Spam emails.....

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HamRadio/Office of Emergency Services/Fire-EMT-SAR
Nov 13, 2012
Squaw Valley, California, USA, EARTH
Hello gang. I have going on 5 weeks now been getting spam emails mostly from the government of south africa, as advertised. These emails claim that I have uncliamed moneys from the amounts of 1.5 mil to 6 mil and are being held awaiting confirmation of my identity and the reciept of my identity details.
When I first started getting these emails I knew it was a scam and as always I was copying and pasring them in a file with dates. After several of them I contacted the local FBI office with no return contact. I eventually called and called leaving messages until I finally got a return call by a local agent. He listened to me and then replied that I should just delete them. This was not what I wanted to hear. I had hope more would be done.
Now 3 more weeks has passed and I have 14 more emails copied and pasted into my file. I called the agent back and after a few messages he finally called me back and I expressed to him my concern that these emails were continuing and the FBI did not seem interested. He asked me what I thought should be done. I asked him why I could not respond to these emails and give them what they were asking for and FBI could monitor everything and catch these bitches. I told him I have no credit or money as well as no bank accounts that they could hurt and I was willing to stick my neck out in an attempt to catch some of these asses. He said it's too costly and it takes too much resources and it's likely that they would never be caught.
The last few emails I have recieved have been from the FBI and they are using FBI email addresses and using several real FBI agent names.
The following is the actual email.................................................
Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI)
Anti-Terrorist And Monitory Crime Division.
J.Edgar.Hoover Building Washington Dc
Customers Service Hours / Monday To Saturday
Office Hours Monday to Saturday:

Dear Beneficiary,

Series of meetings have been held over the past 7 months with the secretary general of the United Nations Organization. This ended few days ago. It is obvious that you have not received your fund which is to the tune of $2.5 Million USD due to past corrupt Governmental Officials who almost held the fund to themselves for their selfish reason and some individuals who have taken advantage of your fund all in an attempt to swindle your fund which has led to so many losses from your end and unnecessary delay in the receipt of your fund.

The National Central Bureau of Interpol enhanced by the United Nations and we the Federal Bureau of Investigation based Washington Dc have successfully passed a mandate to the current president of Nigeria his Excellency President Good luck Jonathan to boost the exercise of clearing all foreign debts owed to you and other individuals and organizations who have been found not to have receive their Contract/Inheritance Sum, winning Gambling & Lottery sum. We have send letter of notification to your home address through mailbox to inform you about this but the letter was returned undelivered so we decide to let you know about it through your email address because it is the only option left to us . we want you to tell us how you will like to receive your payment worth $2.5 Million USD as it have been approved to be paid to you without anymore delay or obstacles, we have two method of payment which is by ATM card or by Certify Bank Draft so you are to select.

ATM Card: It will be issued to you with a custom pin which you will be using to withdraw up to $10,000.00 per day from any ATM machine that has the Master Card Logo on it and the card have to be renewed in 4 years time which is 2016. Also with the ATM card you will be able to transfer your funds to your local bank account. The ATM card comes with a handbook or manual to enlighten you about how to use it even if you do not have a bank account.

Certify Bank Draft: It will be deposited in your bank for it to be cleared within three working days. Your fund will be paid to you via any of your preferred payment options as mentioned to you and it will be sent to you via a delivery company.

Below are few list of tracking numbers you can track from Delivery Company website to confirm people like you who have received their payment successfully for long and we are surprised that you have not received yours.

Name: H.ABBAN: FedEx Tracking number 876555810411 (

Name: E.GARCIA: FedEx Tracking number 875785927180 (
Name: Dale Wayne Rivard: DHL Tracking Number: 1747843624 (

In order to redeem your fund, you are hereby advised to contact barrister Williams Kenth, he is our representative in Africa and also the one in-charge of your fund now? once you contact him, he will make every necessary arrangement that will necessitate the safety delivery of your funds Via ATM Card or Certify Bank Draft depending on which payment method you prefer. Below is his Contact information's.

Name:Barrister Williams Kenth

Email: [email protected]

In the process of contacting him, You are advised to reconfirm your delivery information and your preferred payment method as stated below.

Your full Name..
Your Delivery Address:..............
Mobile Phone Number:..............
Preferred Payment Method (ATM Card / Certify Bank Draft)

PLEASE NOTE: do not forget to reconfirm the above information to him, once the information's is been reconfirmed, Barrister Williams Kenth will ensure that your package is sent to you within 48 working hours.

