Should I buy a Solar Power Station, or keep the gold?

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Super Friend
Mar 13, 2022
Down South
Hi all,

So as the title says, should I invest in a solar power station like this Ugreen Portable Power Station Lifepo4 Battery Solar Generator | 2400W 2048Wh

I would need to sell some precious metals to afford it though.

Obviously I would need to also buy some solar panels and accessories to charge it in a true SHTF scenario as the power grid more than likely won't be functioning.

You guys got any thoughts on holding onto the precious metals and just hope that when a crash occurs you will be able to buy the power station then if needed.
Or rather just sell some PMs now and get the power station while they are readily available and avoid the inevitable run on these kinds of items and price increase in a SHTF scenario.

It's not like I would need it to survive, as the way I have prepped is without the need for a fridge, etc., but I'm thinking it would be nice to be able to charge batteries, walkie talkies, use a laptop, etc. So something that would be nice to have and could prove useful in the future but is not essential I guess. Could maybe power my little bar fridge to keep food fresh a little longer like hunted squirrel or bird meat, but that would drain quite a bit of power if used too long.
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I suppose on where you live , in relation to crime as someone stealing your solar system , there may be a better solution . Check into buying the solar needed components individually , such as solar panels , batteries , regulator and the inverter . My system is maybe around 6 years old and prices have risen under our communist rulers , but it cost only around $500.00 and I run my relatively small deepfreeze on it daily . Sometimes the batteries get low and I swap back to the grid . You may get a bigger and stronger system for less money than one of those small self contained units . --- My son built a larger system than the one I have and he runs his entire home on it . He has a fancy meter the power company put on his electrical pole and sometimes the meter runs the other way and the power company absorbs his excess electricity and credits his bill for it .
What's it worth to you having that electricity when others don't?

Protect it from EMP'S

My neighbors have large solar setups, but I don't want to rely on them for anything; plus I prefer this smaller setup during a collapse scenario as my panels can be hidden on a flat roof and even moved to a new position (even inside) of the roof if need be to keep them from getting stolen.

But yes, it could come in very handy I guess.
I suppose on where you live , in relation to crime as someone stealing your solar system , there may be a better solution . Check into buying the solar needed components individually , such as solar panels , batteries , regulator and the inverter . My system is maybe around 6 years old and prices have risen under our communist rulers , but it cost only around $500.00 and I run my relatively small deepfreeze on it daily . Sometimes the batteries get low and I swap back to the grid . You may get a bigger and stronger system for less money than one of those small self contained units . --- My son built a larger system than the one I have and he runs his entire home on it . He has a fancy meter the power company put on his electrical pole and sometimes the meter runs the other way and the power company absorbs his excess electricity and credits his bill for it .

As mentioned in my other post I like the self contained units for portability and safety (you can take the panels inside at night if need be) in a collapse scenario. You can easily move your entire setup without hassle. The Ugreen units are good for 3000 cycles but I would use the battery saving mode which would lengthen the life considerably and even then you are still left with batteries capable of 80% after that.

I could only use one 550W PV panel if I wanted to and still charge at a decent rate. But I think I will go with two, so that's 1100W to charge with. Most of these type of units are 500 - 800W. So quite a bit more.

So I take it then you guys are saying that access to electricity would be worth more than gold in a collapse scenario?
So I take it then you guys are saying that access to electricity would be worth more than gold in a collapse scenario?
Maybe or maybe not . In my personal case I would say the electric system via solar , would be nearly priceless in the aftermath of an EMP . That is because I seek a way to preserve food long term by having an operational deepfreeze . People that can not keep food very long " especially meat " will find that deer or whatever they harvested will mostly just ruin and not be edible after a day or so . Even those with a milk producing animal will find their milk spoiled in a relatively short period .--- Then on the other hand I will say I have no idea what precious metals will buy in the aftermath of an EMP . It may even be completely worthless except for something like trotline weights for catfishing .--- I will say though if the situation is a financial collapse caused by inept leadership , precious metals may still have significant value .
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Maybe or maybe not . In my personal case I would say the electric system via solar , would be nearly priceless in the aftermath of an EMP . That is because I seek a way to preserve food long term by having an operational deepfreeze . People that can not keep food very long " especially meat " will find that deer or whatever they harvested will mostly just ruin and not be edible after a day or so . Even those with a milk producing animal will find their milk spoiled in a relatively short period .--- Then on the other hand I will say I have no idea what precious metals will buy in the aftermath of an EMP . It may even be completely worthless except for something like trotline weights for catfishing .--- I will say though if the situation is a financial collapse caused by inept leadership , precious metals may still have significant value .

