Since I am a criminal now

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Awesome Friend
Jun 10, 2013
Wilmington N.C
Since I am now considered a criminal for count 1. Being a Christian, count 2. believing in the Constitution, count 3. refusing to signup for ObamaCare. I figured I might aswell add one more count. Making jokes about Obama. Like they say... If your going down, might as well go down BIG. So here is my Obama joke.

How can you tell when Obama's teleprompter breaks?

*Obama speaks* - ObamaCare is good, ObamaCare is affordable. If it's not then we blame it, blame it, blame it, blame it, blame it on the rain.............Errr Ummm (Obama corrects himself) Blame it on Bush.
#4 i buy me a new gun seeing how a theff stole the ones i had..then i will hunt for my food

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