School shooting in Connecticut

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Absolutely sickening. 18 babies who went to school to learn something today, will never go home. And the staff who simply went to work today. My God what has happened to society? Imagine the parents who kissed their children goodbye this am, will never see them alive again.

I am not a very religious person. And this tragedy today is another reason why. You tell me how any God would allow the slaughter of those babies? 5 year olds!

Well if there is a God, please give comfort to the families of the innocent victims.
Absolutely sickening. 18 babies who went to school to learn something today, will never go home. And the staff who simply went to work today. My God what has happened to society? Imagine the parents who kissed their children goodbye this am, will never see them alive again.

I am not a very religious person. And this tragedy today is another reason why. You tell me how any God would allow the slaughter of those babies? 5 year olds!

Well if there is a God, please give comfort to the families of the innocent victims.

It is a sad sad day !
Absolutely sickening. 18 babies who went to school to learn something today, will never go home. And the staff who simply went to work today. My God what has happened to society? Imagine the parents who kissed their children goodbye this am, will never see them alive again.

I am not a very religious person. And this tragedy today is another reason why. You tell me how any God would allow the slaughter of those babies? 5 year olds!

Well if there is a God, please give comfort to the families of the innocent victims.

I have an answer to that, but I'd rather not sidetrack this with a religous debate. I am a devout christian, and its these times that strengthen my faith. This is not an act, or lack of action, from god that allowed this.

The blame of this falls completely on man. Specifically the dueche bag that did the shooting.
I agree completely and did not mean any disrespect. I have had a habit since I was in kindergarten of speaking before I think. This was just another example.

I believe part of society's destructive path is the way we are disassociating ourselves from religion.

But as you said, this thread is about those poor victims and their families. You can bet I have prayed today and will continue to do so.
Has anyone said what the relationship the gunman had with the school was?
I heard his mom taught there.
He killed both of his parents!
I sure hope there is a special area of hell that is pure agony and torment!
I agree completely and did not mean any disrespect. I have had a habit since I was in kindergarten of speaking before I think. This was just another example.

I believe part of society's destructive path is the way we are disassociating ourselves from religion.

But as you said, this thread is about those poor victims and their families. You can bet I have prayed today and will continue to do so.

I took zero offense Don, and I 100% agree with your statement about todays society.
Our 12 yr old daughter goes to a very small rural school (she'll graduate in a class of 42), a few years ago a middle school boy ran into the school with a hunting rifle. I was amazed at the reactions of the kids and teachers (I was there as a parent aide in the class room). Within seconds of the code being given over the PA system, kids were flipping their desks to the sides and crouched behind them and teachers were shoving their desks and everything else they could against classroom doors. The boy thankfully just handed the rifle over to the principal and said he was mad because he didn't make the football team.

My husband and I will be going by the church tonight to light candles for the victims and offer up our prayers.

It's a scary world our kids are in now, let's do our best to get them prepared. Please give your youngins' hugs from Missouri when you see them and know that they will be in our prayers as well.
I heard on Fox News they have detained the shooter's brother, his girlfriend is missing, and the sick **** shot his parents along with the school victims.
I mentioned on another forum my thoughts. I believe someday schools as we know it will be a thing of the past. And maybe it should be. Children can be taught via teleconferencing by the teacher.. It has it's distinct advantages. No more mentally ill people killing our children. No more abductions of kids on the way to/from school. How about the money the taxpayer could save. Think of it. No school busing service needed. No school lunches, maintenance, property taxes and so much more. It does indeed have it's disadvantages such as the parents rely on schools to watch their kids during the day while they work. Extracurricular activities could still be done by the schools or churches.

At least our kids would be safe.
Where im at they have officers at the schools because there has been so many incidents with guns in the schools.Its very sad that our safest option is homeschooling.And you right there is a special place in he!! for that sick ba$taRD. He deservers purgatory!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I pretty much kept track of it ever since like 0900 to 1000 am all the way to like 1745 or 1930. Wow that this tragic incident had to happen only 10 days till Christmas. Great job to all Law Enforcement and to the officers who eliminated the gun man and took him down. Main thing i will say about this post, is my prayers and thoughts go out to the families who lost there children today who thought it was going to have a regular day at school and come home , and to all the families of the teachers who were also taken today. Again thoughts and prayers to all of the families who had this horrific incident happen to them just only days away from Christmas. *Salute*
News is throwing all sorts of info out, yesterday they said an officer eliminated the subject, now some places are also saying self inflicted gun shot .
Yeah I heard this ******* mother fucker took the pussy way out and committed suicide! may he rot in the most remote ****** up part of hell!
He took his brother's ID and whacked his own Mother. Then goes to school and shoots 20 little kids and 6 adults before shooting himself....

Some think this is proof there is no God. By that argument then I would assume that they think this is not pure evil. It seems to me that God does not intervene in situations like this because He gave man free will. It is stated clearly in the Holy Bible that He did so... I personally feel that this is more an example of evil triumphing over good. It is said that evil triumphs when good men do nothing.

Time and time again we have seen these people that commit these heinous acts(With VERY few exceptions) show signs of sickness and evil. People know AFTER the fact that these people had wickedness brewing in their souls but said and did very little. We worry about "Trampling on people's rights" by violating health care laws and privacy laws and then mourn the loss of life. It makes no sense to me.

Ever since I was in grade school we had more security than this, too. A locked door only keeps good people from coming in. We had locked doors with reinforced windows that were inset with wire fencing in case the window was broken. You still couldn't get in. We had armed police officers in school since middle school. I understand we can't have a police force at every school in the US, but there is a financially feasible solution to this. We can harden these targets against weak monsters like this. Someone needs to level the playing field. Locked doors with reinforced windows, a security camera, and a person that is on-site with a firearm(s) and the training to use it. It could be the principal or it could be a security guard like we have here. Most of our security guards aren't even paid. They get free room and board in a trailer that is on premises. In turn they keep an eye on the school, especially during off-hours, but even during school hours. I have known a couple of these guards on a personal level and they have told me it is in their "Lease agreement" that they are not allowed to have firearms on the premises. This is a clear folly in logic.

Another common factor these killings seem to have in my observance is that they are all "Gun free zones". I know some think this is too simple an answer, but think about it logically. Violent crime(Including gun crime) is DOWN in Virginia. It is UP in Maryland. It is DOWN in Pennsylvania, and UP in New Jersey. Is there a pattern there? Absolutely. I think before we can think about "Solving the problem", we should be thinking of the fight of "Good vs evil". If you look around at society and think things are falling apart and becoming more and more sinister and heinous...... Just think about it. If you are surrounded by evil doers...... Do you want to be the one without a gun?

This is another example of what DPers are prepping for. All the things we see on TV and hear about that MIGHT happen are merely speculation. This is something that IS happening and we should be doing everything we can to prep for it. Including thinking about taking kids and homeschooling them or banishing public schools entirely and doing the broadcasted classes mentioned by another poster.

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