Thanks and remain bless.

Agent Nicolas Story

Contact Barrister Williams Kenth now, he will be waiting to hear from you so that he can start making every necessary arrangement that will necessitate the safety delivery of your funds to your nominated home address and Do disregard any email you get from any impostors or offices claiming to be in possession of your funds, you are advice only to be in contact with Barrister Williams Kenth who is the rightful person to deal with in regards to your funds and forward any emails you get from impostors to this office so we could act upon and commence investigation.
These idiots are real persistant and even though they are breaking US Laws the FBI has no interest in the information I have and don't seem to want to do anything about it.
I wish I could get involved somehow. I'm not gulable but i'm concerned about someone who might believe these are real and get suckered into something that would devastate their finances.
Heck, my girlfreinds father purchased a ticket to the moon but that wasn't an email scam but he fell for it. Who else will fall for this crap?
one email actually had a story that a woman in the states had past away leaving millions and guess what? she had the same last name as my moms maiden name. They are sneaky and do research to find an edge to use against the unaware.
Anyway, I don't think I have to warn anyone here about these emails, all us preppers are 10 fold smarter than these idiots. beware though, and tell your freinds too.
I really wish I could help put these @$#&*$@# away.
Yeah, I get those on an unbelievably regular basis. I reported them too and had the same outcome. No one was interested in doing anything. Apparently it's too common and the frequency of people that fall for it is just not worth it. I think if more people got tricked they would be more serious about it.

I did see a show about a guy who was following up on this stuff(With the scammers) and actually meeting with them to discuss the terms of the "Investment". He would go all the way, even giving them checks and cash while having cameras hidden. Then they ended up busting the guys and turning all the film over the the feds. They were almost always African, but there were some who were European and even Middle Easterners. I thought it was wild that they had found out that this is really a world wide scam that has thousands of people involved in it tricking law abiding people out of their money. Sickening.
Yeah, about 90% of all of them were from some gov't agency somewhere in africa. You know the minority of these people are not those who live out in the bush and villiages, I believe it's the ones in the bigger cities and I have a feeling it's some of the whites in the southern areas involved in the huge corporate crime monopolies. I think something more should be done and I still have the desire to stick my neck out to help stop it. I'm not a snitch but when something threatens myself, my family or freinds and my community it's time to step up. I have a saying, "you can do what you want but don't step on my toes", I believe in it strongly. The FBI agent told me it wasn't a good idea for me to reply to these emails with aggresive language, haha, yeah right, if they can get away with trying to steal money from me without consequence then I surely can reply calling them whatever I want without consequence. I never threaten them because I may, and wouldn't be surprized if I came under attack from law enforcement with allogations of terrorist threats, that would not surprize me at all. Maybe thats why it continues because the US agencies will not do anything. It's like county officials here in fresno, a traffic accident at an intersection with only one road with stop signs is where a mom and two children were killed and the counties unofficial findings were that there had not been enough people killed to warrant a change. Thats BS. I guess not enough people have had their life savings stolen to warrant a change. Thats sad. I bet if a FBI agent or a state politician had this happen to them they'd launch a huge thing and put a stop to it ASAP.
Why not forward them onto the respective FED Agent.
Here in the UK, we can contact someone from our local Council e.g. [email protected] or [email protected]. If they have e-mail addresses similar, why not do that and they might get miffed enough to do something about it if you send enough...
I get lots of them too but mainly into my Hotmail account and I just highlight it and click on report as Phishing.
I have also created a template that basically tells them that the e-mail has been deleted without being read and they’re wasting their time, along with a picture of the bear on the right as the background lol
Yeah, it's sad that people fall for these things and never will the law enforcement do anything about it. I get really steamed because there are LAWS against this crap. Thats why we have Law ENFORCEMENT to keep stuff like this from happening but they don't care because it's not THEIR job. I gotta ask, What the HELL are we paying them for? Bunch of moochers are what they are.

One more thing about scams like this. If it's too good to be true, then it probally is...
Yeah, it's sad that people fall for these things and never will the law enforcement do anything about it. I get really steamed because there are LAWS against this crap. Thats why we have Law ENFORCEMENT to keep stuff like this from happening but they don't care because it's not THEIR job. I gotta ask, What the HELL are we paying them for? Bunch of moochers are what they are.

One more thing about scams like this. If it's too good to be true, then it probably is...

I know how you feel, Our Government won't do anything either.

What makes me laugh is that America (The Gov't) wants to be the Internet Police and lay down the Internet Law for the whole WORLD.

