Solar flares and EMP

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They should have already been doing this.....

They been talking about preparing for such events but that's all it's been including this administration, just talk. Most of equipment that's been provided is only for temporary situation, the power companies already stated it's too costly to harden the grid without the government financial support and that where it's been stuck since the late nineties.
They been talking about preparing for such events but that's all it's been including this administration, just talk. Most of equipment that's been provided is only for temporary situation, the power companies already stated it's too costly to harden the grid without the government financial support and that where it's been stuck since the late nineties.

I agree...But this is a serious threat and it appears that past administrations and this one has well does not take it seriously...The US Military has been hardening their equipment since the Cold War

The scenario sounds like something in a Hollywood film, but the U.S. military has been preparing its electronic systems for such an event since the Cold War. The protective measures taken to harden facilities against a nuclear attack also help in some cases to protect against EMPs.

US Ill Prepared For for EMP attack.
Exactly, the only thing this and most government concern themselves with is what new wine goes best with caviar.

Yep...They suck the blood right out of us...Want to see Dracula in a gray flannel suit? Look toward Washington.
Just imagine the taxes it would take if the government did take this threat seriously. We're over taxed as it is. I don't know too many people who could afford to pay even higher taxes.
Hell, the way I see it weather they raise taxes or not the governments first and foremost responsibility is to the very people that put their asses up there to start with. It use to be government for the people by the people but now its turned into government by the government for the government. The American people are no longer a priority to this administration or the next one that takes over....Its easy to sit up and tell people what they want to hear and its even sadder that we has a people buy into this BS!

I am not anti-government by no means but if the shoe fits wear it I say....
That's one of the problems with this country, the government has already assumed responsibility for each individual, that's what created the mess in the first place by creating social security/welfare and made itself the largest employer in the US and in the process of assuming this responsibility they have stripped individualism from us and created indoctrination in our school system. I'm not anti-government but I am anti-big government, right now taxes are too high, people have become to reliant on the grid anyway and besides, without power maybe the kids will get the hands dirty and build a little Americanism from within instead of these handouts, the way I see it, good riddance. Personally I believe this o'l world would be better off without the grid and besides my horse is getting damn lazy and needs to start earning it's keep, it already thinks it's something special around here ;)
Most, if not all of us here try to prepare for the unexpected in life. This is a tough one to prepare for. If the grid goes down for an extended period it would be devastating to life in the US. Most are so pampered and spoiled they would be hard pressed to survive. Even within the prepping community it would be a tough adjustment. I just hope we keep dodging this bullet for at least a few more years.
I'm thinking I would get a lot more work done around here, with no power no body goes to work and that means I will have a full crew. Always a silver lining ;)
That is a good point. Without all the electronic distractions of today, hell, people might even start to talk to each other again! Just out of boredom, teenagers may start to work on things around the home. Can't you just imagine the possibilities?
As a kid I don't remember using power to do work around the house, we had no carpet when I was a kid to vacuum same as my house today, no carpet. We used no power for play as kids and my kids and grand kids don't really either. With the grid down all it means to me is the days become shorter and the nights longer but shouldn't change my sleeping pattern since I'm up at 3:30 and bed by 9 sometimes 8:30 so for me not much of a routine change.
Most, if not all of us here try to prepare for the unexpected in life. This is a tough one to prepare for. If the grid goes down for an extended period it would be devastating to life in the US. Most are so pampered and spoiled they would be hard pressed to survive. Even within the prepping community it would be a tough adjustment. I just hope we keep dodging this bullet for at least a few more years.

Terrorism and the
Electric Power Delivery System

What all this really comes down to is the fact that the major power companies with in the US say the cost would be so astronomical that without government help they could not do it.......I call BS on this!

The Effects and Components of Electromagnetic Pulses

The International Electrotechnical Commission defines three components associated with a nuclear electromagnetic pulse: E1, E2, and E3. The E1 pulse is brief, intense, and very quick (traveling at over 90% of the speed of light), and can take out computers and telecommunications equipment owing to its ability to exceed voltage limitations. The E2 element is intermediate in duration, lasting from a microsecond to a second after the initiation of the EMP, and is similar in its effects to lightning. As such, the grid is generally shielded against E2. By contrast, the E3 pulse is much slower, a result of the nuclear explosion affecting the earth’s magnetic field, and is very similar to the effects of an intense solar storm. The E3 effect of a nuclear blast or severe solar storm would be to create massive currents on power lines, which could then destroy electrical transformers and potentially impact power plants as well.

Bolding and letter coloring are my doing.