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New Friend
Nov 13, 2012
I'm giving a persuasive speech this weekend to my college class about disaster preparedness. Wish me luck! I think it's important that we spread the word about prepping. However, seeing as I am new to the subject, I'm not sure what to add and what not to add. What basic information should I provide in my speech? Thanks for the help! I'll be sure to mention the forums while speaking!
One of the First Things To Consider in MY opinion is, at minimun, a short term supply of food, ( Cans of Chunky Soups , Ravioli Etc,) where you don't necessarily need a heat source to eat......And Obviousls accessability to a Water Source......Stored, bottled, Well Access, Stream et, al.........Oh Yeah. a can opener (P-38) would help.. LOL
I agree with both these ideas.
A person could live close to 2 weeks w/o food, but only about 3 days w/o water.
Climate and area are important too, ie: in the desert, youll burn body water quicker, so you may want more water, where as if your in snow, theres water everywhere and you may want to concentrait more on food supplys.
If your talking disasters like katrina or sandy, a 72 hr kit may do the trick, but id always go more in case your evacuated for a longer time, or you have nothing to come back too.
Tbh, imho, the greatest threat today with people is lack of awareness on what could happen.
Lool at New York, bet if you told them Sandy was coming a year ago, youd be loony. thats what everyone thinks, till it actually happens to them.
I make prepping a way of life that way when shtf my way of life is not disturbed, its routien. That way when **** goes down IM in controll, its not in control of me.
I hope this helps!
I would ask them this simple question, one that I ask my friends and family often... "If the stores were empty, your water and power supply gone and you had to live for a week off of what is in your home...would you survive? 3 days even?" If their answer is no, which it most likely will be, then they need to prepare. Mention that being a prepper doesn't mean that you are like the ppl on the show who dedicate a ton of money and time to their preps...a prepper can simply be prepping for a winter storm, or act of nature that would keep them stuck at home for a while...it happens all the time. Just this past summer my whole area from my part of Ohio all the way into northeastern indiana and further was without power for 3 days up to 2 weeks depending where you live. It was HOT...no a/c no power for fans or anything. The stores were closed, gas stations...everything, it was a wake up call for sure.
I would simply start at the begginning.
That begginning is responsibility. For yourself, and your loved ones.
Though we live in a socialist thinking nation, it takes time for government to do anything. (scratch that socialist thing, though the truth, it would interfere with the message at hand)
oh yeah responsibility,
this should be the begginning word, it should also be used periodically throughout.
exactly what is in the middle is nearly errelevent, you cant cover it all, and anyone stay awake through it.
I would simply use modern, known history. Katrina, Sandy. some still dont have power, etc.
Stress how important the smallest of emergencys are. even a first aid kit in your home.
The people with a fire extinguisher in their home is a prepper, the ones with 2 blankets, and a change of clothes in thier trunk are preppers.
Preppers come in every distinction. Its recognising your responsibility to have some control over your welfare, that is preparedness.
Disasters come in all sizes, If you show up at a car crash, in the winter, and all the glasses are broken out, it IS A DISASTER for those fighting for thier lives. The fire extinguisher in your trunk, and the covers, may save thiers, or yours.
and your speach should end with.
Its your responsibility.

This is just opinion. I am no speach writer.
Thanks everyone for the great ideas! I'm going to try and find a way to employ each one of them in my speech. I'll let you know how it goes as well!
The speech went well. I just hope I got through to everyone....
You should have taped it, it would have been nice to have it here on the site. Maybe you could start a thread with your transcripts?