Multi culturalism is dead, everywhere you go the races and colours are slowly but surely coalescing into mono colour and mon faith clusters be it towns, cities, counties etc. many city centers across the world are now predominantly black, Asian or white and the others are migrating away to the burb or the boonies
I suppose there have always been places, cities, where many cultures existed. Trade route crossroads, the mega cities of the Old World.
But for most of history, people still had their own places. If you were Japanese in the 1100's, and weren't a trader, how many non-Japanese did you see in your lifetime? You might see people from different clans, or whatever, but they were still Japanese.
And the same would have been true all over the world. My wife was talking about how terrific Scandinavia and Iceland are, and how they have much lower crime rates than the US. So (like a fool) I brought up mono-cultures, and racial and ethnic homogeneity, how until very only very recently, those countries were filled with people who were born there, whose families stretched back in some cases past written records, who were proud to have been born there and in the ways that mattered, looked like and had the same concerns and enjoyed many of the same things as their neighbors, and the guy down the hill, and across the pond. Members of a group, and that group made up the country. So the society encouraged being a good person, the State wasn't as required.
Apparently, that's racist thinking.
Multi culturalism brings a certain amount of stress, and strife. In some cases, extremism. Us against them. It's no surprise to me that people would want to return to a simpler time. There's my friend over there, I know it because he is EASY TO IDENTIFY.
I'm not sure it's a racial thing. We evolved to identify the "tiger in the grass", we recognize things that are out of place in our environment. It's hard wired in, to a point.
I could go to Sweden, and I wouldn't look too much different. (I would only stand out due to my good looks).
Africa? Not so much. It's just human nature.