South Africa: it's starting

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Did Anyone see the video of the White Man stripped and beaten to death in the road way . Everybody just drove around Him . Think about the LA riots certain parts of the U.S could look like that in a few years . It would be regional . It wouldn't thrive well in much of this Country .
Must be all that "white privilege" I keep hearing about.
Seriously, if you're white, and in SA, you really need to get the hell out of dodge.....No matter how you do it, or how many laws you break...being DEAD won't help you either. Time to leave. (and let them all starve, like they have been doing in Zimbabwe).

The world at large obviously seems to be ignoring this state-sanctioned genocide, so I say screw 'em, let 'em starve. Of course, rescuing these white farmers would be considered "racist", I'm sure.

Amazes me how many folks claim to hate racism, and yet, if it's against whites, it's just ignored. I'm all for equal treatment, but that means equal on all shades of the spectrum folks.
Yea time for the Afrikaans to create strong holds or leave . I know They would not leave to save Them selves but think of what will happen to the Women and Children .
Didn't the former leader's white wife get killed? I mean...c'mon, what do you need to know, to leave?
Australia has offered asylum status for white farmers fleeing the country.

That's racist.

"Dutton’s words sparked bombastic comments from Julius Malema, leader of South Africa’s radical left Economic Freedom Fighter party, which supported the constitutional motion.

“They must leave the keys to their tractors because we want to work the land, they must leave the keys to their houses because we want to stay in those houses. They must leave everything they did not come here with in South Africa and go to Australia,” Malema said at a Human Rights Day rally Wednesday calling Australia a “racist country.”

Too bad they can't be forced to leave their knowledge, eh Malema? Have fun eating USAID box lunches in a couple years, you can thank me later. You prick.
I fear a slow motion genocide as the whites are worn down bit by bit just like the Jews in Germany were for years until it was realised that the world was not going to intervene, then open genocide.
Multi culturalism is dead, everywhere you go the races and colours are slowly but surely coalescing into mono colour and mon faith clusters be it towns, cities, counties etc. many city centers across the world are now predominantly black, Asian or white and the others are migrating away to the burb or the boonies
Multi culturalism is dead, everywhere you go the races and colours are slowly but surely coalescing into mono colour and mon faith clusters be it towns, cities, counties etc. many city centers across the world are now predominantly black, Asian or white and the others are migrating away to the burb or the boonies

I suppose there have always been places, cities, where many cultures existed. Trade route crossroads, the mega cities of the Old World.

But for most of history, people still had their own places. If you were Japanese in the 1100's, and weren't a trader, how many non-Japanese did you see in your lifetime? You might see people from different clans, or whatever, but they were still Japanese.

And the same would have been true all over the world. My wife was talking about how terrific Scandinavia and Iceland are, and how they have much lower crime rates than the US. So (like a fool) I brought up mono-cultures, and racial and ethnic homogeneity, how until very only very recently, those countries were filled with people who were born there, whose families stretched back in some cases past written records, who were proud to have been born there and in the ways that mattered, looked like and had the same concerns and enjoyed many of the same things as their neighbors, and the guy down the hill, and across the pond. Members of a group, and that group made up the country. So the society encouraged being a good person, the State wasn't as required.

Apparently, that's racist thinking.

Multi culturalism brings a certain amount of stress, and strife. In some cases, extremism. Us against them. It's no surprise to me that people would want to return to a simpler time. There's my friend over there, I know it because he is EASY TO IDENTIFY.

I'm not sure it's a racial thing. We evolved to identify the "tiger in the grass", we recognize things that are out of place in our environment. It's hard wired in, to a point.

I could go to Sweden, and I wouldn't look too much different. (I would only stand out due to my good looks).

Africa? Not so much. It's just human nature.
multi culturalism is a fantasy of politicians, it'll never happen, people of all races and all cultures will by human nature stay around their own kind, its what they know and where they feel safe, its been that way for all of human existence.
I'm not sure it's a racial thing

Just part of it.

