Shooting in cali

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Was this a false flag op?

  • Yes

    Votes: 1 25.0%
  • No

    Votes: 3 75.0%

  • Total voters


Dec 3, 2015
McKinney, TX
This concerns the shooting in San Bernardino California. Was this a false flag op to facilitate gun confiscation?
I don't think it was a false flag per say but I 100% believe that the FBI set them up with fake explosives and had eventually planned to launch a sting operation against them. I think they DIDN'T know that the attackers had rifles and planned to step up their attack.
Local law enforcement just happened to be doing active shooter drills that day, same situation in the Boston bombing.
something similar is going on here too,our politicians are saying we don't have money and therefore the govenment takes especially from the poor,but in the mean time they have money to spend on these illegals from Irak and Afghanistan,so we the people here are "slightly annoyed" and I'm only waiting when do we reach the boiling point.
apparently that couple was muslims that did the killing?? guess twice have my news media told that here???? big fat no!!!
Had rifles, body armor, explosives. There was another shooting the same day in Virginia. Our news media are a bunch of scumbags, just like our leaders.
just keep calm,prep and gain as much knowledge as possible. and pray that you have enough time!
Roger that. Im as ready as i can be, just waiting for things to unravel. The US govt knows exactly what its doing, but, 220 million gun owners speak loudly.
well,I live here in the capital city of this little country and lately the local police here are pushing for a ban on semi-auto's mainly rifles,this only here in the capital, they clearly want to disarm us totally.
here the one organisation that was trusted was the police,not any more,they have been caught lying about rapes,robberies and so on commited by muslims, impersonating as reason I will relocate as soon as I'm ready with my school.
during that period I'm stocking up,food,water,ammo and so on...
I don't think that this was planned by anyone other than the murderers. Honestly, man... If these attacks(Boston, Newtown, Colorado x2, etc) were truly planned, someone on the inside would have leaked it by now. There's no way to keep all those people quiet. Even with being bribed, some news outlet would have offered them a 75% stake in their company for that kind of story. These people were cold blooded murders, and it just so happens that there is a rash of people using Islam as a justification to destroy innocent lives. If Christians were responsible for the same amount of devastation, make no mistake. The Media and government would have absolutely no problem calling it "Christian extremism".

Are there conspiracies in play in America? No doubt. Are there govt officials involved in some of it? No doubt. Would I write off religious fanatics as part of a conspiracy to confiscate guns? No. I think the govt would use that to their end, but I don't think they'd plot that. In Chicago, New Orleans, Detroit, LA, and NYC, there are more than enough issues with gun control. Their just opportunists that are looking to further their agenda. Why do they put so much emphasis in "Workplace violence", "White supremacy"(As in South Carolina church shooting), and mental illness(As in Colorado)? Because it helps them form a multi-pronged attack on gun rights and gun owners. Demoralizing Christianity and promoting any non-Christian agenda is high on their list. Many of these liberals look to bad examples of White Christians in history to paint us with a broad brush, but refuse to look at Islamic Extremism for what it is. How many places are there where Christians or Jews are killing people to force a theocracy on a nation(Or the whole world)? It's almost unheard of these days. Christianity isn't a threat to modern society like Islam is. Neither is Buddhism, Sikhism, Hindu, or even paganism! Virtually all other religions(Even atheists and agnostics) believe that you are to leave others to live how they wish as long as they leave you alone, too. Only one group is pushing a caliphate. That's what's behind most of the mass attacks in modern society.

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