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Sep 7, 2013
Does this give anyone else a knot in their stomach? Fully Autonomous Unmanned Combat Air Vehicle (UCAV)
The Fight For The Air Force's "Skyborg" Artificial Intelligence Equipped Drones Has Begun

The U.S. Air Force has announced the first step toward making its Skyborg system a reality. This program, which the service revealed last year, aims to develop a suite of systems that will form a single artificial intelligence-driven "computer brain" that would be able to fly future low-cost “loyal wingman” type drones, which would work together with manned aircraft, and potentially fully-autonomous unmanned combat air vehicles, or UCAVs. The Air Force also plans to acquire unmanned aircraft to support the development of the Skyborg package and possibly carry a final version of the systems operationally by 2023.
A KNOT ?????? It F***ing well scares the **** out of me, they are talking about autonomous weapons system that can choose who the bad guys are for themselves, its terrifying at the very least.

Makes me think about what someone once said " The most likely cause of human extinction will be humans doing something stupid"
Ok Calmed down a bit now, So tell me how the f*** do we prep for Skynet and Terminator drones?? Just as computerised Chess games soon became computerised war game systems the computers quickly became autonomous because they were faster and least fault prone when humans were not part of the game. How long before these Flying Daleks decide humans are part of the problem?
Ok Calmed down a bit now, So tell me how the f*** do we prep for Skynet and Terminator drones??
the drones at low altitude will come down with a round of OO buck at least the first generation will,,,,,after that I bet they will be armor plated,,,,,,,if you do take one out you better hope they did not get a clear photo before it went down,,,,because they will come looking for you
Does this give anyone else a knot in their stomach? Fully Autonomous Unmanned Combat Air Vehicle (UCAV)

The Fight For The Air Force's "Skyborg" Artificial Intelligence Equipped Drones Has Begun
The Fight For The Air Force's "Skyborg" Artificial Intelligence Equipped Drones Has Begun

The U.S. Air Force has announced the first step toward making its Skyborg system a reality. This program, which the service revealed last year, aims to develop a suite of systems that will form a single artificial intelligence-driven "computer brain" that would be able to fly future low-cost “loyal wingman” type drones, which would work together with manned aircraft, and potentially fully-autonomous unmanned combat air vehicles, or UCAVs. The Air Force also plans to acquire unmanned aircraft to support the development of the Skyborg package and possibly carry a final version of the systems operationally by 2023.

One of the reasons governments and organisations want to use AI and computer systems is that when things go wrong they can blame a software error and not take personal responsibility for their mistakes or bad deeds.
the drones at low altitude will come down with a round of OO buck at least the first generation will,,,,,after that I bet they will be armor plated,,,,,,,if you do take one out you better hope they did not get a clear photo before it went down,,,,because they will come looking for you
Small drones will probably be deployed on mass, 100 to 200 to saturate an area for surveillance and work as one unit, the ones doing the wet work will not be visible. They not goin to waste money on armour.
Whatever technology governments introduce there are always people making technology to circumvent it. Some sort of signal jammer to interfere with the drones flying at low altitude may work but the government will just ban those too.
That was pretty impressive when Iran took control of our drone and flew it in and landed it. Embarrassing to be sure. There are always things the engineers didn’t think of.
That was pretty impressive when Iran took control of our drone and flew it in and landed it. Embarrassing to be sure. There are always things the engineers didn’t think of.

Playing the devils advocate. What if the drone Iran brought down was setup with a Trojan code and now all their drones can be controlled by the USA, just like their centrifuges were?
Playing the devils advocate. What if the drone Iran brought down was setup with a Trojan code and now all their drones can be controlled by the USA, just like their centrifuges were?
I only hope we were that smart! The centrifuges were taken out by an incredibly sophisticated virus, so there is no doubt it’s possible.
Playing the devils advocate. What if the drone Iran brought down was setup with a Trojan code and now all their drones can be controlled by the USA, just like their centrifuges were?

Since we had a man in the Oval Office at that time that wants to bring down our country, I wouldn’t be surprised if it were given to the mooslems so they can copy it.
Since we had a man in the Oval Office at that time that wants to bring down our country, I wouldn’t be surprised if it were given to the mooslems so they can copy it.
There’s no doubt we were pissed about it. I saw a clip where Iran had a model of it and Obama looked like he lost his composure for a moment there. I’m sure it had some high tech surveillance equipment and even down to the radar absorbing paint on it that we didn’t want in their hands.
There’s no doubt we were pissed about it. I saw a clip where Iran had a model of it and Obama looked like he lost his composure for a moment there. .

*sigh* Oh Brent. Do you honestly think obama is not capable of looking pissed when he wants to? This is a guy who sold our country’s safety to the Top Terrorist country in the world. He then gave them billions, which they have used for many terrorist activities. This is a guy that looked thousands in the face and LIED about “like your doctor, keep your doctor”. He knew very well that was not true. At the time he was pushing the Complete Lives System. You know, the one where citizens under 15 and over 40 would NOT get much, if anything other than a PILL for healthcare? I would quit worshipping that evil bastard if I were you.

“The Complete Lives System is a system of rationing within the 2009 Obamacare law, also known as The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act.[1]

According to the system's creator, Dr. Ezekiel Emanuel, the Complete Lives System prioritizes younger people who have "not yet lived a complete life" over the elderly who have completely lived their lives.[2][3][4][5]

Critics of the Complete Lives System call the care curve a grim "Reaper Curve".[6]

CLIP FROM THE HILL (hardly a conservative newspaper)

“As we have seen and heard, some — especially Democrats, their allies in the media and Obama supporters — chose to challenge or quibble with Trump’s statement. That said, I spoke with a former senior intelligence official who said that much of the $1.8 billion cash payoff from the Obama administration was used explicitly to fund terrorism as an additional “screw you” from the leaders of Iran — including Soleimani — to the United States. The rest of the money, my source believes, ended up in the bank accounts of corrupt Iranian leaders and terrorists.

The cash payment authorized by Obama is one of the most disgraceful and shameful “negotiations” in the history of our nation. It was a payment the Obama White House first denied, then ignored and then grudgingly acknowledged.

We paid in cash, but not U.S. currency. Wary of using U.S. bills for a variety of reasons involving concealment, the Obama White House had the money converted to untraceable Euros, Swiss francs, and other foreign currencies. More troubling than those initial denials and deceptions was the fact that $400 million of that all-cash payment was used to pay a ransom to the government of Iran for the release of four American prisoners, in violation of standing U.S. policy.“
Meanwhile the Democrats presidential candidate who was given billions by china to "invest". Never to be seen again. A presidential candidate who, which his son, is receiving millions from Ukraine. Candidate who's party and candidate (Hillary) worked with Foreign Agents to influence the previous election (as documented in the Muller report). Obama's little game with Iran was child's play compared what is coming if this Traitor wins the next election.
Everything feels like suspended animation, news the same day in day out, so-called pandemic not better and not worse even Sci Fi doomsday movies have become comedies and the appeasement galore etc.. etc.. As we are suspended the only thing making progress at an accelerating pace is Military technology advancement at a scary level.

Nothing natural about none of this, first thing that keeps coming to my mind is FUBAR

Perhaps we are heading towards this type of society...

Do you have any written references or ideas why they do it?
I don't understund it on a scientific level, perhaps on a symbolic or subliminal level.
I come accros articals or videos regarding it from time to time when i do again ill drop some over to you, there are various theories on why it is done. But I don't have anything at the moment.