My Mom is a type 1 diabetic, my Father has Alzheimer's, my uncle who lives with my parents is special needs (mentally handicapped, but can talk, walk, feed himself, take care of his own hygiene, and loves anything architecture!) My daughter who will be 5 soon, is special needs she has hydrocephalus, which is fluid on the brain and has had 3 nuerosugeries before she was 3 months old, she has a shunt, one of her surgeries was to place the shunt at a week old. Her shunt has worked beautifully and never has had any issues. However, that being said she may need multiple nuerosugeries in her lifetime. She is also epileptic, she has anti seizure medications that work really well and she doesn't have any major seizures while on the medication. She sometimes has one or two mini seizures that last about a half minute. Her other two nuerosugeries were for her encephalocele that was caused by her hydrocephalus. She is currently in preschool, she walks (started about a year ago), she doesn't talk yet. My husband and I are both relatively healthy. I do have a thyroid issue, and he has somewhat higher cholesterol, but his is genetic. A friend of mine whose daughter also has seizures, suggested having CBD oil. I'm sure I could stock up on that as well as learn to grow it. My Mother taught me how to garden from a young age. I know that diabetics used to get their insulin from pig pancreas, when my Mom was first diagnosed that's what was used. I know that insulin can be stored for 6 months. My Uncle who is special needs is actually really healthy, I think the only medication he is on is anxiety medication. I do have a sister who doesn't have any children, she is married. My question is how do I prepare for all of my family members? Can I?
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