ANY difference, is enough to cause us to divide and surround ourselves with like folks. I'm a pretty colorblind guy, but that won't change the fact that I don't like rap music, or most Asian foods, or Middle Eastern music, etc. So, it isn't just a racial thing, it's pure cultural differences that make us self segregate.

I just enjoy folks' differences, and accept the fact that we are all different. I think that's where the clashes happen, when we try and force one to adapt to the ways of another, no matter which way that goes. Why we can't just each do our own thing....

I worked with 3 black gals in my college learning team. For 3 years, we all became great friends. In Saudi Arabia, my class of about 14 kids, were from about 8 different nations (including Germany, France, some Slavic one I couldn't pronounce then, and Japan). We all simply accepted how we were different, and it never was an issue.
Let me see if I can give a good example of how multi-culturalism works.

Take 5 or 10 various leftover paint cans and mix them up. You always get 1 color: pink. Who wants to use that color? Anyone here have a pink house? Pink rooms (please say no, even if it's a little girl's room)? Pink cars?

Another example? Tools. A hammer is a hammer. We've all used a wrench as a hammer, but it was a lousy hammer. And I've used a screwdriver as a pry bar, a few times & ruined the screwdriver. So a hammer isn't any better than a wrench. But when I need a hammer, I need a hammer and not a wrench.

When you mix a bunch of things up, you get a mess. I'm not saying one is better than another. I am saying they are different. When you mix things up, you typically end up with the worst of both.
No worries SGS, we will still have lots of differences within individual 'cultures'. Just because I want to keep all the jihadi nutjobs out of Europe and keep them in the country that they destroyed, that is not racism.

Just look across Europe, LOTS of varieties going on before the invasion. You just didn't have nearly as many rapes/assaults/murders as they have now.
I think some of our ideas though, of different cultures, are a bit tainted. For example, most in the US probably see all muslims as terrorists. This is really a minority. Having lived over there a while, most are just like you and me, and hospitality is HUGE in their culture...(when not dealing with the nutballs). Even here, in the country, we have a local Arab who runs one of the gas stations, and he's a pretty stand up guy. Can't paint all with a broad brush though either.... ;)

But, back to South Africa, this is straight up racism, black against white, where the state has basically given free reign for black farmers to kill white ones....and you'd have to be an idiot to be white and stay there. I'm all for fighting for what you believe in, but sometimes you gotta cut bait and live to fight another day also.

Look at Zimbabwe. They did the same. Now, they starve, and BEG the white farmers to come back. The answer is a resounding NOPE....screw you pal. (as it should be).
Gazrok, I've got a box with a snake in it, I want you to stick you hand in there & pet it. Oh, what type of snake? No worries, there's a 95% chance that it's a non-venomous type. And maybe 1/2 of the venomous ones won't bite. So very little chance of you dying. Come on, G, stick your hand in there. No???

Same for muslims. Which ones are violent now? Which ones will turn violent tomorrow? They are the religion of war. They have been so for 1300 years, and it's not getting better.

Regarding SA & Zimbabwe, I have no issue with both countries starving. Let 75% of their population starve, then we can move the white farmers back in to rebuild the nation. I want zero 'humanitarian food' to show up before then. The only other major group there are the diamond mines, but those are like the mafia, no chance of the wackos stopping that. Anyone notice that the blacks didn't challenge the white diamond mine operators! That war would not go well for the blacks...
Gazrok, I've got a box with a snake in it, I want you to stick you hand in there & pet it. Oh, what type of snake? No worries, there's a 95% chance that it's a non-venomous type. And maybe 1/2 of the venomous ones won't bite. So very little chance of you dying. Come on, G, stick your hand in there. No???

Same for muslims. Which ones are violent now?

One could really apply that to nearly any group. No race/religion/nationality/culture, etc. is "whacko free".

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