Sony pulls plug on "The Interview" (movie about killing NK's leader)

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Awesome Friend
Aug 15, 2013
Well, looks like a win for terrorism today.

Sony announced they aren't releasing the movie, "The Interview", about two bloggers sent to kill North Korea's dear leader.

Can't really put the blame on Sony here though, as the reason has more to do with the main movie theater chains saying they wouldn't show it because of threats. So, if they (Sony) can't show it anywhere, that isn't really on Sony, but it certainly is on the theaters.

Just for that, I hope the American people boycott those chains this holiday, but they won't, because they're sheep.
we heard about that as well.(mom n me)..and we're in agreement on one thing.if they (the hackers) can do that..then whats to stop them from doing much much more hacking the white house,and other government places?and then there's the power grid.
Hacking the grid isn't really as nasty as folks think. Most of it is really older tech, so can be brought back up fairly soon. Physical sabotage is the real threat to the grid.

As for hacking other places, the US, Russia, and China certainly have the best hackers on tap, and counter-cyberterrorism. Things like the White House, DoD, etc. are going to have astronomically better security than Sony.

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