I will only have small animals to hunt which would likely get eaten same day or salted to last longer, but yes a small bar fridge would still be useful. And one never knows when you might need to charge an electric drill use a laptop or watch TV to see what is actually unfolding in the world via whatever TV station you can find. Granted it will be propaganda filled, but at least you will have some idea.

I think this will develop into a perfect storm type scenario. Financial crash followed by food crisis, etc. Or even war then followed by financial crisis, etc. The world is on the edge in many areas. All it will take is a spark to create a domino effect.

And with what's going on in Israel right now and US treasury debt downgraded to negative from stable the writing is on the wall IMO. This has been said many times, but better to be prepared 1 year too soon that 1 day too late.

In my country the power grid gives us blackouts as it is right now, so when a collapse happens, it will probably go down, if not permanently, then only provide a few hours a day of power.
Things are happening extremely fast heading to the collapse.
My whole focus now is on crawling out of the train wreck and
helping the community recover and create a local economy.

At this time there will be very few banks.
The ones with the precious metals will have to use some of it to help develop new businesses.
The wealthy will be needed to lend to extended family to bring back the community.

Otherwise, the precious metals will just waste away.

Keep the metals and bridge your community for the first few months until the system
develops and re-creates itself.
Maybe or maybe not . In my personal case I would say the electric system via solar , would be nearly priceless in the aftermath of an EMP . That is because I seek a way to preserve food long term by having an operational deepfreeze . People that can not keep food very long " especially meat " will find that deer or whatever they harvested will mostly just ruin and not be edible after a day or so . Even those with a milk producing animal will find their milk spoiled in a relatively short period .--- Then on the other hand I will say I have no idea what precious metals will buy in the aftermath of an EMP . It may even be completely worthless except for something like trotline weights for catfishing .--- I will say though if the situation is a financial collapse caused by inept leadership , precious metals may still have significant value .

An interesting note...I grew up in dairy country. One year our science teacher asked one of the kids to bring in a cup of milk, fresh from the cow. She poured another cup from a store bought container and we let both sit over the weekend without refrigeration. On Monday when we came back, the store bought milk was curdled and nasty, the fresh milk was not. She actually took a sip and declared it still good.

When they process milk for the store, to make it "safe" by USDA standards, they destroy some of the bacteria that keep milk fresh. Not to mention, the milk is already a couple of days old by the time it hits the shelves. Just a little FYI for storage concepts.

Also, if you have a cold water creek, an old swimming hole beer trick...fill some mason jars with whatever you would like to keep cool,a nd store it in the water (milk crate in the shallows or ropes/strings) for the deep. It can be a spring fed well or creek (ponds tend to get too warm in the summer months here in the south).

Obviously, this is not a long term solution but, along with things such as jerking, salting, brining, canning and smoking, meat that cannot be consumed immediately, can be preserved for storage without electricity for weeks, even months or years.

I guess from my standpoint, a freezer would be a nice luxury to have if you can get to that point (have taken care of all greater priorities like @Poltergeist) but, I would put things like inter-group communications or a functioning nuclear shelter, much higher on the priority list.

As far as PM's go, you can't eat it, drink it or protect yourself with it. Silver at least has anti-bacterial properties and can be used to make colloidal silver for infections.

As a matter of fact, trading with it at the wrong time in a real collapse, could draw attention to your level of preparedness and make you a target. Things like kids shoes, bullets, food (fresh), tobacco, liquor might be a better trade.

If me and mine were literally starving and someone offered me gold, in exchange for say, shoes and someone else offered me a deer leg, which would be of more immediate value to me? all depends on the level of collapse.

I expect more to be in the situation where the deer meat would be worth more in trade at least until things settle. Of course, dealing with the government or elites would be a different story.
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My whole place is run off solar, with backup generators when needed. My system cost around $50,000 and produces all the electric we need. I sold some gold to pay for some of it, but still have plenty left for any emergency that may come up.
At our location grid power wasn't an option. Solar was our only choice. We have 15 solar panels for a total 4610 watts, 12 batteries at 1169 amp hours each and a 12 kw diesel back up generator. This system works for us. Even if we had grid power available, I'd still go with solar. I kind of like the independence.