speeding ticket

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Awesome Friend
Apr 3, 2013
deep east texas
two Texas highway patrol officers were conducting speeding enforcement on hey 77,just south of kingsville Texas.one of the officers used a hand held radar device to evaluate speeding vehicle approaching the town of kingsville.they were suddenly surprised,when the gun screamed and read 300 mph and climbing.the officer attempted to reset the radar gun,but it just powered off.as this was taking place,a deafening roar was heard over the mesquite treetops,revealing that the radar had locked onto a USMC F/A-18 hornet,which was engaged in a low flying exercise near it's home base kingsville.back at the Texas highway patrol headquarters in corpus Christi,the patrol captain fired off a nasty gram to the us naval base commander in kingsville for jamming and ultimately shutting down his equipment.the reply came back in true USMC style.

sir,thank you for your letter....
you will be interested to know that the tactical computer in our hornet had detected the presence of.and subsequently locked onto,your perceived hostile radar equipment.and automatically sent a jamming signal it,which is why it was rendered useless.furthermore, a "stinger " air-to-ground missile aboard the aircraft automatically locked onto your equipment's position.
fortunately for you,the marine pilot aboard the hornet recognizing the situation for what it was,quickly responded to the missile alert warning,and overrode the automated defense system before a Launce occurred.neutralizing your perceived hostile radar location.between you and i,i'm positive you feel fortunate enough to thank him later....the pilot suggests you cover your mouths when cussing at them,our video systems are ultra high tech.furthermore he states that "the police officer should inspect his equipment more carefully as the snap is broken on his holster. it is further stated on the tapes that the pilot noticed your officer also has a chipped front tooth.

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