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Joe SA

Awesome Friend
May 9, 2014
South Africa
Amateur Radio Call Sign
These guys said they heard something about extra space available at NR`s place.
10,000 arrived in Munich TODAY from Hungary, they are rioting on the Greek Island of KOS demanding free passage into Europe, Germany said it will take 800,000, but that 800,000 have 8 million relatives ALL MUSLIM waiting to join them.

You are watching the fall of Europe LIVE.

What will happen in a years time when all these Muslims still don't have houses, jobs, cars and they se the other non integrating muslims living in squalor on welfare?? RIOTS like you have never seen before, RAPES on record levels ( ask the Swedes about that) How many of the 800,000 or those who follow are HAMAS, PLO, Al Quaeda, ISIS, Boko Harem etc.

I dot like admitting it but I'm scared witless because our government is blind to what is going on.
I sure am glad that i moved from germany to the states at the right time...
It will be coming here soon. Our government will start letting them in on "humanitarian" grounds. "Our" government already allows 100k per year now. I'm willing to bet the US will commit to accept 1,000,000 or more by year end.
I rather have one million refugees here and help them back on their feet with jobs than all those people sitting here and waiting for hand outs. I see it every day. Low life trailer trash, smoking crack, staring at their new iphones and later dancing on the streets when the next welfare check comes.
Those refugees that come from a war zone that lost everything are most likely very willing to work to get back on their feet. Just saying. I rather have a million working immigrants here, paying taxes and being good citizens than 100000 lazy ass ghetto folks waiting for their next check, watching me in the morning getting ready to earn their money.
I rather have one million refugees here and help them back on their feet with jobs than all those people sitting here and waiting for hand outs. I see it every day. Low life trailer trash, smoking crack, staring at their new iphones and later dancing on the streets when the next welfare check comes.
Those refugees that come from a war zone that lost everything are most likely very willing to work to get back on their feet. Just saying. I rather have a million working immigrants here, paying taxes and being good citizens than 100000 lazy ass ghetto folks waiting for their next check, watching me in the morning getting ready to earn their money.
I think that's a little naïve to think they come here for jobs and to assimilate in to our culture. They should stay and fight for their own country. These are muslims, they do not assimilate, they take over and breed like rats. They come here for the handouts and welfare they can get. And of course our government will pay them with our tax money. If there are a million jobs for these people, then our own people should take them. Our welfare system is way too generous, especially with foreigners.
There are a billion jobs out here that our people could take but chose not to. I could hire 3 more full time guys but nobody is willing to work hard anymore. I came to the states and had a full time job within 2 weeks. And dozents of offers. If you want to work, there are plenty of opportunities.
There are a billion jobs out here that our people could take but chose not to. I could hire 3 more full time guys but nobody is willing to work hard anymore. I came to the states and had a full time job within 2 weeks. And dozents of offers. If you want to work, there are plenty of opportunities.
And that is exactly what is wrong with our welfare state. There are always jobs for those who want to work, but welfare has become too easy for the lazy slackers. I'm ok with limited immigration, provide that they come here with a needed skill and have adequate funding. But letting foreigners come in who have no skills and no money just because some people want to feel good about "saving" the world is wrong. I feel that all welfare and government handouts for able bodied people should be eliminated. There are plenty of jobs our own people.
It's a really bad situation. With the eu taking in tens of thousands, and mayby even the U.S. taking in a million, right now there are 60 million refugees. It's not even close to fixing the problem. I'm ok with helping out someone who's willing to work and help themselves out, but really agree with marv with we need to re assess our welfare system. If you're able bodied enough to answer a phone, then that's what you need to be doing. Helping someone short term is fine, but giving someone a check for life is crap.
so strange that 99% of those "refugees" are all men between little women and children among those....and these suckers here goes for every sad story told..

our pm got screewd really good,some "refugee "claimed to be 17 and someone dug up some other info,guy is a lot older and had been fighting too,pics of him with assult rifle and gear and guy had been living in Germany before..
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From what I am reading over half are Christians and not muslims but coming from the Middle East and Africa it's hard to till whats true and what isn't. Slovakia is Welcoming Christian Migrants but are Rejecting the Muslims, I know some in Austria are starting to call for the same, I heard the same from a few in Germany and it appears Great Britain threaten Merkel over the migration that David Cameron said that he can leave the EU given that the majority would now vote to leave the EU if a referendum was held today, this all came after Merkel chastise GB for not taking in more migrants.

I'm sure this administration would allow the rejected muslims from Europe, the Finnish PM Juha stated his house is open to the migrants so Jontte get ready your PM just opened the doors ;)
The REAL GENUINE refugees are in camps n Hungary and Lebanon, These people pouring into Europe are just illegal immigrants and economic migrants.

Genuine refugees do NOT leave SAFE countries like Turkey or Hungary.

Genuine refugees do NOT Burn their papers and passports

Genuine refugees do NOT refuse to register as Refugees in safe countries

Genuine refugees do NOT refuse to go to safe UN/EU refugee camps

Genuine refugees do NOT demand transport across multiple safe countries

Genuine refugees do NOT demand and cherry pick which countries with the most lavish welfare systems they go to,
These are just illegal immigrants taking advantage of the conflict to flood into Europe.
Maverick, I'll fear the worst is just about to start here,my "beloved" PM Sipilä has only 4 houses and tons of cash and if any damages come to his soon to be muslim house,all repairs will come from the average taxpayers pockets,not his...wouldn't wonder if some teacher of mine wants us to do some "voluntary" work at some illegal housing center doing healt checks on them...
if it would be real,legitimate refugees,you know like women and children sent away under harms way,different ball game totally,but for men 20-40 no way

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