Slow Descent or Fast and Furious

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Slow and gradual for sure, but accelerating as it spreads. BTW Its already happening Pandemic wave followed by economic collapse wave globally followed by the mother of all waves of starving migrants. add to that those countries with stronger economies facing HUGE tax increases matched with CUTS in public services. Not enough money on earth to get me into a city these days.
If it does begin to unravel our Urban members especially are going to have to strongly reconsider their position, but none the less rural or urban should a massive economic collapse triggered by what ever means happens our esential stockpiles will need to be topped up
Fresh Water
Medicines ( esp script pharmas)
Fuel products ( everything from firewood to gasoline and diesel)
MTCE products

And a much closer weather eye on protecting homesteading crops and critters like.

And face facts guys you may not see imports like Coffee, Bananas, tropical fruits etc at affordable prices for a long time.
Only when we can look back will we know the answer. When we notice it, it will be fast and furious, but like all catastrophies, all the signs will be there, we may not be able to see it. Or, we see it but there's not much we can do until it actually happens. Good luck everybody!
Fresh Water
Medicines ( esp script pharmas)
Fuel products ( everything from firewood to gasoline and diesel)
MTCE products
Maybe it's because my coffee hasn't kicked in yet, but I'm drawing a blank on the acronym "MTCE" and Google isn't any help:
MTCE Million Ton of Coal Equivalent
MTCE Metric Tons of Carbon Equivalent
MTCE Metallurgical Testing and Consulting Engineers
MTCE Metric Tonnes of Carbon Equivalent
MTCE Mimaki Target Color Emulator
MTCE Metric Tons Carbon Equivalent
MTCE Movimiento de Trabajadores Cristianos de Europa
MTCE Multimatic Technical Centre Europe
MTCE Metta Trust for Childrens Education
MTCE Michigan Transit Center for Excellence
MTCE Mobile Telecommunications Company of Esfahan
Maybe it's because my coffee hasn't kicked in yet, but I'm drawing a blank on the acronym "MTCE" and Google isn't any help:
MTCE Million Ton of Coal Equivalent
MTCE Metric Tons of Carbon Equivalent
MTCE Metallurgical Testing and Consulting Engineers
MTCE Metric Tonnes of Carbon Equivalent
MTCE Mimaki Target Color Emulator
MTCE Metric Tons Carbon Equivalent
MTCE Movimiento de Trabajadores Cristianos de Europa
MTCE Multimatic Technical Centre Europe
MTCE Metta Trust for Childrens Education
MTCE Michigan Transit Center for Excellence
MTCE Mobile Telecommunications Company of Esfahan
I wondered on that too, haven't come across this one before.
Maybe it's because my coffee hasn't kicked in yet, but I'm drawing a blank on the acronym "MTCE" and Google isn't any help:
MTCE Million Ton of Coal Equivalent
MTCE Metric Tons of Carbon Equivalent
MTCE Metallurgical Testing and Consulting Engineers
MTCE Metric Tonnes of Carbon Equivalent
MTCE Mimaki Target Color Emulator
MTCE Metric Tons Carbon Equivalent
MTCE Movimiento de Trabajadores Cristianos de Europa
MTCE Multimatic Technical Centre Europe
MTCE Metta Trust for Childrens Education
MTCE Michigan Transit Center for Excellence
MTCE Mobile Telecommunications Company of Esfahan

MTCE=Maintenance. Maintenance products that could get rare or expensive especially oil based products like Shampoos, Soaps, Vehicle maintenance chemicals, lubricants, many pharma products, plus maintenance products that are imported to your country EG Palm oil products
I think it will be drawn out, for now (speaking of the current Covid-19 crises). We have already seen productions of certain items, like meat processors being shut down due to illness and the decline of products and selections at the stores. It's not a complete halt so people aren't in a panic mode yet. I think as long as there is something to buy, they still have a sense of security. I can foresee a decline of products coming in from around the world as a big problem. . . . Not sure if hunny could put up with me if I couldn't have my coffee every day.

I am a big believer in growing, raising, and making as much as you can yourself. I wish more people thought this way. I do realize you can't do and provide everything. What I consider essentials and what others think are completely different. I can clean a lot of stuff with a bar of lye soap, bleach and ammonia (of coarse those last 2 are not combined). How many cleaning products are made that are really unnecessary?

If you have the basics of cooking items, you should have most things covered and then grow and raise the rest. I know apartment dwellers can't and majority can't raise their own meat, but everyone should have a opportunity to grow at least something on a back porch or backyard. It may not cover all your dietary needs but it will help at least. People rely too much on the stores to provide for them. Way too many convenience food out there that cause health problems down the road.
Most people don't notice the changes that have been going on for a long time. But now with this government forced lockdown it's accelerating and people are (finially) starting to take notice.

My hippie neighbors across the street are just having a grand old time throwing marijuana parties. Maybe they can eat their pot when the grocery store shelves are empty.
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I think it will be drawn out, for now (speaking of the current Covid-19 crises). We have already seen productions of certain items, like meat processors being shut down due to illness and the decline of products and selections at the stores. It's not a complete halt so people aren't in a panic mode yet. I think as long as there is something to buy, they still have a sense of security. I can foresee a decline of products coming in from around the world as a big problem. . . . Not sure if hunny could put up with me if I couldn't have my coffee every day.

I am a big believer in growing, raising, and making as much as you can yourself. I wish more people thought this way. I do realize you can't do and provide everything. What I consider essentials and what others think are completely different. I can clean a lot of stuff with a bar of lye soap, bleach and ammonia (of coarse those last 2 are not combined). How many cleaning products are made that are really unnecessary?

If you have the basics of cooking items, you should have most things covered and then grow and raise the rest. I know apartment dwellers can't and majority can't raise their own meat, but everyone should have a opportunity to grow at least something on a back porch or backyard. It may not cover all your dietary needs but it will help at least. People rely too much on the stores to provide for them. Way too many convenience food out there that cause health problems down the road.
I couldn’t agree more that not near enough people even attempt to provide for themselves.
The sheeple are brainwashed into believing that the welfare state will feed, clothe and house them from birth to death.
And sadly they would be correct. We've got about 3 generations now where nobody in the entire family has ever worked! And neither party is interested in making any changes. The democrats see the welfare class as a big part of their voting block. And the Repubics don't have a spine anymore.
In the US, we will find out the end of the year, this shutdown and the coming slow start of the economy, by years end our spending will have exceeded our GDP. I'm seeing our rating to be downgraded from Aaa to A-, A2

The States are in worse shape, I'm Also seeing some form of a Greek austerity measures being implemented and not just in the US.
In the US, we will find out the end of the year, this shutdown and the coming slow start of the economy, by years end our spending will have exceeded our GDP. I'm seeing our rating to be downgraded from Aaa to A-, A2

The States are in worse shape, I'm Also seeing some form of a Greek austerity measures being implemented and not just in the US.

Yes, I’m trying hard to see any silver lining but we are very close to being FUBAR.

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