In my introduction, it was said that water is number one. How much should one stock pile and is it better to convert dirty water to clean, store, or have tanks to store rain water?
In my introduction, it was said that water is number one. How much should one stock pile and is it better to convert dirty water to clean, store, or have tanks to store rain water?
In my introduction, it was said that water is number one. How much should one stock pile and is it better to convert dirty water to clean, store, or have tanks to store rain water?
Part of being prepared isn't just having stuff stored, but also knowing where or how to acquire the things you can't store.
You don't need to spend thousands for this either. My daughter purchased an above ground pool this summer for her kids and it was on sale for $250, including the filter.Swimming pools offer a large volume of water. If you don't already have one, an above ground pool would serve you with multiple purposes for just a few thousand dolars. For now, while everything is fine, you can cool off in the summer and enjoy family time. When times get bad, you have thousands of gallons of water stored. You just need to make sure you can filter out all the chemicals. This only applies if you are bugging in.
That's awesomeYou don't need to spend thousands for this either. My daughter purchased an above ground pool this summer for her kids and it was on sale for $250, including the filter.