SMART METERS....good or bad?

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HamRadio/Office of Emergency Services/Fire-EMT-SAR
Nov 13, 2012
Squaw Valley, California, USA, EARTH
I moved to this house in 2014. This house was completed in 2014 and a
"smart meter" was installed at that time. Prior to moving in I was in good health
and had an occasional headache. Once in awhile i'd here noises or tones in my
head, once in awhile. I always had good energy and never felt fatigued or weak.
Since moving in my fatigue level has increased to a point where all I'd want to
do was nothing. I have felt so fatigued and weak that it became serious as it
affected my daily routine to a point where for days i would not feel strong enough
to get anything done. Every chore seemed exhausting to me. now, every night
when I try to get to sleep, and it's quiet I hear a constant stream of various tones
in my head. I tested with a frequency generator and found that the tones i was
hearing were around 390-439 hz and 640-690 hz. I tried putting ear plugs in but
this did not stop the tones. I wasn't recieving these tones in an audible format, I
was recieving these tones directly in the brain, RF radiation.
My smart meter is 40 feet from the kitchen and living room. I didn't before now
think that the RF coming from these smart meters could actually affect me at all.
There are so many other sources of RF getting into my head. 3 PC's, a hot-spot
cellular device and WiFi.
A year ago I decided to make a device to protect my devices from RF. It's
made of copper mesh over a copper framework and it looks like a pyramid. It
really does stop any RF from getting through and to my surprize the tones that I
hear in my head also go away while inside the "Faraday Cage".
So, from this point I know the tones are associated with RF getting into my
head and I proved it to myself by evaluating what I hear inside my head while
outside the faraday cage and again after I had entered the faraday cage.
The difference is shocking. while inside the cage, I cannot get any signals from
either my hand-held transciever or my cell phone and I hear NO tones in my
head, NOT ONE......
It is my opinion that RF coming from a ham radio repeater or a cell tower is
affecting me and we are not counting the hundreds of cell phones close to me.
These smart meters ping other meters every 30 seconds to keep in touch on the
network. any device transmitting sends out a signal which goes out in a 360
degree pattern unless it is a Yagi or beam antenna like a directional TV antenna
which sends out a narrow directional signal, all the power in one direction. All
other devices are spraying RF everywhere. Even some newer cars do this.
It's funny that between 5 different doctors they have not been able to find or
locate what could be causing my headaches, dizziness an serious fatigue and all
I have to do is go inside my faraday cage and stop the RF and the tones and
noises in my head completely go away.
This problem will continue to grow and now they are building a 5 gigaherts
network that will cover the complete continental United States.
We are being cooked from the inside. NO difference than being in a
microwave, thats exactly what it is. i don't care what stories they tell or what data
they have to prove otherwise, if you transmit microwave frequencies through the
air you are going to damage something somewhere. This RF affects everything.
plants, flowers, trees, bugs, birds, all wildlife is being affected and all humans are
being affected to some degree.
They don't care. It's a small part of agenda21 and if they do it a small bit at a
time how many people are really going to notice? The government is very smart
and alot of people are really stupid. not really stupid, they are just not educated
to the fact that what they say will enhance our lives and make it better is actually
something that is going to slowly kill us and do harm to everything that is living.
Thats my story and i'm sticking to it.

Do smart meters give off radiation?

Non-ionizing radiation has enough energy to move atoms in a molecule around
or cause them to vibrate, which can lead to heat but it can't damage DNA
directly. ... Because RF radiation is a possible carcinogen, and smart meters
give off RF radiation, it is possible that smart meters could increase cancer
risk.Sep 24, 2014

What network do smart meters use?

This network is used to allow your smart gas and electricity meters to
communicate with each other, as well as with your in-home display. When smart
meters need to communicate with an energy provider, they use WAN. This
secure network is similar to the one mobile phones use to send and receive

How much electricity does a smart meter use?

I also spoke to some of the major energy providers and they confirmed that the
amount of energy a smart meter used was about 1 kWh of electricity per year
which would cost between 70p and £1.Jun 19, 2017

What are the health risks of smart meters?

Those promoting these bans cite health risks. Some claim “electromagnetic
hypersensitivity,” or in other words that radiation from devices such as smart
meters causes dizziness, fatigue, headaches, seizures, memory loss or other
maladies. Others claim that smart meters cause cancer.Feb 28, 2013

Do smart meters interfere with WIFI?

Smart Meters Might Disrupt WiFi. A blogger at Smart Data Collective says
electric smart meters rolled out by utilities may cause interference with WiFi. A
Zigbee device within each smart meter sends a ping about every 30 seconds to
communicate with other smart meters in the vicinity, creating a mesh
network.May 19, 2014

How do I read my smart electric meter?
To get a reading from these smart meters:

Press 9 on the keypad.
A series of letters will appear: IMP KWH.
Then you'll see 8 digits (e.g. 0012565.3) followed by kWh at the bottom right of
the screen.
This is your read, so in this case your reading would be 12565.

Is smart meter installation mandatory?

The Government requires that energy suppliers offer smart meters to all small
businesses and homes. However, smart meters are not a legal requirement,
therefore it's not compulsory to have a smart meter installed. However, having a
smart meter at your premises is likely to become the norm in years to come.May
31, 2018
Additional info...................
None of the corporate figures involved have NEVER done any research on the affects of RF from new technologies like smart meters. No short term or long term research of any kind has been done on "smart meters"
and I can gaurantee that NO research has been done on the new "5G" system which is already being constructed today. I spoke to a wireless contractor on a hill when i was doing work on a ham repeater. He was upgrading a system and told me "This new 5G system is designed to meet requirements for some future upgrades which from a remote location can turn up the power and the frequency with just a flip of a switch". He thinks the system can easily be upgraded with a switch to up to 25G's and much more power.
If you look at a cel-tower location map you will be amazed. A map shows every location where there is a cel-tower. The USA is saturated from coast to coast with cel-towers and in conspiracy channels it is said that when the 5G system becomes active, the controllers can easily turn up the heat to a point that people everywhere will be imobilized and long exsposure will kill them.
The military has been researching this technique since the 50's as a military weapon and it's a vehicle mounted system and when turned on can imobilize a mass amount of soldiers on the battlefield.
It's a means of control but they always package it as something great for the masses. Thats why they call them "smart meters" like it's an all knowing, all seeing device so therefore we accept it as rule.
Westinghouse is a major player in this.
Because of the work the Wife does, besides her lab we have a tower with mocrowave's that connects to the USGS/USFS and WSU plus we have AT&T, we have cables that run from the tower (underground) to a big box outside the lab, I know her lab uses a lot of power because of the equipment, we have three wireless power meters, one for the tower one for the lab and one for the property. We have no issues, the animals have no issues including wildlife. You must overly sensitive Savage
OK Maverick, maybe. We are all different. I know i'm always getting seriously shocked when unlocking the door of my truck and i mean seriously shocked.
Effects of RF could take years to show cell damage for some people.
The point is "RF" radiation isn't good for anyone or anything, even at low levels it still is damaging.
Some agree that RF could accelerate the growth of cancer but without any testing and research who knows the truth? You shouldn't do anything like this until you have made certain it's safe for everyone.
40 years down the road you may find out it was harmful living near so much RF radiation, I hope not. cheers!

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