Scientists proceed with caution towards new gene mutation technology

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Awesome Friend
Mar 8, 2013
Washington State - between 2 mountains and a river
We ought best to leave certain things in natures hands!

"A powerful new technology could be used to manipulate nature by changing a species gene pool through reproduction, and it has scientists proceeding with caution"

"Because the technology has the potential to alter entire populations on a global scale scientists are proceeding with caution. The Harvard group is calling for public debate on the wisdom and safety of the technology before moving forward. “Ethically I think it's an open and shut case. A slam dunk. That if you’re going to be taken actions that potentially affect the world, the world has a little voice in this”

"scientists say they have a plan B if something goes wrong. “We can release a second drive that will undo that alteration and restore it pretty close to exactly the same sequence as it was originally”
Scientists say that if this tech goes awry, it could mean accidental extinction for entire species, or unpredictable gene re-mutations spreading cross-species

And then we end up with a bunch of freaks running around in Spandex with superpowers, led by a psychic in a wheelchair!

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