Something to barter

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user 7704

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Nov 27, 2015
bartering post collapse is probably one of the most dangerous things you could do. you don't know how people will act and giving them booze will probably make it even worse. good luck with that one!:p
bartering post collapse is probably one of the most dangerous things you could do. you don't know how people will act and giving them booze will probably make it even worse. good luck with that one

Right after collapse....I'd agree. But, there will come a time of stabilization too.

People WILL realize that it is better to barter for a continued resource, than raid for a one-shot one. We plan to be producers and barterers.

So, what happens when Mr. Warlord comes?

Well, if he comes shooting, we fight or flee (based on the comparison of forces vs. defenses).
If we flee...we leave a surprise. (see below)

If he comes willing to talk, we talk. If he balks at our offer, and says he'll just take it all...I'll say fine, you do that (and we'll leave, without telling them which stores are poisoned). We then wait a few days, come back, and mop up any survivors....turn them into compost, and go back to normal.
Right after collapse....I'd agree. But, there will come a time of stabilization too.

People WILL realize that it is better to barter for a continued resource, than raid for a one-shot one. We plan to be producers and barterers.
that may be a long time after collapse, could be a matter of years rather than months, depends on the survival rate I suppose, SHTF will bring out the worst in some, I know we will always hope it brings out the best but it wont necessarily work out that way. not something I want to chance my life on.
not something I want to chance my life on.

Which is why I spend time NOW to consider every angle I can think of, down to trading protocol, defense, etc.

But no man is an island, and while we'd have a small group and many skillsets, there will always be items, supplies, and skills that WE may need to barter FOR as well.

Our biggest value is more in services vs. goods, so any halfway intelligent raiders should realize it is better to have an arrangement with us, and get ongoing goods and services, vs. a one-time raid for limited ones.
I tend to amass what I need, either in terms of gear or in skills(i'm learning at least one new skill each year) or go without.
i'm keeping my setup fairly simple so no need for fancy gizmo's and gadgets.
no trading and bartering as I do not trust other people and I do mean everybody.
Hard for one person to hold on to it though.

I gotta sleep, for instance.

That's why a small group is right for me. (and of course, have a big dog sleep next to ya!)
the less one has the less one has to lose, but I agree about the dog, I prefer dogs to people.
the less one has the less one has to lose, but I agree about the dog, I prefer dogs to people.
I agree with liking dogs over most people. At least dogs will let you know how they honestly feel about you. On the other hand, grouping together after shtf will be the only way to survive. Getting the flu, an injury, or even just going to sleep puts you in a vulnerable posistion.
the less one has the less one has to lose, but I agree about the dog, I prefer dogs to people.
I think it was the movie Lancelot where Richard gere said something to the effect of why have a home and things for the war lords to take when they come. That makes me think that camouflage is a good idea. I like the idea of a plain and sparse homestead, with a filled larder hidden underneath.
I don't like groups even the best people can become undependable,there will always come a point when friend becomes foe,,,,,,,,I guess if you feel you need a group to survive you will have to have eyes in the back of your head and sleep with one eye open,,,I hope no one has to test that theory
I don't like groups even the best people can become undependable,there will always come a point when friend becomes foe,,,,,,,,I guess if you feel you need a group to survive you will have to have eyes in the back of your head and sleep with one eye open,,,I hope no one has to test that theory
I think it all depends on where one is located, survival in a city is probably only possible with a group whereas in a rural area going solo is doable( being in a low population location even BEFORE SHTF is always a good start!) , being as far away as its possible to get from large urban centres in an area most people consider "the middle of nowhere" then you are probably better off alone, maybe with a good dog or three!!
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having a group of family members is one thing, but a group of strangers is something else, who can you trust? probably no one.
My group is family and friends (close friends, for years). They know where to come if things go down. It's not just about survival, it's about quality of life. With a small group, we would live fairly well even after the shtf.... Sure, there will be challenges, but I think we'd manage OK.
My group is family and friends (close friends, for years). They know where to come if things go down. It's not just about survival, it's about quality of life. With a small group, we would live fairly well even after the shtf.... Sure, there will be challenges, but I think we'd manage OK.
yes same here.
Just easier to plant, harvest, hunt, forage, even scavenge now closed businesses, etc. with a group. Not to mention night guards.
maybe, but the more people there are the easier they are to spot, more people make more noise, make bigger tracks, and are more noticeable. you don't necessarily need people to guard, there are other ways of being warned, no.1 would be a good dog or dogs-they have better hearing and smell than any human.

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