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Awesome Friend
Sep 25, 2013
anyone have any ideas how i can stop smoking without getting pissed off or so called withdraws
In Australia it is recommended that you discuss such matters with your GP (doctor).

There are also hotline numbers to ring.

My mother in law consulted her doctor and was given a 'drug' to assist her come off them, she managed to quit after smoking for about 50 years.
In Australia they can ... so sure they can in the States too. They can prescribe medication, may suggest therapy if stresses cause you to smoke (or offer alternative coping mechanisms etc. etc.), and really they should know your health history better than anyone. I am talking about your 'family doctor'. We call them a GP (General Practitioner) here.
In Australia they can ... so sure they can in the States too. They can prescribe medication, may suggest therapy if stresses cause you to smoke (or offer alternative coping mechanisms etc. etc.), and really they should know your health history better than anyone. I am talking about your 'family doctor'. We call them a GP (General Practitioner) here.
ok ty i go to the doctor friday morning ill talk to her then
Good luck with quitting, as someone who smoked for 35 years I can tell you quitting it the hardest thin I ever did, I tried all the drugs the Dr. recomended and the patches and the gum, with no luck, as a matter of fact the drug Chantex actually made matters worse I think that stuff should be outlawed it will screw your head up or it did mine anyway, I stayed "pissed off" (and thats putting it lightly) at the world the whole time I took it. Years ago when I was given the nick name Wild Man it was for good reason I did every drug known to man, and drank enough alcohol to float a navy. but I gave it all up cold turkey with no problems except ciggeretts I fought that for years, even today I still dream about having one, the thing that worked for me was my faith in God, prayer and fasting is the way I quit I hope this helps.
My husband was prescribed Welbutrin and has pretty much quit.
my daughter in law has been 4 weeks without smoking. She used vapor cigs, uses liquid nicotine. She said every 2 weeks she changed to a lower nicotine and gradually tapered off till she quit!
Use an electronic cigarette, but please please talk to me before you buy one. I work for a huge electronic cigarette store/company in the US, so I can help you a lot. I won't tell you which company but I can help you pick out a good one.

I was a 2 pack a day smoker and I haven't touched a cigarette in 3 years.
I quit cold turkey. Now I make sure my Wild Turkey 101 is room temperature. Soooo much better that way.
As for quitting smoking? Sorry can't help ya. 2 packs a day for 35 years and still puffing.
Y'all leave me alone. It's my only bad habit
Well, that i'll admit t at least,, hahaha.
As was suggested, my step father was a smoker for years, he went cold turkey and the only thing that helped him was God.

Also though the enviroment you set your self up with at first too...don't go places with a lot of smokers, you may want to limit your time with your smoking friends for a while, and don't go places where you can easily buy cigs.

If you could, I would probably just go off to a remote cabin, and fish and hunt for a year away from society all together...but that would just be what I would do! lol
I was a smoker for 15 years and I quit using an electronic cigarette.

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