IT AINT GONNA HAPPEN. There are still borders over the Internet, we have our OWN laws for each country, heck - even the TV Broadcasters do a better job than the Gov't. If I try to watch a preview of one of my favourite TV shows - The Walking Dead, I cant because I am not in America. It goes the same way for you guys, you try watching a broadcast from one of my Countries channels, ITV, BBC, C4,C5, Sky and so on - you can't. Simply because you’re NOT in that Country, but there are ways to get round this....

Take file sharing - P2P. Most people do it. I have found out that my ISP don’t care. as P2P is a HUGE market, look at the console market - XboX, Wii, PS1/2/3 and Internet gaming - it's ALL P2P. I don’t think that they will be shutting down P2P any-time soon and they're NOT gonna start banning everyone as they would soon run out of customers and then they would be screwed

The only way you get caught file sharing is if one of the many huge AMERICAN FILM Companies catch you. And it AINT even them, its a person trawling the net for certain data packets and all they do is inform the ISP that SOMEONE is file sharing and the details of the file share.
The ISP then contact the address given and issue a WARNING, It should be 3 strikes and then they close you down and ban you from the internet but that’s bull. They want the business so they WONT ban you.

And, anyways, you can leech the P2P market of whatever you want, music, films/TV, games but it's when you start sharing the stuff that you have got is when they can get you as I HAVE BEEN TOLD THIS BY AN ACTUAL ISP.
Also, it would cause chaos as we have something in UK called 'Distance Selling'
This only applies the The UK, NOT USA, China, EUROPE OR ANYWHERE ELSE.
The whole internet laws would have to be re-written and I DON’T think another Country wants to be made to follow some other Countries laws. I'd bet The US doesn’t,,,


  • The Consumer Protection - Distance Selling Regulations 2000.pdf
    69.2 KB · Views: 0
Anytime I see anything from Nigeria or even Africa I delete it.

What you could do is create rules for your e-mail program to delete and/or send replies back to them.
I have just done a search and within 5 minutes fount this site with a list of domains such as .com .au .nz and so on...
you could easily set up rules to delete anything from Africa but there are many of them - if you wanted to block them all that would ensure nothing from Africa would get through.
These emails claim that I have unclaimed moneys from the amounts of 1.5 mil to 6 mil and are being held awaiting confirmation of my identity and the reciept of my identity details.
I've got same sh**t Shoot but not any more. I've answered them with short message like this: "HAHAHAHA I Know. You've found me. Now I 'll find you."
or: "It is not politely to steal with phishing mails" they are kinda connected so they stop to chase me. I started to play with them and I left my real cell phone number, and they did call me :eek:wned: with stupid English accent :D. Just to mention that Bosnia and Herzegovina (EUROPE) where I live has enormous big costs for calling from outside country. They will do what ever it takes to get your money, so it is up to You how to play with them. You should play otherwise Your inbox will not be left alone.:america:
They use servers out of registered zone, mostly untraceable mail servers like you mention .cn, so it is really hard to trace them. Just get them to know their game and you will be left alone.

There should be a law that says all auto-emailers have to be turned off on holidays.
The spammers go on holiday, can't they leave our inboxes alone on that day too?
I've got same sh**t Shoot but not any more. I've answered them with short message like this: "HAHAHAHA I Know. You've found me. Now I 'll find you."
or: "It is not politely to steal with phishing mails" they are kinda connected so they stop to chase me. I started to play with them and I left my real cell phone number, and they did call me :eek:wned: with stupid English accent :D. Just to mention that Bosnia and Herzegovina (EUROPE) where I live has enormous big costs for calling from outside country. They will do what ever it takes to get your money, so it is up to You how to play with them. You should play otherwise Your inbox will not be left alone.:america:
They use servers out of registered zone, mostly untraceable mail servers like you mention .cn, so it is really hard to trace them. Just get them to know their game and you will be left alone.
I have so many emails they can't find the right one. I dump them all into my main and never give it out. If they find one of my used emails, I just turn it off.
I've recently answered to one of them on that way: "HAHAHAHAHAHAA" in milion lines. :) so he/she never mail me again.
I've recently answered to one of them on that way: "HAHAHAHAHAHAA" in milion lines. :) so he/she never mail me again.
Kinda makes you miss the good old days when you could use an airhorn on the phone for those annoying phone calls !!!!!!!!!!hahahahaha
You know the phrase there's not enough hours in a day?
Well I don't think in hours.
I think in computer sessions.