Some Help with List....

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Awesome Friend
Dec 29, 2012
New Jersey
Hey everyone,

Can someone make me a solid list of items from medical to tatical i should start getting?? Like i said gun laws are rough in Nj so forget that idea.. All the help is much appreciated
Mike, the laws aren't as bad as you think for guns in Jersey. I have lived here since I was 4 on and off. I was in the Military for 15 years, so not in the state all the time, but as long as your record is clear and you are mentally stable you will get an FOID(firearms ID card). It takes a few months so I would fill out the paperwork now with all the new gun stuff starting to happen you will want to do it ASAP. You get the forms from your local PD. You need 2 references on the forms as well. Use military or police if you can it will help you get the permit. You also have to file for pistol permits separately but on your initial application you can request pistol permits as well. If you need more info just ask me. You can use me for a reference too if needed. Also let me know if you need help with anything else. I am still in NJ so not sure where you are but I am in Northwest Jersey on Lake Hopatcong. Hope I helped some and any questions just give me a shout
Yes but you will still need the Firearms ID Card. You can buy as many rifles or shotguns as you want when you have your card. You just have to apply for a separate permit for each pistol.
It sucks t first but once you have the card is not too bad, still a big pain, but I have a rather large collection of pistols, rifles, and shotguns from over the last few years. Picking up 2 more handguns tomorrow actually, well picking up one and buying another to have held for 30 days since only 1 pistol every 30 days, and that sucks!!!
thats a bunch of crap right there.... sorry bout your luck man

one thing I miss about Indiana only gun you have to register is handguns shotguns and rifels you dont have to no foid system

another thing people are forgetting a muzzler loader is not a firearm only requirments is age of 18 even a felon can buy and legaly own a muzzle loader
in washington if your a felon and it fires a projectile you can not have. it im not a felon but i dont buy guns from stores i do check serial numbers and buy from trusted people mainly family....
Same in NJ you need that FOID card for anything that shoots even a pellet gun!
Yep any type of firearm that can harm including a BB gun or Pellet gun, and yes even a muzzleloader, you need that FOID card which requires comprehensive background check, fingerprints, mental health check, and your thumb print on the FOID card. The only thing I think you can buy and not positive on this is relic firearms, but not sure on that because I don't collect old guns.
In Texas, if you buy from an individual, you do not have to register. If from a store you do.
Don't know all of your laws, but just a suggestion
Sorry for reviving an old thread, but here in Oklahoma you don't have to register any firearm. sells some good rappelling/climbing gear that maybe essential to get to or from your bol