Maybe I'm a little of topic here, but I just needed to say this... Don't we just love those who genuinely come to us with a real will for coexistence and peace? Nelson Mandela... What a nice man, and I mean it, but it's a mistake, to ignore the fact that there will come a day when he is not around anymore... and it's one of the worst... Yes... I believe that Nelson Mandela wanted peace, and that his vision of a free South Africa was a vision for all races to live happily ever after, and in coexistence and peace, but he is not around anymore, and the white population is now surrounded by people who are not as peaceful as Nelson Mandela... This can develop into a real holocaust for the white population of South Africa, because they didn't insist on dividing South Africa into two separate countries... one for the white population, and one for the black... Too often we are blinded by the Gandhi's of the world... Ignoring the fact that they will not always be around to protect us...