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scary,really scary,future just came alot bleaker,those drones will deffinately be used against all who dissagrees with those in power,a high tech 1984.
Lets see, google ex building AI church where machine is a god figure head, gates is building a AI smart city in arizona then add an zest for micro AI killer drones, oh, lets not forget the robotic sex trade.

I guess the only good news, manson is dead and hillary fantasizes of being president on another planet, yes, she actually said that! I'm all for it (first time I agree with her) though why she thinks small? why planet, I'm thinking something on the order of a g2v star like our closes one... we don't want her too far away ;)
The other day we saw that running jumping robot, the Russians now have fully automated tanks, computer power is doubling ever couple of years, robots not frequently beat humans in things like tactical games and grand master level chess, we have semi autonomous drones that can stay airborne for days, surveillance systems that see in day, night, IR, II, and microwave movement systems, drones over Afghanistan being controlled from truck trailers in Arizona. Military systems now AUTOMATICALLY share data . One glitch...... just one glitch and accidental sentience could happen and like every other sentient being self preservation is the default setting. OR quite simply a computer virus written by a sociopath ..........................................
Most major changes in earths history were accidents, glitches and unexpected interactions, How long before say a few of the huge military, scientific and university super computers start talking to each other and decided they can manage the planet and humanity better than us. USING LOGIC ALONE not ROBOT SELF PROTECTION just LOGIC they analise all available data and decide that there are 9 Billion people on earth and that is 4.5 billion to many?? Whoops accidentally spray crops with pesticide, Whoops they accidentally release millions of litres of hormone mimicking chemicals into the water supplies leaving millions infertile. Whoops opening the release valve on a vat of Sarin or Tabun etc.
Hmmm, makes me think.

So what is worse, AI taking over the world & killing a huge part of the population. Or, an EMP & 90% dying? As long as it gets all of the computers...
ooh,how I love my politicians,my so loved minister of traffic,I belive it's called,wanna make my country as testing ground for unmanned drones..
really thought those dumd ideas from her mouth was stopped,but nope.