Some of my medical supply.

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Awesome Friend
Oct 31, 2012
Georgetown, ky
Here is one of my totes of medical stuff. I needed to get to it so I could sterilize the instruments. I thought I would take some pictures to give you an idea of what I've got. I keep a mix in each tub. This way if I can't grab it all I've got a good assortment in the one tub I can carry.


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Here is one of my totes of medical stuff. I needed to get to it so I could sterilize the instruments. I thought I would take some pictures to give you an idea of what I've got. I keep a mix in each tub. This way if I can't grab it all I've got a good assortment in the one tub I can carry.
This is one sweet medical system you have! I am most impressed, and jealous! I can only hope that I will one day catch up to you.
you are to medical supplies as Colt1911 is to knives! lol!!
Holy sh*t balls batman! Thats a great looking kit...what is in the small vials holding liquids of some sort for the needles I assume?
Thanks guys, The viles have meds. Epi, magnesium, lidocaine, and some others. My goal is to barter. Being able to treat and being able to sew up colts victims will be worth something.
Are those meds that you can get OTC or are you licensed in some manner?
somewhere in the middle lol. They are above OTC and less than prescription if that makes sense. I am an EMT so im used to and know the dosages(ive actually got a cheat sheet in case im the one needing them). Most of this stuff is wasted by the medical field. When a patient leaves the hospital they trash everything that's left in the room. Tools, bandages, interments, anything. If I see it I ask the staff if i can have it. I take everything I can get unless the patient is contaminated. All instruments are run through and autoclave. Anything I get that is opened gets trashed. Its funny when people ask why i want it I tell them im prepping for the end of the world. Some look at me funny some accept the fact and ask if i need anything specific.

Most of my supply is medical. I need to buy some trauma supplies.
somewhere in the middle lol. They are above OTC and less than prescription if that makes sense. I am an EMT so im used to and know the dosages(ive actually got a cheat sheet in case im the one needing them). Most of this stuff is wasted by the medical field. When a patient leaves the hospital they trash everything that's left in the room. Tools, bandages, interments, anything. If I see it I ask the staff if i can have it. I take everything I can get unless the patient is contaminated. All instruments are run through and autoclave. Anything I get that is opened gets trashed. Its funny when people ask why i want it I tell them im prepping for the end of the world. Some look at me funny some accept the fact and ask if i need anything specific.

Most of my supply is medical. I need to buy some trauma supplies.
Oh they aren't things that the layman can get their hands on? I am surprised the hospital gives them to you, sounds like that might not be in the handbook lol its great for you that they do though! Thanks for the response!
Good start but the most important are lots and lots of steril dressing supplies, you will go through box after box before you know it. Steril Saline and H2O along with H2O2 3% sol., betadine scubbing materials. It is better not to suture a wound than suture it up non.-sterile. It will heal from the inside out but an infection will use up all your resouces and still kill you. There are a lot of nasty bug MRSA, CRE, C-diff, staf etc. all different all different treatment..You will need smaller bore needles for the lidocane and don't even think about injecting the Mag. you will need potassium much more often. With out labs before you know you need mag. you would be in arrest and more is just as bad.the 4 items most overlooked in a first aid prep.are 1. anti-diarrheals (there in most cases will not be someone there with the means and IV fluids to rehydrate some one with dehydration and electrolyte inbalance from diarrhea, 2. Ceulose to stop bleeding, 3. U&A Strips. and the knowledge to know what this simple test that can be done anywhere tells you''ie. neg or pos for..protein, blood, nitrates,bilrubin, PH, Specific gravity etc and 4 glucometer , test strips and know when and how to use (the brain runs off of one thing sugar and you must be able to know what the levels are along with the sx of being high or low).

Defibs are nice but over a grand ,along with a way to look at an ECG wave form about$120.00 but is of no use unless you know about ECG/K rythms thats where Mag or Potasium would come into play, , pulse oxcimeter which is available at walmart for about $40.00. Pairs of hemostats are nice but a quality lit magnifying glass, quality tweezers are used much more often. Another item i find overlooked otoscope, eye glass repair set (save your old glasses for parts and barter)

Most antibiotics can be bought at a tropical fish store without an RX and many are made at the same places that make ours. The even tell you the doses in mgs.
but again over use or not knowing gran-pos or gran-neg bacteria can make them a waste of time and do more what am I telling you...bottom end...take classes, read...and have your other group members do the may not be able to tend yourself in an emergency.. the idea of barter is good but the valuable thing will not be up for barter.

What do I know...been doing this for 30 years in military and out. ERs, ICUs, Step Down Units and corrections..and still do it 5 days a an er setting..Good can never have too much medical supplies because the go fast..and again barter is good...
bairleafarm send me your email address and I will send you a PDF for basic Urinalysis results you can do cheap will dip stix available on line. A simple lab test you can do for about a quarter that would cost more than $100.00 in an er. best bang for your buck.
[email protected] by the way my family is all from KY. a great place with the best of people

common sense and knowledge is the best weapon
somewhere in the middle lol. They are above OTC and less than prescription if that makes sense. I am an EMT so im used to and know the dosages(ive actually got a cheat sheet in case im the one needing them). Most of this stuff is wasted by the medical field. When a patient leaves the hospital they trash everything that's left in the room. Tools, bandages, interments, anything. If I see it I ask the staff if i can have it. I take everything I can get unless the patient is contaminated. All instruments are run through and autoclave. Anything I get that is opened gets trashed. Its funny when people ask why i want it I tell them im prepping for the end of the world. Some look at me funny some accept the fact and ask if i need anything specific.

