Something to ponder this Memorial Day Weekend...

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Silent Bob

Awesome Friend
Mar 20, 2014
To all that have served or are serving. Thank you and your family for your sacrifices to keep our way of life free. Let us remember those that have paid the ultimate sacrifice this Memorial Day Weekend and say a prayer of remembrance to those that have fallen.

I had time to select a poem I found today that was befitting of this occasion. I hope you take time to read it.

The Ultimate Sacrifice: A Memorial Day Poem

We set aside Memorial Day
Each and every year
To honor those who gave their lives
Defending what we hold dear.

In all the dark and deadly wars,
Their graves prove and remind us,
Our brave Americans gave their all
To put danger far behind us.

They made the ultimate sacrifice
Fighting for the American way;
We admire them and respect them
On every Memorial Day.

By Joanna Fuchs
I look at these lost patriots as people who were greater than I am. When I close my eyes and think about the situations they must have been in that took their lives I can only think that I would cower behind them. I am a Vietnam Vet but I never had to go out and beat the bush. We were always asked to volunteer but it made my stomach churn. I saw too many people being brought back out of the field. Those that lost their lives and including those that came back wounded or intact, I will always hold in the highest regard. The average citizen has no idea what's it's like to go to war and how it affects you. Some people step up for America and I will always honor each and everyone of them.
I look at these lost patriots as people who were greater than I am. When I close my eyes and think about the situations they must have been in that took their lives I can only think that I would cower behind them. I am a Vietnam Vet but I never had to go out and beat the bush. We were always asked to volunteer but it made my stomach churn. I saw too many people being brought back out of the field. Those that lost their lives and including those that came back wounded or intact, I will always hold in the highest regard. The average citizen has no idea what's it's like to go to war and how it affects you. Some people step up for America and I will always honor each and everyone of them.

Thank you for your service.
This is one of the hardest holidays for me, I think of my fellow grunts that lost there lives and I came back home. I honor them and miss my friends that always had my six. Rangers lead the way! All the way!

I think of my father's sacrifices in Korea and Vietnam. I've touched my cousin's name on the wall in D.C. and wonder what potential he had and what might have been. Most of all, my remembrance is to my friends that did not come back from Afghanistan and Iraq. I think of all the families of those that have lost loved ones.

Thank you for your service RangerBob73. Yes, RangerBob73, "Rangers do lead the way" and they lead in Heaven too...I am sure my father and cousin are in the mix with them too.

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