: what's your reaction when it comes to say what you think to people who couldn't stand it.
I tend to go lite when I tell people I am a prepper. Not because I fear ridicule, because I don't care what people think but for a couple of other reasons.

1. I don't want someone following me home thinking my house is their new found store to rip off.
2. I think there are a great many people that who, honestly, cannot handle the reality of what is going on or might go on.
Opsec,opsec,opsec.......when i used to talk about it freely i got " well I'm coming to your house if anything ever happens"...had to nip that in the bud QUICK.If someone dosent matter(close friends & family) i usually dont say much
Thats an easy one for me.I have two neighbors that are part of my group as well as my mother and my best friend and his wife (who are all preppers of different levels),but outside of this "circle of trust" I speak of nothing to no one.I figure if somebody wants to buy the new iphone or chrome wheels for their ride,it's not my job to open their eye's for them to the troubled times that we live in or suggest that the cash could be better spent to help insure their future.

The only place I speak openly is on here due to being anonymous.I'm not concerned about being monitored or put on a list as i'm not gearing up for war or doing anything illegal,i'm just a family man that wants to ensure that I can keep my wife and kids fed,clothed,warm and protected even in the worst of times.You could say i'm just a squirrel gathering my nuts for winter.

No ones future is secured,but,being prepared definitely gives a major edge over those who are not and blissfully unaware of what all's going on in the world.I believe it's their choice to do as they please without my input.

That way,when something does happen,I don't have people knocking on my door knowing i'm well stocked.It's not that I don't or wouldn't want to help anybody,but if the situation was bad enough,I look at it as anything given to help (especially food) is taking it from my kids,and thats something thats just not gonna happen.
I plain and simple dont talk to other people about it (other than this site), I have tried to bring it up in the past but even the word 'prepper' seems to unnerve people. I have talked to a few close friends about wanting to be more self sufficient, but honestly not much more than that.

I feel like it is a very touchy topic with a LOT of people!!
I plain and simple dont talk to other people about it (other than this site), I have tried to bring it up in the past but even the word 'prepper' seems to unnerve people. I have talked to a few close friends about wanting to be more self sufficient, but honestly not much more than that.

I feel like it is a very touchy topic with a LOT of people!!
I sure is touchy!
It is almost as touchy as politics and religion. I say this as I know many preppers get ridiculed for being preppers.
Of course we ALL know those who ridicule us now, will be the first ones at our door when the SHTF!
i dont say didly squat to anyone outside of this site..not even to family..and for same reasons as others that do the same as me

1. i dont want anyone comeing to me for food water or any thing else
2. there'll be ppl after the shtf happens will do any thing for what ever.includeing killing
3. fewer that knows the better.on acount thay means more safety.
4. if a person refuses to admit to them self to whats bound to happen eventuly,and not prep for it.then so be it.they'll starve before i give up any food or water..

a total econimic collapse or what ever else liable to happen.other things will/could happen as winter storms takeing out the electric.tornados,wildfires,tsunamis,hurricanes,earthquaks,..what are gonna do afterwards?that is if they servive..
I feel like it is a very touchy topic with a LOT of people!!
Yep,I fully agree.When I first started out preppin,I told a few folks,but got nothing but the "one raised eyebrow" or ridiculed and thats when I said "never again".People are not going to bad mouth me or give me the stink eye for trying to prepare for whatever may come to protect my family.This was several years ago.Now a days these might just be the ones I have to protect my family against.
Best to keep to yourself and close (fellow prepping ) family/ friends. Family preservation is the upmost goal.
I read alot and outside of this sight I dont say anything to anyone or at least I try not to. I have found myself starting conversations at work about how crazy this world is and most just look at my like Im the crazy one. Outside my immediate family, I keep quiet about what I do or have or dont have.
I don't talk about prepping to anyone, but I have said some things about my lifestyle, with me keeping critters, canning, gardening and such. I did have a co-worker say that she is coming to my house if anything happened and bring her family. Good thing she doesn't know where I live. Keeping my mouth shut now days!
I don't talk about prepping to anyone, but I have said some things about my lifestyle, with me keeping critters, canning, gardening and such. I did have a co-worker say that she is coming to my house if anything happened and bring her family. Good thing she doesn't know where I live. Keeping my mouth shut now days!
Yep,living in a country small village setting,hunting,gardening,farming is all common talk,but I keep my lips zipped about my stocks,supplies,plans and gear.
Yep,living in a country small village setting,hunting,gardening,farming is all common talk,but I keep my lips zipped about my stocks,supplies,plans and gear.
Unfortunately, I drive into a "big city" to go to work each week. I tend to stand out I guess if I talk about what kind of lifestyle I do have. I wish I could live farther away, but at the time hunny was working and hates to commute to far. And now that he is retired, we have already established our home, garden, and critter pastures along with outbuildings of barns & sheds. We do live in the country, but a little to close for my comfort.
I won't lie to people. If I feel like I shouldn't be telling them the truth, I don't engage in the discussion. I don't really want to talk to people that I don't feel I can be open with. If they react that way, then they will likely be part of the problem when SHTF.
I have co-workers who are on the same page as I am, we talk about our preps and possible scenarios all the time. Its kinda funny though, whenever we get new people in our line they always overhear something and ask about what we are talking about so I can kinda break the ice that way. But usually the tables are turned because we're looking at them like they are the weird ones instead of the other way around. Anyway, I find that it 'clicks' with some when I tell them Im readying for a possible job loss, medical emergency or something to that effect because thats a very real threat to anyone, anywhere and little more down to their level. Normally though, I dont talk about it because of (1) security reasons and (2) being ridiculed (although this isnt too big of a deal for me I just dont want to have to deal with anyone else's BS) but because I have to work in close proximity with some people, they find out sooner or later.

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