I would simply start at the begginning.
That begginning is responsibility. For yourself, and your loved ones.
Though we live in a socialist thinking nation, it takes time for government to do anything. (scratch that socialist thing, though the truth, it would interfere with the message at hand)
oh yeah responsibility,
this should be the begginning word, it should also be used periodically throughout.
exactly what is in the middle is nearly errelevent, you cant cover it all, and anyone stay awake through it.
I would simply use modern, known history. Katrina, Sandy. some still dont have power, etc.
Stress how important the smallest of emergencys are. even a first aid kit in your home.
The people with a fire extinguisher in their home is a prepper, the ones with 2 blankets, and a change of clothes in thier trunk are preppers.
Preppers come in every distinction. Its recognising your responsibility to have some control over your welfare, that is preparedness.
Disasters come in all sizes, If you show up at a car crash, in the winter, and all the glasses are broken out, it IS A DISASTER for those fighting for thier lives. The fire extinguisher in your trunk, and the covers, may save thiers, or yours.
and your speach should end with.
Its your responsibility.
This is just opinion. I am no speach writer.