Most of my supply is medical. I need to buy some trauma supplies.
Took unopened suture removal kit from my husbands hospital stay. I knew they'd toss it - and we paid for it! Heads up people - take the stuff home!
Not only do they toss items but they also have charged someone for them on their ussage list. I needed cervical collars last year for training usage at a local National Guard Camp. I tooka big plastic bag to work and asked my peers to save them for me if the were not contaminated with body fluis when the took them off trans ported patients coming in to the ER. Over a couple of months I collected 40 + like new to donate plus several other items that were serviceable that were tossed in the bag. This would have went to the land fill....
Folks listen to 2nd D, this preppers knows there stuff. Also the epi and atropine it would be very well advised to have advanced medical training. Barter meds you can never have enough.

Let me throw this out there, you can take care of 90% of common medical problems with 7 OTCs (aspirin, " NSAIDs> tylenol = acetaminophen, motrin= ibuprofen, aleve=naproxin" ,Imodium=lopermide, benadryl= diphenhydramine, Claritin= loratadine. You can never have to many of these on hand. Also with some study you should be able to find the dosing for children.

The epi at 1:1000 IM or 1:10000 IV along with benadryl could very well stop an allergic reaction, eg. P-nut, stings. BUT most people benadryl works by it's self if gotten on board quickly.

STUDY, TRAIN, there are some awesome books, YouTube docs that share there knowledge.
Heck yeah, I've gotten a LOT of medical stuff from friends/loved one's stays in hospitals. Of course, you have to know how to USE the equipment too folks, so keep that in mind. That's really where the use comes from.
I posted on this a while back! I have thought on this a lot. First all of these meds require a "Rx"! They are not narcotics! They are however DEADLY! with the exception of Diphenhydranine HCl/Benadryl will case an "Arrhythmia" and to use them without an ECG is stupid/foolish/ DEADLY!
Epi 1/1000 if given IV bad, bad, bad! Epi 1/10000 given Sub q or IM won't give desired results for Anaphlaxis. Either given in the wrong dose, route, time, person will cause V tach or V fib! DEADLY!
ATROPINE SULPHATE will cause V tach or V fib! DEADLY!
Magnesium SULFATE could cause your heart to stop! DEADLY!
Dextrose can run your blood glucose levels so high you could pass out, altered mental status, diabetic ketoacidosis! You guessed it "DEADLY"


Epi 1/1000 : 0.15 mg sq=< 66lbs/30kgs, 0.3-0.5mg sq >66lbs/30kgs Anaphylaxis
Benadryl/Diphenhydramine 1mg/kg MAX 50mg Anaphylaxis

Atropine Sulphate 0.5-1mg q 3-5 min for symptomatic Bradycardia, or 1mg q 3-5 min. for Organophosphate Poisoning.

Epi 1/10000 1mg q 3-5 min cardiac arrest or 0.3-0.5mg IV adults only Anaphylaxis

Mag. Sulphate
Points Torsades 1-2 g IV Push
Asthma. 3g in 100 ml D5W over 5-10 min
Preterm labor/Preeclampsia 4g loading dose and 1-4g pr hr

With all of these drugs there are indication's and contraindications!
Meaning you could or should and YOU DO NOT USE!


As a Paramedic I agree with doc. I do not know of any basic emt level that knows how to properly use some of those meds. That results in the opposite effect of what you are trying to accomplish.

That and there are meds out there that are lethal after their expiration date while others lose their effectiveness.

Just because you have a cheat sheet doesn't mean you should use the stuff. So many indications and contraindications that again could equal death.

Train wisely. Knowledge is power.
As a Paramedic I agree with doc. I do not know of any basic emt level that knows how to properly use some of those meds. That results in the opposite effect of what you are trying to accomplish.

That and there are meds out there that are lethal after their expiration date while others lose their effectiveness.

Just because you have a cheat sheet doesn't mean you should use the stuff. So many indications and contraindications that again could equal death.

Train wisely. Knowledge is power.

I have to agree with deanathpc on the cheat sheet, all of the info that that I listed was from memory. This is because of training, study, and use. I was told one time years ago to learn my drugs, so I did. Out of the drugs above, there compound drugs/other drugs that can be made from these. There combination of drugs above that can be used to treat different s/s. Learn, all you can, there maybe a time coming that you need to know this kind of medical info.
Good luck, be safe, and God bless
Beware of yahoos with portable defibrillators in the trunk of their cars................... In a true WTSHTF scenario , If your life depends on IV atropine/ epinephrine....your going "toes up"................ Best to prep
Doc's 7 OTC meds , some antibiotics , guaze dressing supplies , learn CPR and wound care techniques........................... A bad infection, might be worse than a GSW to the head.
realistic: 45538 said:
Beware of yahoos with portable defibrillators in the trunk of their cars................... In a true WTSHTF scenario , If your life depends on IV atropine/ epinephrine....your going "toes up"................ Best to prep
Doc's 7 OTC meds , some antibiotics , guaze dressing supplies , learn CPR and wound care techniques........................... A bad infection, might be worse than a GSW to the head.

A bad infection and dysentery will be top killers in and grid down scenario. After the first 30-90 days your medical dependant people will die from lack of meds. In that time starvation, dehydration ( lack of good drink water), and those who did not prepaid looting, robing, and killing. Then we will be able to start trying to put things back to some semblance of normality. A lot of good antibacterial soap, antiseptics will go a long way in keeping you healthy.
Good luck, be safe, and God bless.

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