Solar EMP protection ideas..

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Awesome Friend
Mar 20, 2013
Longlac Ontario
Ok so just noticed this article that a coronal mass ejection is headed to earth that will be enough to spark the northern lights.

None the less is anyone doing anything to prepare for major events that can cause EMP damage from the sun, if so what?

I'm particularlly interested in things regular people can do on a tight budget.

I'll be putting some kit in tinfoil and inside a metal frame of a microwave.

Lots of thunder showers flashes last night tons of rain.. and an awsome hot sunny day today

--- so this is what I've put together on the fly... note that the video may take a while to get up.

anorak is right, the garbage can bit is a quick solution to an EMP scenario. If you have GI sheets, you can build your own faraday cage also. Since the cage would be inside the house, i would recommend adding a wire from the cage to the grounding pipe in your house for added protection.
Quick and easy!! Wrap your electronics in plastic wrap a couple times then wrap it a couple times in foil. I tested this in the microwave on my flashlight and my jump drive back up, works fine. Both came through unscathed.
I have one question though. I have researched this but I keep getting different opinions.

Would the EMP affect batteries I have in storage (lead-acid, lithion-ion, regular AA batteries, etc.)?

I don't want to experiment by putting one in the microwave since they might explode.

Anyone with a solid idea on this?
The problem with solar EMP's is the the exposure is random so the real answer to your question is yes and no!! lol. Some times its burst micro waves other times, its another type. there's no telling exactly which we'll get so better safe than sorry. Always keep a set wrapped in plastic wrap then foil and your good...
Thanks, will probably just put them inside my "faraday cage" along with the other stuff I have.
You'd be amazed at how many Faraday cages are in the home.... Microwave, regular oven, refrigerator, washer, dryer, dishwasher, for example. Not sure how many folks still have the old metal trash cans with metal lids. You could even put your garage door up and put stuff under it. It is likely large enough to deflect it enough to still save small items under it, even without totally surrounding it. Of course, all of this is if you KNOW it's coming. Many people have bought old school metal shop cabinets and made them into Faraday cages to keep emergency electronics like flashlights, radios, chargers, etc.
all my sensitive equipment including batteries are in 3 earth grounded 32gal galvanized metal garbage can, each equipment is in its own metal container placed in the larger cans, the top of the garbage can is covered with tin foil just under the lid. I am using the whd32cl, these cans ain't cheap but they hold up better then the cheaper ones you would get from lowes or home depot

one thing just came to mind..if a person has one of those car ports for boats and/or rv's.would that work if the walls on each side came on down to the ground.pluse a wall at one end,and door(s) at other end?and maybe a wooden floor of some kind?